Humanoid Robots Human-like Machines Part 11 pps
... including some implementations on humanoid robots (Driscoll et al., 1998; Breazeal and Scasselatti, 1999; Stasse et al., 2000; Vijayakumar et Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 420 Figure 12. Reaction ... of the stepping with both legs motion classifies data to the blanket environment Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 418 The effectiveness of the proposed control sys...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 07:23
... 543 212 2111 221 2 211 22 2 2 1 3344 3443222442 233 2111 441 13 3112 2144 332 211 22 4 2 3 2 2 2 15 43344242233241 4113 31 122144332 211 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 14323231 3112 21 332 211 2 3 2 2 2 131221 2 211 2 2 2 1 211 2 111 1 ))]2/(cos(2))2/(cos(2)cos(2 ))2/(cos()cos()cos(([ ))])2/(cos(2))2/(cos(2 )cos(2))2/(cos(2)cos(2 )cos(2))2/(cos(2)cos(2 )cos(2)cos(2))2/(cos()cos( )cos()cos()cos(([ ))]...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 07:23
... joint actuators. Humanoid robots are inevitably restricted to a limited amount of energy supply. It would therefore be 368 Humanoid Robots, New Developments hand, to design robots and systems ... reliable performance of humanoid robots. The stability issues of humanoid robot walking are the crucial point in the process of control synthesis. In view of this humanoid walking...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 07:23
Humanoid Robots - New Developments Part 12 ppsx
... propose a method, as combination of automatic precondition part construction and automatic determination of the consequent 392 Humanoid Robots, New Developments active mechanical DOFs at each ... state. Fig. 11. Kinematic scheme of a 38-DOFs biped locomotion system used in simulation as the kinematic model of the human body referred to in the experiments. 394 Humanoid Robots, N...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 07:23
Humanoid Robots - New Developments Part 15 ppsx
... Point Relations. • Because each body part is processed separately, each joint model has to be added twice, once to each associated body part. 490 Humanoid Robots, New Developments conditions. ... in the humanoid robot research. They have the most complex robots with the most similar human resemblance. They believe in a complete immersion of the robots in a future society, wh...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 07:23
Humanoid Robots Human-like Machines Part 6 ppsx
... these requirements, we define the reward function as ( ) .r 2 nnnn θθθ −−= ++ 11 exp (8) Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 224 various gradients and through addition of impulsive disturbances ... an impulse with a varying amplitude and a fixed duration equal to )( 12 tt − . Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 210 across more complex obstacles. Furthermore, in the rea...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 07:23
Humanoid Robots Human-like Machines Part 7 pps
... Vol.2, pp. 1620- 1626, ISBN: 0-7803-7736-2, Taipei, September 2003, IEEE Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 256 humanoid, the upper body (above the chest) is not twisted and is planned to ... the humanoid because the developed gait modules are based on the ZMP criterion. The flow chart of Gait Selector according to the design policy in Subsection Humanoid Robots, Human-like...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 07:23
Humanoid Robots Human-like Machines Part 10 pps
... human body parts tracker Figure 9. Tracking scenario including two persons with target out-of-sight. Target loss detection and automatic re-initialization Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines ... techniques 3030× Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 366 Leardini, A., Chiari, L., Croce, U. D., and Cappozzo, A. (2005). Human movement analysis using stereophotogrammetry Part...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 07:23
Humanoid Robots Human-like Machines Part 13 ppsx
... n1(eps); Variable delay parameter Table 2. Connection Notation Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 510 +−+−+−== 119 753 !11 1 !9 1 !7 1 !5 1 !3 1 sin)( θθθθθθθθ y (20) Fig.12 shows the result ... )1(O )3(O )5(O )7(O )9(O )11( O )13(O )15(O θ y -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 12. Approximate triangle function by neural network Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 07:23
Humanoid Robots Human-like Machines Part 14 pps
... modules: view- Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 546 and successfully verified the feasibility through the demonstrations of human and humanoid robot interactions with AIM Lab’s humanoids. 2. ... )( 2 tw x & : |||| )( )1()1( 2 )1()1( 2 )1( )1( 1 )1()( 2 )1()1( 2 ++ ++ + + +++ ∧ ∧ += ∧∧= t d w t w t d w t w t d w t d w w t d w t w t d w t w px px r p p bl pxpx && &am...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 07:23