Neuromuscular Diseases A Practical Guideline - part 7 pdf
... oligoarthritis, cardiac impairment, and myositis can occur along- side a variety of CNS conditions in stage III disease. Demyelination and subacute encephalitis may be accompanied by ataxia, spastic paraparesis, bladder ... (Fig. 12). Cranial nerve damage can lead to facial damage, including iritis, alopecia, and changes in eyelid and forehead skin. Some patients with intermediate disease m...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:20
... 3 07 Osteosclerotic myeloma 268 Oxaliplatin 3 17 P/Q Ca++ channels 349 Paramyotonia congenita 431 Paraneoplastic neuropathy 273 Paraproteinemic neuropathies 266 Parasitic myositis 377 Parosmia 34 Pectoral nerve ... mitochondrial disorders, vasculitis, some types of amyloidosis and hereditary neuropathies CIDP Inflammatory myopathies MG Polyneuropathy Anemia Anesthesia Angiography Anorexia...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 03:25
... via cervical plexus nerve Parasellar Trauma syndrome Neoplastic: adenoma, craniopharyngioma, epidermoid, ganglion Gasseri meningioma, neurofibroma, pituitary sarcoma Vascular: carotid artery aneurysm, ... nerve: Facial paralysis without impairment of lacrimation, however salivation, loss of taste and hyperacusis. c) Between stapedius nerve and chorda tympani: facial paralysis, intact lacri- m...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:20
Neuromuscular Diseases A Practical Guideline - part 4 pps
... conditions Conservative: Trauma: neurapraxia, partial lesion (mild axonal lesion) Blunt trauma Neuralgic amyotrophy Malpositioning Operative: Trauma: severe axonal lesion, neurotmesis Generally good-partial ... passes through a pelvic sacral foramen to join the sacral plexus; each dorsal ramus emerges through a dorsal sacral foramen to supply paraspinal muscles and the skin over the sacra...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:20
Neuromuscular Diseases A Practical Guideline - part 5 docx
... plantar nerves separate, the calcaneal nerve also separates, which is purely sensory and innervates the heel. The calcaneal nerve may also be involved in tarsal tunnel syndrome. Local pain at ... perineuroma, malignant invasion Traumatic: Penetrating injury Vascular: Anticoagulant therapy Hematoma in psoas or iliacus muscle from rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm Trauma Saphenous nerve l...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:20
Neuromuscular Diseases A Practical Guideline - part 6 pps
... associated with posterior column degenera- tion. Some are associated with anti-neuronal antibodies. Peripheral neuro- pathies in cancer patients can also be part of a multifocal paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis ... Ganglioneuroblastoma Neuroblastoma Schwannomas are the commonest benign nerve sheath tumors. They are encapsulated and displace adjacent nerve fascicles. Schwannomas can presen...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:20
Neuromuscular Diseases A Practical Guideline - part 8 potx
... in particular, rarely other tumors). Associated neurological conditions: Anti-Hu syndrome Ataxia Encephalopathy Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration Other autoimmune diseases LEMS (Lambert Eaton ... thymoma (70 % to 100%) and occasionally without thymoma. Prevalence Anatomical-functional relations Types Pathogenesis Other associated antibodies Anti-striatal antibodies Signs Symptoms Anti-...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:20
Neuromuscular Diseases A Practical Guideline - part 9 ppsx
... 1q21 1C: Caveolin-3; 3p25 1D: 7q Bethlem myopathy: Collagen VI Autosomal recessive: 2A: Calpain-3; 15q15 2B: Dysferlin; 2p12 2C: gamma-sarcoglycan; 13q12 2D: alpha-sarcoglycan; 17q21 2E: beta-sarcoglycan; ... Nemaline myopathy. A Distal leg atrophy in a patient with nemaline myopathy. B At- rophy of the proximal arm mus- cles, neck muscles, and weak- ness of the facial muscles. C Bi- lat...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:20
Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases A Practical Guideline - part 9 docx
... myopathy: Collagen VI Autosomal recessive: 2A: Calpain-3; 15q15 2B: Dysferlin; 2p12 2C: gamma-sarcoglycan; 13q12 2D: alpha-sarcoglycan; 17q21 2E: beta-sarcoglycan; 4q12 2F: delta-sarcoglycan; ... by certain distinc- tive clinical features: cardiac arrhythmia often requiring a pacemaker, limb and spine contractures, lack of facial weakness, and X-linked or autosomal dominant inheritance. .....
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 03:25
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 7 pdf
... generation of systems. A major advantage of EDFAs is that they are capable of amplifying signals at many wavelengths simultaneously. This provided another way of increasing the system capacity: ... of amplification (such as Raman amplification, a topic that we will cover in Chapter 3) that complement EDFAs and hold the promise to open up other fiber bands such as the S-band and the U...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21