Advances in Service Robotics Part 5 ppt

Advances in Service Robotics Part 5 ppt

Advances in Service Robotics Part 5 ppt

... plasma that occurs on the sun or stars. Fusion using magnetic confinement consists in trapping and maintaining the plasma in a magnetic container with torus shape (Tokamak), under Ultra High ... Remote Handling which stands for 50 % robotics and 50 % tokamak integration technology. The demonstration on Tore Supra helps in the understanding of operation issues that could occur...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:24

25 198 0
Advances in Service Robotics Part 3 ppt

Advances in Service Robotics Part 3 ppt

... Human – Robot Interfacing by the Aid of Cognition Based Interaction 59 4.2 Principle of interaction The core of WorkPartner’s interaction and cognition system is a software the main parts of ... Barnard S.T. (1983). Interpreting Perspective Images. Artificial Intelligence, 21: 4 35- 462. Bolmsjo, G., Neveryd H. & Eftring H. (19 95) . Robotics in Rehabilitation. in Proceeding...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:24

25 410 0
Advances in Optical Amplifiers Part 5 pptx

Advances in Optical Amplifiers Part 5 pptx

... shown in Fig .5 as inset (ii). 154 0.0 154 2 .5 154 5.0 154 7 .5 155 0.0 155 2 .5 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Optical power (dBm) Wavelength (nm) 1.25nm/D Converted signal 17dBm 154 3 .5 154 5.0 154 6 .5 154 8.0 154 9. 5 -60 - 45 -30 - 15 0 Optical ... 10Gb/s TDS-684 AWG 154 2.0 154 3 .5 154 5.0 154 6 .5 154 8.0 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Optical power (dBm) Wavelength (nm) 0.75nm...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 23:20

30 398 0
Advances in Spacecraft Technologies Part 5 pptx

Advances in Spacecraft Technologies Part 5 pptx

... determined as follows. If the plane of i-facet of Sc does not cross the planet: 4 cos 1 sin 1 23 ( ) (1 sin 2 sin ln ); 2 4 2 sin 1 sin 22 cos (3 sin ) 1 sin () ln 3 16 sin 1 sin 2 (1 sin ) ... (84) 1234 0 llll eA e A eA e A μμνν μμ νν −− − +− = ( 85) Inserting (67) and (69) into (51 ) and then inserting the obtained results into (78)~(81), we have 1234 BBBB DP+++=− (86) 1234 0B...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

40 319 0
Advances in Analog Circuits Part 5 ppt

Advances in Analog Circuits Part 5 ppt

... T6(s) X4 1 354 167 189 1.87 92 1.82 89 3.97 44 3.79 2 737 152 391 1.88 83 1.83 187 3.94 40 3.80 3 192 39 1 05 1.82 22 1.77 52 3.69 11 3 .54 4 55 15 31 1.77 9 1.67 14 3.93 4 3. 75 5 1,1 05 127 57 0 1.93 ... and U is the input excitation in the frequency domain. When 112 Advances in Analog Circuitsi It can be seen that minimizing the inter-PE communication overhead (T comm ) is im...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 06:20

30 328 0
Advances in Applied Biotechnology Part 5 ppt

Advances in Applied Biotechnology Part 5 ppt

... histamine, tyramine and/or putrescine degradation among wine LAB does not appear to be very frequent, since out of the 85 strains examined, only nine displayed noteworthy amine-degrading activity ... niches for the isolation of potential amine-degrading bacteria. Strains Degradation, % a,b Histamine Tyramine Putrescine L. casei IFI-CA -52 54 55 65 L. hilgardi IFI-CA-41 n.e. n.e...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 03:20

20 349 0
Advances in Service Robotics Part 1 pps

Advances in Service Robotics Part 1 pps

... costs a lot for developing, it is more favourable method because of low costs of maintaining, re-using, and revising. Especially in the case of developing intelligent service robots, this method ... by recognizing voice using STT(Speech To Text), TTS(Text To Speech) and reacts using conversation engine. When users ask something, it finds the suitable information by surfing the interne...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:24

25 277 0
Advances in Service Robotics Part 2 pot

Advances in Service Robotics Part 2 pot

... fetching objects in home environment, In Proceedings of the 20 05 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA 20 05) , pp. 451 - 456 . Ho Seok Ahn, In- kyu ... environment. This vanishing point will always be finite and lie within the image plane. In this approach, the vanishing points of the vertical line segments (infinite van...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:24

25 241 0
Advances in Service Robotics Part 6 pps

Advances in Service Robotics Part 6 pps

... Engineering (ICSE 2006), pp. 53 4 -54 3, ISBN 1 -59 593-3 75- 1, Shanghai, China, May 20-28, 2006, ACM Press, New York UML-Based Service Robot Software Development: A Case Study 129 Within the ... sequencing layer. Idle Starting Planning a Path Checking Destination Stopping 3.16: Stopped / 3.17: Stop Timer Reading Sensors Loc alizing Moving 1.17, 5. 9: Started / 1.18, 5. 10: S...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:24

25 211 0
Advances in Service Robotics Part 8 potx

Advances in Service Robotics Part 8 potx

... Service Robots 188 - 150 0-1000 -50 0 050 01000 150 02000 -2000 - 150 0 -1000 -50 0 0 50 0 1000 150 0 2000 250 0 X [mm] Y [mm] DIND2 DIND1 DIND3 α β A B C Fig. 9. Tracking Result with Handing ... utilizes machines including computers and robots. Fig. 2. DIND Configuration The role of each DIND is separated into two parts as shown in Fig. 2. Each DIND should find...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:24

25 201 0
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