Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 3 docx

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 3 docx

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 3 docx

... -0.07 13 10 100 6 60 -100 2 .33 -0.0 630 11 100 8 20 100 3. 31 0.0212 12 100 10 40 0 3. 44 -0.0444 13 150 6 40 -100 3. 78 -0.0594 14 150 8 60 100 3. 40 -0.0858 15 150 10 20 0 5 .30 -0.0 237 16 ... 6.9 03 6.72% 1.4 4.4×10 6 20 .3 19.92 1.87% 2.0 6.2×10 6 37 .5 37 .34 0.427% Table 3. Verification of numerical simulation results of drag of AUV shell 3. Wing hydrodynamic...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23

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Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 5 docx

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 5 docx

... () 1 111 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 33 1 35 1 32 ; 1 1 1 (sin cos) AAB jjj j j jj j jj j j s jjj j xw U xxx wwq www λθθ τ λδτ − −−− − − − − − − −− − − −− ′ ′ =+ =+Δ ′ ′ =++ =+Δ (30 ) The next step involves ... kinematic model of the vehicle (2)- (3) reduces to 0 0 () cos () () sin () xt U t y tU t ψ ψ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ = ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦   (33 ) with dynamics described by r ψ =  (34 ) c p ψ I X...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23

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Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 6 docx

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 6 docx

... likewise be denoted a (o,w,c) i , respectively, and represent the 106 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 94 framework. When these matching conditions are satisfied, ... R + is the magnitude of the rotor decentralized control function, 108 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 8 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH 2 .3. 3 Cell vertices A good candidate potential con...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23

20 195 0
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 11 docx

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 11 docx

... propagation delay of 0 .33 3 μsec whereas an underwater acoustic link 194 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Embedded Knowledge and Autonomous Planning: the Path Towards Permanent Presence of Underwater Networks ... Box TBox of the ontology. 204 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Embedded Knowledge and Autonomous Planning: the Path Towards Permanent Presence of Underwater Networ...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23

20 251 0
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 4 potx

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 4 potx

... 2.45×10 3 2.06×10 3 1.66×10 3 1.27×10 3 8.75×10 2 4.80×10 2 8.61×10 1 -3. 08×10 2 -7.02×10 2 -1.10×10 3 -1.49×10 3 Unit:Pascal 5.6×10 -1 5.0×10 -1 4.5×10 -1 3. 9×10 -1 3. 7×10 -1 ... 4.5×10 -1 3. 9×10 -1 3. 7×10 -1 3. 4×10 -1 2.2×10 -1 1.7×10 -1 1.1×10 -1 5.6×10 -2 0.0×10 -1 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 62 makes the wings the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23

20 184 0
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 7 pps

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 7 pps

... 0.1596 0.04 23 0.04 23 0.0 033 0.4978 0.2489 0.1511 0. 035 6 0.0 533 0.0 133 0.4978 0.1511 0.2489 0.0 533 0. 035 6 0.0 133 0.5 234 0.19 63 0.0561 0.0 935 0.0748 0.0561 0.5 234 0.0561 0.19 63 0.0748 0.0 935 0.0561 0.0588 ... 0.0042 0.4 739 0 .33 65 0.10 43 0. 037 9 0.0284 0.0190 0.4 739 0.10 43 0 .33 65 0.0284 0. 037 9 0.0190 0 .38 25 0.1749 0.1749 0.0984 0.0984 0.0710 0 .38 25 0.1749...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23

20 164 0
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 8 pps

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 8 pps

... control of autonomous underwater vehicles using feedforward neural networks. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 17(4), 30 8 -31 9 Yuh J (1990). Modeling and control of underwater robotic vehicles. ... of control will finally yields as 55 5 51 3 2 5 0.8 ( ) 0.8 Ku u f Ku u u εε ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ ≤ = ⋅+⋅ > ( 13) Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 134 2. Mathematical mo...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23

20 250 0
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 9 doc

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 9 doc

... effect a particular coefficient will have on the overall dynamics of the vehicle. Thus, the assumption of body Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 168 Fig. 12. Yaw trajectory. Fig. 13. Yaw ... components are given in (3) , [] T n nnn p x y z= (3) and the three orientation components, also known as Euler angles, are given in (4). Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 16...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23

20 273 0
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 10 pdf

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Part 10 pdf

... (19 93) . Multivariable Sliding Mode Control for Autonomous Diving and Steering of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering , Vol. 18, No. 3, (July), pp. (32 7 -33 9), ... Over-Actuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicle 169 Control System Accumulated Absolute Translational Error Accumulated Absolute Rotational Error Uncoupled System 1 .31 73x10 4 (m...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23

20 157 0