Introduction to the Cardiovascular System - part 5 pot
... reflex. Mechano- receptor Mechano- receptor Mechano- receptor Chemo- receptor Chemo- receptor Chemo- receptor 2 Chemo- receptor Chemo- receptor Nociceptor Nociceptor Various Proprio- ceptor Proprio- ceptor, Chemo- receptor Thermo- receptor Thermo- receptor Internal Carotids ... baroreceptors) enter the medulla at the nucleus trac- tus solitarius (NTS), which projects inhibitory interneuron...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:20
... through the capillary loops and the venous plexus. In addi- tion to sympathetic neural control, the resis- tance vessels and AV anastomoses are very sensitive to ␣-adrenoceptor-mediated vaso- constriction ... only 25 35 mm Hg, which cor- responds to a 30% to 60% loss of oxygen con- tent of the blood. Therefore, substantial amounts of oxygen diffuse out of the blood be- fore...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:20
... required to switch over to anaerobic gly- colysis for the production of ATP. Acidosis stimulates peripheral and central chemore- ceptors, leading to increased sympathetic ac- tivity to the systemic ... shock. The following discussion specifically ad- dresses compensatory mechanisms in hy- potension caused by hemorrhage-induced hy- povolemia. The baroreceptor reflex is the firs...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:20
Introduction to the Cardiovascular System - part 10 pot
... be- cause of the large stroke volume ejected into the aorta. As long as the ventricle is not in fail- ure, normal end-systolic volumes can be sus- tained; however, the end-systolic volume in- creases ... Klabunde 155 5 Supplemental 6/3/04 6:31 PM Page 11 afterload (particularly aortic diastolic pres- sure) enables the end-systolic volume to de- crease slightly, but not enough to...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:20
Introduction to the Cardiovascular System - part 1 doc
... gradient, to enter the cell. As the m-gates open, the h-gates begin to close; however, the m-gates open more rapidly than the h-gates close. The difference in the opening and closing rates of the two ... (°K). The equilibrium potential is the potential dif- ference across the membrane required to maintain the concentration gradient across the membrane. In other...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:20
Introduction to the Cardiovascular System - part 2 pdf
... filament. Ch03_04 1-0 58 _Klabunde 4/21/04 10 :57 AM Page 43 wave of the QRS). About 20 milliseconds later, the mean electrical vector points down- ward toward the apex (vector 2), and heads to- ward the positive ... heading di- rectly toward the positive electrode, gives the greatest positive deflection. As the vector moves around the axis to the left, and therefore mo...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:20
Introduction to the Cardiovascular System - part 3 pdf
... causes the end-diastolic pressure- volume curve to shift up and to the left, as shown in Figure 4-2 7. This shift will reduce the end-diastolic volume and increase the end-diastolic pressure at the ... occurs because the total energy of the blood within the ventricle exceeds the to- tal energy of blood within the aorta. The total energy of the blood is the su...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:20
Introduction to the Cardiovascular System - part 6 docx
...  2 -adrenoceptors) or in- creases (via vascular ␣ 1 and ␣ 2 -adrenocep- tors) systemic vascular resistance, depend- ing upon the plasma concentration. • The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system plays ... barorecep- tor activity (e.g., carotid sinus and aortic arch receptors) tonically inhibits sympa- thetic outflow to the heart and blood ves- sels, and it tonically stimulates vagal...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:20
Introduction to the Cardiovascular System - part 9 ppsx
... PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTIONS OF ENDOTHELIN-1 Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is synthesized from an endothelin precursor (big ET-1 or pro-ET-1) and cleaved to ET-1 by endothelin convert- ing enzyme (ECE) found on the endothelial cell ... sympathetic tone on the systemic vasculature. 5. The correct answer is “b” because in- creased blood pCO 2 stimulates chemore- ceptors, which activate the sympatheti...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:20
How the japanese learn to work 2nd edition - part 5 potx
... large firms which were prepared to give them both on- the- job and off -the- job training suited to their own particular needs. But they offered those in the next band of the ability spectrum (or those ... cent of total employment in 1970, but are likely to exceed half the total by the turn of this century. The bias towards generalist and on -the- job training thus far is see...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:20