... Open Access Post-coital intra-cerebral venous hemorrhage in a 78-year-old man with jugular valve incompetence: a case report Beatrice Albano 1 , Carlo Gandolfo 1 , Massimo Del Sette 2* Abstract Introduction: ... Spontaneous intra-cerebral hemorrhage can occur in patients with venous disease due to obstructed venous outflow. Case presentation: We report...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo y học: "Post-coital intra-cerebral venous hemorrhage in a 78-year-old man with jugular valve incompetence: a case report" pot
... 63:247-253. doi:10.1186/1752-1947-4-225 Cite this article as: Albano et al.: Post-coital intra-cerebral venous hemorrhage in a 78-year-old man with jugular valve incompetence: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2010 ... Klingebiel R, Valdueza JM: Internal jugular vein valve incompetence and intracranial venous anatomy in transient global amnesia...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:23
... activity in patients attaining particular disease activity states after 1 year of therapy. Patients who achieved low disease activity or remission at 1 year attained a low disease activity state within ... treatment. Recent analyses in a large cohort of clinical trial patients have revealed that baseline disease activity is already somewhat related to disease activity at 1 year of the...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:23
Báo cáo y học: "Sleep structure and sleepiness in chronic fatigue syndrome with or without coexisting fibromyalgia" pdf
... associated with an arousal. Apnea was defined as a reduction in airflow to less than 10% of waking level in the nasal cannula and absent airflow in the oral thermistor, and hypopnea was defined as a decrease ... more than 15 seconds. Respiratory events were defined as any combination of apnea and hypopnea lasting at least 10 sec- onds or airflow suggesting flow limitation lasting...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:23
Báo cáo y học: "Association of common polymorphisms in known susceptibility genes with rheumatoid arthritis in a Slovak population using osteoarthritis patients as control" doc
... in male RA case- control sample. Table S12 lists the HLA-DRB1 association analysis results in female RA case- control sample. Table S13 lists the HLA-DRB1 association analysis results in RA ... genetic association in a RA-OA case- control set- ting in a Slovak population. Materials and methods Study participants A total of 520 Slovak individuals (87 males, 433 females)...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo y học: "Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung associated with bronchial atresia involving a different lobe in an adult patient: a case reportc" ppt
... exams. Discussion Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation has been diagnosed in association with other congenital lung mal- formations, such as bronchopulmonary sequestration, extralobar intra-abdominal sequestration ... risk of infection or malignant transformation (bronchioloalveo- lar carcinoma). Bronchial atresia and CCAM usually involve the same lobe and, although it has been stat...
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Báo cáo y học: " Healthcare utilization and costs in patients beginning pharmacotherapy for generalized anxiety disorder: a retrospective cohort study" docx
... pharmacy claim that was followed by a ≥28-day “gap” between the final therapy-day associated with that claim and the date of the next claim (if any) for such therapy. Thus, for example, if a ... encrypted, and the database is fully compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Information available for each facility and professional-servi...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:21
Báo cáo y học: "Increased frequency of metabolic syndrome among Vietnamese women with early rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional study" pps
... GD: Hypertension in rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology 2008, 47:1286-1298. 10. Inaba M, Tanaka K, Goto H, Sakai S, Yamada S, Naka H, Imanishi Y, Nishizawa Y: Independent association of increased trunk fat with increased ... first-degree relative having had a myocar- dial infarction or stroke before age 55 in males and 65 in females [31]. Physical activity was defined by the seven...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:22
Báo cáo y học: " Add-on therapy options in asthma not adequately controlled by inhaled corticosteroids: a comprehensive review" pps
... significant change within the FP or placebo groups and no treatment was associated with increased airway wall vascularity. Asthma exacerbations If there were a marked masking of pulmonary inflamma- tion ... R, Bamford T, Bao X, Bailey M, Wilson JW, Haydn WE: An antiinflammatory effect of salmeterol, a long-acting β 2 -agonist, assessed in airway biopsies and bron- choalveolar lavage...
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Báo cáo y học: " HIV-1 sequence evolution in vivo after superinfection with three viral strains" ppt
... GCA ACA 3'B2triple-taqman ACT AAT GTT ACA ATG TGC CTT T B2triple-probe TAA AAA ATG CTT TCC CTG GTC CCA TA 5'label 6-FAM Taqman strain specific assay AE 5'AEtriple-taqman TCA ATT ... CAT AAT AGT GCA CCT TAA TAA Nested PCR 3'tripleAE_3 CCA TTT TGT TCT ATT AAT CTC Nested PCR Taqman strain specific assay B1 5'B1/B2triple-taqman TTA ATT GTA CAA GAC CCA GCA ACA 3'B1tri...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22