Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 4 potx

Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 4 potx

Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 4 potx

... and paucity of fat cells d Histologic section during chronic phase of CML. Naphthol AS-D chloro- acetate esterase reaction shows an ex- treme increase in neutrophilic granulo- cytopoiesis 148 Chapter ... BCR-ABL translocation, the demonstra- tion of low or even negative leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP, see p. 13) w as of key impor- tance. Today the diagnosis is established by det...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

44 321 0
Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 8 potx

Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 8 potx

... ko¨n- nen B- und T-Zell-Lymphome unterschieden wer- den. B-Zell-Lymphome sind in Europa und Ame- rika ha¨ufiger, wa¨hrend die T-Zell-Lymphome in Asien u¨berwiegen. Unter Einbeziehung von mor- phologischen ... Immunpha¨notyp oder gene- tisch-molekulargenetisches Profil nicht mo¨glich. B-, T- und NK-Zell-Neoplasien werden weiter in Vorstufen-(Precursor) und reife (mature) Er- krankungen unterte...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

44 341 0
Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 4 potx

Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 4 potx

... of palm. Also, loss of dexterity and loss of control of the small finger. Sensory distribution of the ulnar nerve: ulnar aspect of the palm, volar surface of the fifth digit, and ulnar half of ... humeral exostosis. Neurology 54: 49 4 49 6 Patel R, Bassini L, Magill R (1991) Compression neuropathy of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve. Orthopedics 14: 173–1 74 Sander...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

46 292 0
Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 1 ppsx

Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 1 ppsx

... Causative Organisms of Tropical Disease 399 II Table 2. Cytochemistry of blood and bone marrow cells Per- oxidase PAS Esterase a-Naphthyl- acetate-, Naphthol- AS-acetate- Naphthol- AS-D- chloracetate- Phosphatases alkaline ... mg diaminobenzidine tetrahy- drochloride in 20 mL of 0.05 mol/L tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.6) with 50 lLof1%H 2 O 2 added  Tris-HCl: 50 mL of solution A (121. 14 g...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

44 354 0
Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 2 pot

Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 2 pot

... Chronic myeloid leukemia Chronic lympho- cytic leukemia Agranulocytosis 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 Reticulum cells Plasma cells Megaloblasts Basophilic proerythroblasts Polychromatic erythroblasts Orthochromatic normoblasts Myeloblasts Neutrophilic promyelocytes Neutrophilic myelocytes Neutrophilic metamyelocytes Ban...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

44 254 0
Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 3 pps

Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 3 pps

... Effect of hematopoietic growth factors a Peripheral blood smear after the ad- ministration of G-CSF b Left shift following G-CSF c Maximum leukocyte alkaline phos- phatase activity following G-CSF d ... microspherocyto- sis, which is easily recognized by the typical mor- phology of the red blood cells (Fig. 24b) (see also Price-Jones curves, Scheme 3). The principal hematologic features...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

44 269 0
Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 5 pdf

Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 5 pdf

... the short arm of chromosome 17. The loss of the short arm of chromosome 17 (17p-) causes the loss of an allele of p53, which is localized there in the band 17p13. Structural cha nges of 17p are ... illustrate the morphologic changes that are as- sociated with inversion or translocation anomalies of the long arm of chromo- some 3 a At center is a cluster of micro(mega )- k...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

44 290 0
Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 6 doc

Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 6 doc

... Variants of the M4 sub- type a Severely dysplastic erythropoiesis. At center are three erythroblasts, two of which are very immature forms. The cy- toplasm of the upper erythroblast is va- cuolated b ... the same case shows strong, diffuse activity (grade 4) in most of the cells g Blood smear in M4 subtype demon- strates a large proportion of promono- cytes and monocytes. There was...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

44 328 0
Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 7 ppt

Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 7 ppt

... subtype of ALL violates the dogma that cytoplas- mic granules are suggestive of AML. This case is a B-lineage type of ALL with cytoplasmic granules that are peroxi- dase-negative and behave as lyso- somes a ... layer of peri- toneum that covers the spleen. Besides splenic as- pirates, these cells are commonly found in the se- diment of aspirated ascitic fluid. They are 20 to 40 lm...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

44 335 0
Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 10 pptx

Atlas of Clinical Hematology - part 10 pptx

... falciparum 40 0, 40 1, 40 9 – malariae 40 0, 40 1 – ovale 40 0 40 2, 40 8 – vivax 40 0, 40 1, 40 8 PLZF-RARA 215 PML/RARA 205 poikilocytes 31 polychromatic erythrocytes 31 polycythemia vera 1 34, 135 polyploid ... 159 myeloproliferative syndrome 1 34, 160 N naphthol AS-D chloroacetate ester- ase 15, 72 naphthyl – acetate 14 – butyrate 14 natural killer cell neoplasia 372 necrotic...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

38 363 0