Windows Internals Covering Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista phần 4 doc

Pro Server Controls and AJAX Components phần 4 docx

Pro Server Controls and AJAX Components phần 4 docx

... virtual void OnCommand(CommandEventArgs ce) { CommandEventHandler commandEventDelegate = (CommandEventHandler) Events[CommandKey]; if (commandEventDelegate != null) { commandEventDelegate(this, ... virtual void OnCommand(CommandEventArgs ce) { CommandEventHandler commandEventDelegate = (CommandEventHandler)Events[CommandKey]; if (commandEventDelegate != null) { commandEventDelegate...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:20

77 409 0
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P2

Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P2

... watermark. 45 There are five main variants of Windows Server 2008: Windows Web Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 Standard, Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, Windows Server 2008 Datacenter, and Windows Server ... 2.3 .4 Differences Between Client and Server Versions Windows ships in both client and server retail packages. There are six client versi...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15

50 443 0
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P3

Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P3

... 108 6. 7 8 849 66a8 0ebf5dcb 00001387 [ 6/08 /2008 10:58:03.373] thread 8 849 6620 7. 11 8553b8f8 4f4db783 00000330 [ 5/19 /2008 15:56 :46 .860] thread 8553b870 8. 8 540 4be0 4f4db783 00000330 [ 5/19 /2008 ... 8870ee00 45 ec10 74 00000330 [ 5/19 /2008 15:56:31.120] thread 8870ed78 20. 29 8 846 e 348 4f7a35a4 00000330 [ 5/19 /2008 15:56 :47 .152] thread 8 846 e2c0 21. 86b8f110 543 d...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 20:15

50 450 0
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P4

Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P4

... Handles Run Process Explorer, and make sure the lower pane is enabled and configured to show open handles. (Click on View, Lower Pane View, and then Handles). Then open a command prompt and ... object header with this command: 1. lkd> dt nt!_OBJECT_HEADER 860f1a98 2. +0x000 PointerCount : 139 3. +0x0 04 HandleCount : 4 4. +0x0 04 NextToFree : 0x000000 04 5. +0x008 Type...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 20:15

50 382 0
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P5

Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P5

... 13. d80000 47 918ea2 Jan 19 00 :46 :10 2008 C: \Windows\ notepad.exe 14. 76f10000 47 91a7a6 Jan 19 02:32: 54 2008 C: \Windows\ system32\ntdll.dll 15. 76bd0000 47 91a76d Jan 19 02:31:57 2008 C: \Windows\ system32\kernel32.dll ... \Windows\ System32 folder with \Windows\ Syswow 64. Wow 64 also redirects \Windows\ LastGood to \Windows\ LastGood \syswow 64 and \Windows\ Regedi...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15

50 557 0
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P6

Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P6

... 2. Found KCB = e1034d40 :: \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT 3. You can then examine a reported key control block with the !reg kcb command: 4. kd> !reg kcb e1034d40 5. Key : \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT ... storing a registry trace of startup, logon, logoff, and shutdown on a Windows system will typically be between 50 and 150 MB in size. 4. 1.7 Registry Internal...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15

50 300 0
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P7

Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P7

... for 14. Windows\ windbg.exe 15. 777d0000 45 49bdc9 Nov 02 05 :43 :37 2006 C: \Windows\ system32\Ntdll.dll 16. 764c0000 45 49bd80 Nov 02 05 :42 : 24 2006 C: \Windows\ system32 \kernel32.dll 17. SubSystemData: ... run in session 0 and therefore share the window station with the interactive services. However, in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, only processes owned...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15

50 706 0
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P9

Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P9

... prefix, and its various components are separated with hyphens: 1. S-1-5-21- 146 343 7 245 -12 248 12800-863 842 198-1128 In this SID, the revision number is 1, the identifier authority value is 5 (the Windows ... handle interrupts that were already registered for other processors. Unfortunately, until now, CPU-hungry applications have still been left out of this process, but Windows...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15

50 442 0
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P10

Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P10

... to remove this watermark. 44 2 17. +0x08c DefaultOwnerIndex : Uint4B 18. +0x090 UserAndGroups : Ptr32 _SID _AND_ ATTRIBUTES 19. +0x0 94 RestrictedSids : Ptr32 _SID _AND_ ATTRIBUTES 20. +0x098 PrimaryGroup ... 8. +0x0 34 ModifiedId : _LUID 9. +0x 040 Privileges : _SEP_TOKEN_PRIVILEGES 10. +0x058 AuditPolicy : _SEP_AUDIT_POLICY 11. +0x0 74 SessionId : Uint4B 12. +0x078 UserAndGroup...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15

50 388 0