Electronic Materials Part 2 doc

Electronic Materials Part 2 doc

Electronic Materials Part 2 doc

... Fitzgerald-1999 3 .22 5 12 Waves in Vacuum 0, =ρ J 00 ; εεµµ == 2 2 00 2 t E E ∂ ∂ =∇ µ Wave Equation For typical wave: trik eEE ω−⋅ = 0 πνωλπ 2; 2 == k 2 00 2 ωεµ= k ( 21 00 ... 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 2 1 )( c i c i c k i cc k ε ωσ ε ωσ ωε σ ω ωε σ ω ωε ω δ ωµσσω ε δ ooo o i c k 2 2 1 2 === © E.A. Fitzger...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:22

10 242 0
Handbook of Optical Materials Part 2 doc

Handbook of Optical Materials Part 2 doc

... – Na 2 BiZn 2 V 3 O 12 4.919 – – – Na 2 CaSiO 4 2. 821 – – Insoluble Na 2 GdMg 2 V 3 O 12 4.115 – – – Na 2 LuMg 2 V 3 O 12 4.3 32 – – – Na 2 YMg 2 V 3 O 12 3.668 – – – Na 3 Li 3 Al 2 F 12 2.77 2 (Mohs) ... – Na 3 Li 3 Ga 2 F 12 3 .20 2 (Mohs) None – Na 3 Li 3 In 2 F 12 3.54 2 (Mohs) None – Na 3 Li 3 Sc 2 F 12 2.66 2 (Mohs) None – Na 3 Sc 2...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 12:20

30 633 0
Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 1 docx

Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 1 docx

... 3 .21 7 -6.3 927 9 0.045 99.9 99.6 1.6 62 1.8 62 2.185 3 .21 3 -6. 327 38 0.133 99.5 98.9 1.661 1.867 2. 191 3.148 -6 .21 825 0 .24 98.4 97.8 1.648 1.8 72 2 .22 5 3.087 -6.10155 0.39 96.1 95.1 1.646 1.877 2. 258 ... 95.1 1.646 1.877 2. 258 3.063 -5.99751 0. 422 96.3 92. 1 1.635 1.880 2. 28 3.058 -5.9 726 0.54 96 .2 84.1 1.610 1.885 2. 337 3.053 -5.88191 0.7 94 .2 83.5 1.585 1...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20

35 473 0
Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 2 pot

Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 2 pot

... cage-bowl-ring a MP2/TZV2d1f optimized 2. 10 -0.54 cage-bowl-ring a MP2/TZV2d1f HF/6-31G∗ 2. 61 0.69 bowl-cage-ring a MR-MP2/TZV2d MP2/TZV2d1f 2. 42 -0. 02 cage-bowl-ring a MR-MP2/TZV2d1f MP2/TZV2d1f 2. 53 0.19 ... [number 22 6] a=b=c=10 .21 29 Si 0 0.0 924 0.1848 96i C 0 0.1848 0.0 924 96i VFI P6 3 cm [number 185] a=b=11.6075 c=5.0307 Si 0. 422 7 0 0.063 6c Si 0.1786 0.5 12 0.563 12d...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20

35 445 0
Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 4 docx

Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 4 docx

... 5035 822 7 5394 5665 800ºС 1 127 3795 6061 7 428 5458 5864 900ºС 1 924 4004 5150 77 72 5571 6619 1000ºС 27 08 3958 4499 7674 5386 7664 1100ºС 20 69 3910 4437 8158 629 6 7190 120 0ºС 24 28 5181 5 428 7980 ... (Molina et al., 20 08b). 140 150 160 170 180 190 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 140 160 180 20 0 22 0 24 0 exp thermal conductivity (W/mK) calc thermal conductivity (W/mK) 10...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20

35 376 0
Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 6 docx

Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 6 docx

... al., 20 04; Gouadec et al., 20 11). (a) 369 12 3 6 9 12 20 - 22 18 - 20 16 - 18 14 - 16 12 - 14 10 - 12 8 - 10 6 - 8 5 - 6 3 - 5 I TO (u.a.) (c) (b) 369 12 3 6 9 12 Distance (μm) 12, 6 ... - 14 11 ,2 - 12, 6 9,8 - 11 ,2 8,4 - 9,8 7 - 8,4 5,6 - 7 4 ,2 - 5,6 2, 8 - 4 ,2 1,4 - 2, 8 I D (u.a.) (d) 369 12 3 6 9 12 I TO (u.a.) 18 - 20 16 - 18 1...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20

35 441 0
Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 7 docx

Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 7 docx

... defined by the equation x 2 /p 2 + y 2 /q 2 =1. 20 1 Micropipe Reactions in Bulk SiC Growth Silicon Carbide – Materials, Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices 22 8 8. Conclusions This ... 0.01533 0. 027 28 0.14081 0.58161 C-face (Dry oxidation) 0.050 72 0.11643 0.349 92 0.93078 Si-face (Wet oxidation) 0.01 022 0. 029 16 0.10441 0.88499 C-face (Wet oxid...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20

35 434 0
Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 11 doc

Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 11 doc

... 0. 325 1 62. 0 2. 35 36.90 1 .26 4H-SiC (TM) 50 10 6 0.33 158.0 2. 30 35.99 1. 32 4H-SiC (TM) 25 ,, 0.34 156.0 2. 29 35.54 1.34 4H-SiC (FC) 10 6 50 0.35 135.0 1.48 30.75 2. 0 4H-SiC (FC) 10 6 25 ... 150.0 1.50 22 .68 1.90 3C-SiC (TM) 25 ,, 0.355 149.0 1.44 22 .53 1.94 3C-SiC (FC) 10 6 50 0.356 138.6 1.44 20 .96 2. 0 3C-SiC (FC) 10 6 25 0.360 125 .0 1 .20 18.91 2. 32...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20

35 392 0
Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 12 docx

Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 12 docx

... 1.38 0 .24 7 c 0 .22 a 0.33 a 1 .25 a 0 .24 b 0 .26 f 0.31 e 1.14 b 0 .23 f 0.31 f 1. 42 e 1.83 f m 2 0 .25 0.40 0 .21 0.10 0.15 0 .24 7 c 0. 42 a 0 .29 a 0.13 a 0 .24 b 0.43 f 0.19 b 0.43 e 0 .23 f 0 .28 e 0 .24 f 0 .28 f Table 2. Effective ... Stat. Sol. (b) 20 2, 5 (1997). [20 ] W. van Haeringen, P. A. Bobbert, and W. H. Backes, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 20 2, 63 (1997). [21...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20

35 402 0
Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 14 doc

Silicon Carbide Materials Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices Part 14 doc

... A 2 510.00 510.00 25 5.00 2. 58 0.191 B 2 143.49 143.49 71.75 0.73 0.539 C 2 258.94 25 8.94 129 .47 1.31 0.365 D 2 181 .24 181 .24 90. 62 0. 92 0.470 E 2 39 .22 39 .22 19.61 0 .20 0. 828 A×B 4 733 .23 ... 0.0004354 67 .22 17 23 65 10 60 75 25 0 0.0009611 60.34 42 24 65 10 90 85 350 0.0004091 67.7 625 25 65 20 30 75 25 0 0.00 028 40 70.9336 26 65 20 60 85 350 0.00...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20

35 393 0
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