Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 2 potx

Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 2 potx

Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 2 potx

... contaminating infections of head and neck surgery: staph., anaerobes, and pseudomonas (see Prophylaxis, page 66, Section IV). DISADVANTAGES: Oral clindamycin can cause nausea/vomiting, and taken at bedtime ... ceftazidime). Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity have not been reported. DISADVANTAGES: The drug is so highly specific against gram-negative infections that gram-positive colon...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

12 261 0
Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 3 potx

Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 3 potx

... nose, pharynx, and neck. 3 22 serum half-life allows once daily dosing. First day: 15 0 -2 00 mg; subsequent days, 100 mg/day. One 150 mg dose may suffice for antibiotic-induced vaginal candidiasis. VORICONAZOLE ... preparation 20 0 mg every 12 hours for 4 doses, then 20 0 mg once daily. Capsules 10 0 -2 00 mg every 12 hours. For “allergic fungal sinusitis,” a 3-month course has b...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

12 247 0
Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 9 potx

Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 9 potx

... . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Penicillin . . . . . 1-9 , 1 1-1 2, 1 4 -2 0, 2 6 -2 8, 31, 3 4-3 7, 4 0-4 1, 43, 4 6-4 7, 4 9-5 4, 60, 6 2- 6 5, 67, 71, 8 1-8 2, 84, 86, 8 8-9 0, 9 3-9 4 Penicillin V and G . . . . . . . . . ... . 2- 3 , 5, 2 6 -2 7, 31, 3 2- 3 4, 3 6-3 7, 38, 42, 43, 44, 46, 4 7-5 0, 5 2- 5 3, 61, 64, 66, 67, 69, 77, 8 1-8 4, 86, 88, 90 Amo...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

12 437 0
Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 4 pptx

Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 4 pptx

... (Maxipime) Children Adults S. pneumoniae 3 5-4 2% 2 0-4 3% H. influenzae 2 1 -2 8% 2 2- 3 5% M. catarrhalis 2 1 -2 8% 2- 1 0% Strep. species 3-7 % 3-9 % Anaerobes 3-7 % 0-9 % Staph. aureus 0-8 % 40 A less dangerous condition ... paroxysmal cough after a “flu-like” illness (in 1 0 -2 0 percent of such adults), and it is increasingly prevalent in the U.S.A. 21 ,22...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

12 409 0
Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 5 pptx

Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 5 pptx

... 50 REFS: 1. Medical Letter 20 06; 48:13 2. Arch Otolaryng., Head, Neck Surg. 20 05; 131:868, and 20 06; 1 32: 1176 3. Otolaryng., Head, Neck Surg. 20 05; 1 32: 828 Drug choices for Staph. aureus: Section ... 1986; 25 6:740 and Randolph: J. Pediatr. 1985; 106:870. 15. Krober: JAMA 1985; 25 3: 127 1. Also Bisno: Clin Inf Dis 20 02; 35:113. 16. Merenstein: JAMA 1974; 22 7: 12...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

12 328 0
Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 8 pptx

Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 8 pptx

... 2 Gm q 12 hr 97.13 Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) 1 Gm 3.77 +33 1 Gm q24hr 2 36.77 2 Gm 7. 62 +33 2 Gm q24hr 40. 62 Aztreonam (Azactam) 1 Gm 24 .38 +33 1 Gm q8hr 123 .38 Imipenem/Cilas.(Primaxin) 500 mg 25 .69 ... Therapy, 20 06, p 146 ff. 2. The Med. Letter, 1999; 41:6 1 -2 . 87 Generic Name Brand Name Dose # Rx c Generic $ Brand $ Quinolones Ciprofloxacin Cipro 500 mg 20 1 bid c me...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

12 332 0
Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 10 pptx

Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 10 pptx

... . . . . . . . . 1-8 , 1 0 -2 0, 26 , 2 8-3 6, 3 9-4 4, 49, 52, 5 4-5 6, 61, 6 4-6 5, 6 8-7 1, 81 Staphylococcus aureus . . . 1-8 , 1 0-1 1, 13, 1 5-1 6, 1 8 -2 0, 26 , 2 8-3 6, 4 0-4 4, 49, 5 4-5 6, 61, 65, 6 8-7 1, 81 Staphylococcus ... . . . . . . 1 -2 1, 2 6-3 7, 3 9-4 4, 4 6-4 8, 5 1-5 2, 5 4-5 6, 61, 6 4-6 8, 7 0-7 1, 81, 8 3-8 4, 90...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

7 266 0
Chapter 084. Head and Neck Cancer (Part 2) ppt

Chapter 084. Head and Neck Cancer (Part 2) ppt

... according to the stage and primary site of the tumor. Patients with nonspecific signs and symptoms in the head and neck area should be evaluated with a thorough otolaryngologic exam, particularly if ... (Fig. 8 4-1 ). If the enlarged nodes are located in the upper neck and the tumor cells are of squamous cell histology, the malignancy probably arose from a mucosal surface...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 01:20

5 312 0
Regenerative Medicine Reconstruction of Tracheal and Pharyngeal Mucosal Defects in Head and Neck Surgery

Regenerative Medicine Reconstruction of Tracheal and Pharyngeal Mucosal Defects in Head and Neck Surgery

... , 19 , 22 93 – 22 99 . 22 Yakacki , C.M. , Lyons , M.B. , Rech , B. , Gall , K. , and Shandas , R. ( 20 08 ) Cytotoxicity and thermomechanical behavior of biomedical shape - memory ... Transplant. Rev. , 22 , 21 5 – 22 2 . 149 Unger , C. , Skottman , H. , Blomberg , P. , Dilber , M.S. , and Hovatta , O. ( 20 08 ) Good manufacturing practice and clini...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 08:20

32 439 0
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