DEFORM-3D Keyword Documentation Part 14 pps

DEFORM-3D Keyword Documentation Part 14 pps

DEFORM-3D Keyword Documentation Part 14 pps

... window for an object. The keyword should be used if the boundary condition of heat exchange is different at a specific region than the rest of the object. REMARKS The keyword defines the heat ... Element(i) Element number of ith data pair None ZEFI(i) Real part of elemental electric field intensity of ith data pair 0.0 ZEFI_i(i) Imaginary part of elemental electric field intens...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

18 152 0
DEFORM-3D Keyword Documentation Part 3 pps

DEFORM-3D Keyword Documentation Part 3 pps

... time steps. Other keywords which effect time step size include: DEMAX, DVMAX, and SLDERR. A new time step will be generated when the criteria specified in any of these keywords has been satisfied. ... It is initialized to zero for a new mesh. The format of this keyword is very similar to DRZ. Step parameters, Primary object Keywords: DEMAX, DTMAX, DVMAX, SLDERR, STPDEF DIEGEO Rotat...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

25 350 0
DEFORM-3D Keyword Documentation Part 7 pps

DEFORM-3D Keyword Documentation Part 7 pps

... Filename of keyword file to load None DEFINITION KFREAD loads a keyword file automatically into the preprocessor during a multiple operations run. REMARKS It is an action keyword placed ... DBREAD keyword and then load in the new geometry data using the KFREAD keyword. RELATED TOPICS KFWRIT KFWRIT filename OPERAND DESCRIPTION DEFAULT filename Filename of ke...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

25 271 0
Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 14 pps

Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 14 pps

... 11:40 p.m. on April 14, many of the sleeping passengers were awakened by a slight jolt. The ship had struck an iceberg, incurred a 300-foot gash in her side, and five compartments were flooded. ... correct answer is (B). 3. The correct answer is (C). 03_TOEFL Reading Ch 3,31-91 7/29/06, 12:0082 84 PART III: TOEFL Reading Review 3. The colonists after the Treaty of Paris d...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

7 900 3
Verilog Programming part 14 ppsx

Verilog Programming part 14 ppsx

... operators, it is now important to discuss operator precedence. If no parentheses are used to separate parts of expressions, Verilog enforces the following precedence. Operators listed in Table 6-4 ... real numbers, nets, registers, times, bit-select (one bit of vector net or a vector register), part- select (selected bits of the vector net or register vector), and memories or function c...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 21:20

12 191 0
The grammar of the english verb phrase part 14 pps

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 14 pps

... template is punctual, the features [( evolving] and [( homo- geneous] do not apply). 1.54 Part VI In part VI we explained how we can use different combinations of lexical aspect values, in combination ... and will, often talk of clauses and even verb phrases as ‘referring to situations’. 1.53 Part V 1.53.1 In part V we saw how ontological aspect (or Aktionsart,orlexical aspect) distin...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 23:20

7 290 0