Hematologic Malignancies: Myeloproliferative Disorders - part 9 potx

Chapter 106. Plasma Cell Disorders (Part 9) potx

Chapter 106. Plasma Cell Disorders (Part 9) potx

... selected patients and have been associated with prolonged progression- free survival. Chapter 106. Plasma Cell Disorders (Part 9) The cause of macroglobulinemia is unknown. The disease is similar ... of patients respond to chemotherapy, and their median survival is >3 years. Rituximab (anti-CD20) can produce responses alone or combined with chemotherapy. As in multiple myelo...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

5 337 0
Chapter 029. Disorders of the Eye (Part 9) potx

Chapter 029. Disorders of the Eye (Part 9) potx

... blood flow and a milky retina with a cherry-red fovea (Fig. 2 9- 6 ). Emboli are composed of either cholesterol (Hollenhorst plaque), calcium, or platelet-fibrin debris. The most common source is ... 2 9- 5 ). Hollenhorst plaque lodged at the bifurcation of a retinal arteriole proves that a patient is shedding emboli from either the carotid artery, great vessels, or heart. Figure...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21

5 333 0
Faculté de Médecine - part 9 potx

Faculté de Médecine - part 9 potx

... auto-immunes - Thrombose des veines hépatiques (Budd-Chiari) - Stéato-hépatites non-alcooliques - Maladie de Wilson - Déficit en alpha-1-antitrypsine - Autres : mucoviscidose, foie cardiaque, ... fréquentes - Alcool - Hépatites chroniques B, C ou B+D - Hémochromatose Causes rares - Cirrhose biliaire primitive - Cirrhose biliaire secondaire - Hépat...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:44

30 390 0
Atlas de poche d immunologie - part 9 potx

Atlas de poche d immunologie - part 9 potx

... Acm anti-ICAM-1 (CD54) empêchent leur interac- tion avec LFA-1 (CD1 la/CD18) et ainsi l'adh - sion des cellules T aux cellules endothéliales. L'utilité de ces Acm dans des maladies auto- immunes ... protéine de fusion TNF-R-Fc, la partie Fab est remplacée par un récepteur du TNF recombinant humain soluble qui est normale- ment trouvé dans le sérum et qui fixe le TNF-a. Les deux p...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

32 271 0