Diabetes in Old Age - part 9 ppsx
... P ( 199 4) A risk-bene®t appraisal of acarbose in the managment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Drug Safety, 11, 432±444. Scheen AJ ( 199 7) Drug treatment on non-insulin-dependent diabetes ... the Pramlintide in Type 2 Diabetes Group ( 199 8) Pramlintide, a synthetic analog of human amylin, improves the metabolic pro®le of patients with Type 2 diabetes using insulin....
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21
... higher during acute insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in 13 patients with Type 2 diabetes aged 48±63 years (Landstedt- Hallin et al 199 9b). When combined with the effects of catecholamine-mediated ... 184±186. Landstedt-Hallin L, Adamson U, Lins PE ( 199 9a) Oral gliben- clamide suppresses glucagon secretion during insulin-induced hypoglycemia in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Journal of...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21
... ( 199 8) Alterations in non-insulin-mediated glucose uptake in the elderly patient with diabetes. Diabetes, 47, 191 5± 191 9. Iozzo P, Beck-Nielsen J, Laakso M, Smith U, Yki-Jarvinen H, Ferrannini E ( 199 9) Independent ... NIDDM. Diabetes, 37, 667±687. Ferrannini E, and the European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance ( 199 6) Insulin action and age. Diabetes, 45, 94 9. 22 D...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21
Diabetes in Old Age - part 3 ppt
... chlor- propamide (Asplund et al 198 3; Stahl and Berger 199 9; Jennings et al 198 9; Shorr et al 199 6; Harrower 199 4; Clarke and Campbell 197 5; Tessier D et al 199 4). However, the short-acting agent ... et al 197 6; also Asplund Wilholm and Lithner 198 3; Stahl and Berger 199 9; Jennings, Wilson and Ward 198 9; Shorr et al 199 6; Harrower 199 4; Clarke and Campbell 197 5; Tessier et...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21
Diabetes in Old Age - part 4 pot
... Louis, Mosby-Year Book, Inc. (in press). Wiles PG ( 199 2) Erectile impotence in diabetic men: aetiology, investigation and management. Diabetic Medicine, 9, 888± 892 . 102 DIABETES IN OLD AGE or prostheses. ... al- though remaining above unity, in patients older than 75 Diabetes in Old Age. Second Edition. Edited by A. J. Sinclair and P. Finucane. # 2001 John Wiley &...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21
Diabetes in Old Age - part 7 pot
... on insulin. INSULIN SPECIES AND REGIMENS Once-daily Insulin Theoretically a single bedtime injection of inter- mediate-acting insulin should improve pre-breakfast fasting glucose levels by inhibiting ... patients Once-daily insulin Twice-daily insulin Basal bolus insulin Insulin plus oral agents Advantages Single injection Can achieve good glycaemic control with insulin mixtures in well- mo...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21
Diabetes in Old Age - part 8 pot
... determined (Heinemann et al 199 9). Amylin Analogues Amylin was identi®ed in 198 7 (Cooper et al 198 7), and is a 37-amino-acid hormone secreted in conjunction with insulin by the pancreatic beta-cells ... regular in- sulin in 30:70% ratio (Roach, Yuel and Arora 199 9). Finally, a new class of long-acting soluble insulin analogues will soon be available (Rosskamp and Park 199 9). An...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21
Diabetes in Old Age - part 10 pptx
... haemoglobin 90 % 14±33% Fasting blood glucose >5.5 mM 70 90 % 20±45% Source: Paterson ( 199 4). 254 DIABETES IN OLD AGE switched over to insulin has been reported (Reza et al 199 9). CHANGING OVER TO INSULIN Early ... as having diabetes during a 3-year period. (Grobin 197 0). In a recent UK study of screening re- sidential and nursing home residents for diabetes using two-p...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21
Erosion control in the tropics - Part 9 ppsx
... factors that should be taken into account in your area. 9. 1 Trust The first condition is that one is accepted by the inhabitants. A touch- ing example of farmers accepting the advice for water ... farmer may be working for his neighbour or the landlord. The farmer will then be less inclined to put effort into something for which he or she will not directly benefit. Maintenance Numero...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 05:20