Differential Equations and Their Applications Part 2 doc
... - 2 (~(s), 2( s)ew(s) ) _< I~I 2 + {(1 + 2L + 2L2)117(s)l 2 + IZ(s)] 2 + I~(s) 12} ds - 2 (f'(s), Z(s)dW(s) ). Taking expectation in the above, we have (4 .26 ) 1 T T ElY(t) 12 ... Z21] _< (5.7) JW (L([X1 -X2[-[-[rl - Y2D-~Lo[Z1 - Z2[ )2} d8 ~ E {Ce([Xl -X2 [2 ~ ]r1-r2 12) -[-(L2-~-c)[Z1 -Z2 12} ds, where C~ > 0 only depends on L, L0 and r >...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:20
... formula 23 1 w An American Game Option 23 2 Chapter 9. Numerical Methods for FBSDEs 23 5 w Formulation of the Problem 23 5 w Numerical Approximation of the Quasilinear PDEs 23 7 w A special case 23 7 ... scheme 23 8 w Error analysis 24 0 w The approximating solutions {u(n)}~=l 24 4 w General case 24 5 w Numerical scheme 24 7 w Error analysis 24 8 w Numerical Approximati...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:20
... Elu(t)l 2 = E.L {2 (s + .A4q(s), u(s) )0 - Iq(s) 12} ds = E , { - ( ADu, Du ) + ( a, D(u 2) ) +2eu 2 2 (q, BTDu) +2 (bu, q) -]ql2}dxds - Iq + BTDu - bul 2 + [b 2 + 2c - V-(a + Bb)]u2}ds ... and f E L2(0,T; V'), the following problem (3 .22 ) ~7)=Av+f, tE[0,T], I v(0) = vo, admits a unique solution v satisfying (3 .20 ) and /o' /o' (3 .23...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:20
Differential Equations and Their Applications Part 14 docx
... - - ~21 + 122 - X21 and that we see as before that fo EI2~(~) - 22 12ds <_ 2 IlbllL(s - v~(s)) 2 + [l~llLIs - v~(s)l ds < 2] lbll~T 1 1 - 3 n 2 +II~II~T n Therefore, (3. 12) becomes ... [2] Backward stochastic differential equations and quasilinear parabolic partial differential equations, Lecture Notes in CIS 176, 20 0 -21 7, Springer 19 92. [3] Backw...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:20
Differential Equations and Their Applications Part 3 pptx
... E{lZk(t) [2 + [Yk(t) ]2 -b ft [Zk(s)12ds} (3. 42) < CE{[Xk(T)[ 2 + [Yk(T)[ 2 T + j~ (Ixk(s)L 2 + IYk(s) 12) as}, t e [0,T]. Using Gronwall's inequality, we obtain (3.43) E{IXk(t) [2 + JYk(t)le ... E{IZk(T)[ 2 + IYk(T)[ 2 r ~l~l ~ f ~l~l ~} We note that (recall Cl = (C1)) Xk (3.41) =((I+cTc1)zk,Zk)+ A1 (X~) 2 +2( cTAl (yk ),Zk) 1 ]2 > ~lzk - C(IX...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:20
Differential Equations and Their Applications Part 4 ppsx
... DV(s,x,y),D2V(s,x,y)). Here, we have used (2. 13) and the assumption that H is continuous in Int ~(H). Combining (2. 15)- (2. 16), we obtain (2. 12) . [] Equation (2. 12) is called the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman ... V(.,-,-) through solving (2. 12) - (2. 13) together with the terminal condition (2. 4). However, since :D(H) might be a very complicated set, solving (2. 12) - (2. 13) togeth...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:20
Differential Equations and Their Applications Part 5 pptx
... (2. 11) [z(t,x,y,p)[ < C[p[, V(t,x,y,p) E [0, T] • R ~ • R "~ x R m• Now, we see that (2. 6) and (2. 8) follow from (A1) and (A2); (2. 7) follows from (A1), (2. 2) and (2. 11); and (2. 9)- (2. 10) ... z) E [0, t]x ~n • ~ • ~, (2. 22) t,(lyl)I <_ a(t, x, y, z)a(t, x, y, z) T <_ CI, (2. 23) ([a(t,x,y,z)T]-lz [a(t,x,y,~)T]-l~,z ~) >_ Zlz - ~l 2, (2....
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:20
Differential Equations and Their Applications Part 6 ppt
... Ce -2 t 9 [0,K], K > 0. Furthermore, E (]yK(t) Y(t)] 2) = E (IOK(t, xK(t)) O(X(t))l 2) _< 2E (J•K(t, xK (t) ) o(xK (t) )I 2) (3.70) + 2E (lO(XK(t)) - O(X(t))l 2) < ce -2~ (~-') ... BSPDEs 109 easily find an A such that (2. 6), (2. 7) and (1.9) hold but (1.7) fails. Let us also note that if (2. 6) or (2. 7) holds, we have (2. 10) IBT~I 2 <_ ( A{, s...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:20
Differential Equations and Their Applications Part 8 pps
... Finally, by (2. 9), we have (2. 21) E sup te[0,T] Ix(r 2 ~CE{l~l 2 + J~ol 2 ]/ + {Ibo(t)J 2 + I~o(t)J 2 + I'ho(t) 12} dt}. Hence, (2. 2) follows from (2. 20) and (2. 21). Case 2. Let ~ ... Right side of (2. 12) j~o r fT (2. 23) -< ~E2 {[Y(t)[' + IZ(t) [2} dt + ~Ejo [X(t)12dt + C~E {Ibo(t)l 2 + I~o(t)l 2 + Iho(t)f }dt. Now, combining (2. 22) -...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:20
Differential Equations and Their Applications Part 9 pps
... < A(T) - 2gB(T) + g2C(T) g# ( 2AT eAT _ = ~(e 2~ '~ + 2) + ~,~ + 2) 2 2 g # (e2~T 2e AT g2( 52 + #2) T (5 .24 ) + -~- + + 3) - g2~ A 2 1 g# 3 92# 2 + 25 52 + 45 7 - g2-~. Thus, ... - ~ - ) 5(i ~2 + #2) . @2 A 2 \ 2A ] A 2 \ A ] ) ,2 \ _ ~(A2+ ~2) . -K- SZ ~ = ~(e 2; ~t+2e xt+3)-K A2+#2t. A2 From (5. 12) , we need the following: (~ > 0 is undet...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:20