Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 1 pdf

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 1 pdf

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 1 pdf

... Inc. 4.2AnalysisofSemibatchReactors156 4.3MWDofARBPolymerizationinHomogeneous Continuous-FlowStirred-TankReactors166 4.4AdvancedStageofPolymerization169 4.5Conclusion174 Appendix4 .1: SimilaritySolutionofStep-Growth PolymerizationinFilmswithFiniteMassTransfer175 References1 81 Problems1 81 5.Chain-GrowthPolymerization188 5.1Introduction188 5.2RadicalPolymerization192 5.3KineticModelofRadica...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

17 1.3K 1
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 2 pdf

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 2 pdf

... weight of a species of degree of polymerization n such that W t ¼ Total weight of polymer ¼ P 1 n 1 W n * 1: 4:2Þ By definition, the weight-average molecular weight, M w , is given by M w ¼ P 1 n 1 W n *M n W t 1: 4:3Þ where ... moles of a polymer of chain length equal to n in a given sample, one can write N t n ¼ W n * M n 1: 4:6Þ The total number of moles of pol...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

44 305 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 3 ppsx

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 3 ppsx

... J., 21, 17 5 17 9, 19 89. 13 . Fabris, H. J., Synthetic Polymeric Adhesives, in Comprehensive Polymer Science, G. Allen and J. C. Bevington (eds.), Pergamon, London, 19 89, Vol. 7, pp. 13 1 17 8. 14 . ... acetate copolymer (EVA). Vinyl acetate is about 10 15 surface gloss, and melt adhesive properties of EVA. Ethylene–acrylic acid copolymer. Acrylic acid content varies between 1...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

58 272 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 4 docx

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 4 docx

... 6 polymerization in batch reactors: dl 0 dt ¼k 2 l 2 0 þ k 0 2 Wðl 1  l 0 Þþk 1 C 1 W  k 0 1 P 1 dl 1 dt ¼ k 1 WC 1  k 0 1 P 1 þ k 3 l 0 C 1  k 0 3 ðl 0  P 1 Þ dl 1 dt ¼ k 1 WC 1  k 0 1 P 1 þ ... reaction of CD can be written as follows: A 2 A 1 þ CDR 1 ! R 1 k 1 A 2 A 1 CD A 1 A 2 þ CDR 1 k 2 ! R 1 k 2 * A 1 A 2 CD A 1 *...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

50 225 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 5 ppsx

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 5 ppsx

... 4g 1 g 3 Þ 0:5 2g 1 ð4:2:20bÞ A 1 ¼ b 0 d 1 d 2 g 1 ð4:2:20cÞ A 2 ¼ b 0 þ b 1 d 1  b 2 d 2 1 d 1 g 1 ðd 1  d 2 Þ ð4:2:20dÞ A 3 ¼ b 0 þ b 1 d 2  b 2 d 2 2 g 1 d 2 ðd 1  d 2 Þ ð4:2:20eÞ g 1 ¼ ... b i Þ 1 a 1 Þa w =a 5 b n1 ¼ 2½b b i 1 a 1 Þa w =a 5 c n1 ¼ 2c=a 5 a d1 ¼ a w 1 þba w Þ b d1 ¼ 1 þba w Þw e þ ba 2 w c d1 ¼ ba w w e ðA4Þ f 1 ðl 00 Þ...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

35 264 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 8 pot

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 8 pot

... help of Eqs. (7.6 .12 a) and (7.6 .12 b), the following are obtained: 1 V p dðV p l M1 Þ dt ¼ k p 1 À xÞ½M p0 l p0 ð7:6 :13 aÞ 1 V p dðV p l M2 Þ dt ¼ 2fk p 1 À xÞ½M p0 þ k p *l M1 gl p1 ð7:6 :13 bÞ We ... be 38:55 Â 10 11 mL=ghr, K p t is 4:28 Â 10 11 mL=g hr, and K t is 29:98 Â 10 11 mL=ghr. 5. The absorption rate constants K 11 , K 12 , K 33 , and K 34 for homopoly...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

41 379 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 9 doc

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 9 doc

... Wt% 2.800 0.0 4. 014 15 .2 5.065 90.7 2.865 0.005 4.070 18 .1 5 .11 3 92.2 2.929 0.020 4 .12 6 21. 5 5 .16 1 93.7 2.992 0.052 4 .18 2 25.2 5.209 94.8 3.056 0 .10 5 4.237 29.3 5.256 95.8 3 .11 9 0 .18 5 4.292 33.7 ... 8.02 53.0 2 .19 3.82 6.37 7. 41 66.4 1. 74 3 .12 5.58 6.88 90.0 1. 22 2.25 4.42 5.95 11 3.6 0.952 1. 80 3.73 5.35 14 3 .1 0.763 1. 48 3 .15 4.79 Source: Ref. 18 . Mea...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

34 277 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 10 docx

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 10 docx

... (9.3.23) with respect to n 1 and n 2 , in turn, gives the following: m 1 ¼ @G mixture @n 1 ¼ g 1 þ RT ln f 1 þ n 1 f 1 @f 1 @n 1 þ n 2 f 2 @f 2 @n 1 þ w 1 f 2 þ w 1 n 1 @f 2 @n 1  ð9:3:24Þ m 2 ¼ @G mixture @n 2 ¼ ... À f Þð9:3 :1 where the symbol Q denotes product. As a consequence, O j 1 ¼ðn 0 À jmÞzðz 1 mÀ2 1 À f Þ m 1 ffiðn 0 À jmÞðz 1 m 1 1 À f Þ m 1...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

33 406 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 11 ppt

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 11 ppt

... 411 Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc. whereDtequalst 0 Àt.UsingEq. (10 .6.8),then, F ij ¼ 1 _ ggDt0 010 0 01 0 @ 1 A andwiththehelpofEq. (10 .6 .16 )or (10 .6 .17 ), C ij ¼ 10 0 _ ggDt10 0 01 0 @ 1 A 1 _ ggDt0 010 0 01 0 @ 1 A ¼ 1 _ ggDt0 _ ggDt1þð _ ggDtÞ 2 0 0 01 0 @ 1 A Thus,itisclearthatstrainhastakenplace. 10 .7THESTRESSCONSTITUTIVEEQUATION Letusrevisitthestre...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

30 271 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 12 pptx

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 12 pptx

... Kinetics of Oriented Polymers, Polym. Eng. Sci., 29, 11 47 11 56, 19 89. 47. Wissbrun, K. F., Rheology of Rod-Like Polymers in the Liquid Crystalline State, J. Rheol., 25, 619 –662, 19 81. 48. Jackson, ... crystals is 14 0 J=g. 11 .13 . Wide-angle x-ray scattering data for a semicrystalline PET fiber sample are as follows [ 61] : f (deg) IðfÞ 0 19 .6 10 20.6 20 18 .1 30 15 .0 40...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

50 340 0