Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 6 pps

Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 6 pps

Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 6 pps

... metallothioneins (MTs) based on their amino acid sequences. MT-I and MT-II are the most widely distributed, while MT-III and MT-IV are restricted to neuronal and squamous epithelial cells. MTs have a high affinity ... form mercaptides (i.e., X-Hg-SR and HgSR 2 , where X = an electronegative radical and R = a protein). Organic mercurials such as methylmercury form mercaptides, R-H...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22

19 332 0
Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 2 pps

Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 2 pps

... detecting one breast cancer through annual mammography in 4 0- to 50-year-old women has been esti- mated at $144,000. In the 5 5- to 65 -year-old group, it drops to $90,000. Legislators are required ... risk factor (i.e., of human origin). Risk assessment and carcinogenesis As already noted, this is the most complicated and least reliable area regard- ing the prediction of ri...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22

28 439 0
Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 7 pps

Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 7 pps

... been demonstrated. The group includes toluene (1-methylbenzene) and the xylenes (1, 2-, 1, 3-, and 1,4-dimethylbenzene), as well as ethylbenzene and cumene (isopropylbenzene). Dinitrobenzene is ... complex mixtures having nitro- gen- and sulfur-containing elements (e.g., gasoline and other petroleum- based products). Industrially, the uses of solvents are many and varied. They...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22

12 326 0
Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 10 pps

Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 10 pps

... filamentous), spore-forming fungi that also con- stitute a health hazard and which have historic, pharmacological signi - cance, but they are considered separately in Chapter 11. Some human health problems ... rat) and birds and is therefore viewed as a potential human teratogen. Acute effects in animals (including swine and poultry) include renal and hepatic destructi...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22

15 582 0
Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 1 pptx

Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 1 pptx

... such as -NH 2 , -OH, -SH, or -COOH. The oxidation reactions include N- and O-dealkylations, side-chain and aromatic hydroxylations, N-oxidation and hydroxylation, sulfoxide formation, and desulfuration. ... susceptible to drug-induced hemolytic anemia include glucose -6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G -6 - PD) deficiency and sickle cell ane- mia. A host of drugs, including antimalari...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22

59 379 0
Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 3 pptx

Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 3 pptx

... extreme and there may be short- or long-term effects on human health. Usual disposal methods for these substances include surface impoundments used in industry (45–55%), landfill sites (domestic and ... could be found. The PCB fire at St. Basile-le-Grand, Quebec, and the ©2001 CRC Press LLC Toxicants in the Great Lakes: implications for human health and wildlife While the G...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22

30 427 0
Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 4 potx

Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 4 potx

... in com- parison to 49 36 deaths from breast cancer, 362 2 from prostate cancer, 3 064 from motor vehicle accidents, and 66 5 from malignant melanoma. Air pol- lution obviously is an important health ... formaldehyde gas (see Chapter 2), other toxic chemicals, particulates such as asbestos fibers and fiberglass wool, and radon-source ionizing radiation (see Chapter 12). Airtight h...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22

26 711 0
Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 5 doc

Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 5 doc

... receptor and a basic helix-loop-helix- protein, Science , 252, 924–925, 1991. Landers, J.P. and Bunce, N.J., The Ah receptor and the mechanism of dioxin toxicity, Biochem. J. , 2 76, 273–278, ... rapidly and well absorbed from the gastrointes- tinal tract, metabolized through dihalocarbonyl compounds via the cyto- chrome P450-dependent, mixed-function oxidases to CO 2 a...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22

18 357 0
Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 8 pdf

Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 8 pdf

... percep- tions and beliefs regarding herbal therapies, Pharmacotherapy, 20, 83–87, 2000. Baily-Klepser, T. and Klepser, M.E., Unsafe and potentially safe herbal therapies, Am. J. Health- Syst. ... absorption of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I in rats, J. Pharmacol. Exper. Ther., 283, 61 1 61 8, 1997. Klassen, C.D., Amdur, M.O., and Doull, J., Eds., Casarett and Dou...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22

28 796 0
Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 9 pptx

Ecosystems and Human Health - Chapter 9 pptx

... diquat. O 2 N CHCH 2 CH 3 CH 3 NO 3 OH O 2 N CH 3 NO 2 OH DINOSEB ( 2-sec-buty 1-4 , 6- dinitropheno1 ) DNOC ( 4, 6- dinitro-o-cresol ) H 3 CCH 3 NN ++ PARAQUAT DIQUAT DIBROMIDE NN + + 2Br - ©2001 CRC Press LLC Nonspecificity Broad-spectrum pesticides, ... all use in 1987. 4 , 6- Dinitro- o -cresol (DNOC, see Figure 35) has caused acute poisoning in humans with signs and sym...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22

17 673 0
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