essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 6 docx

essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 6 docx

essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 6 docx

... Growth Prospects and Cash Cow, each of which had earnings per share of $5. Growth Prospects rein- vested 60 % of its earnings in prospects with an ROE of 15%, while Cash Cow paid out all of its earnings ... earnings to the business cycle. First is the sensitivity of sales. Necessities will show little sensitivity to business conditions. Ex- amples of industries in this gr...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

77 305 0
essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 3 docx

essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 3 docx

... concept of value at risk and includes some capabilities of stress testing. Professor Shiller provides historical data used in his applications in Irrational ... include a graph for ␳ BS ϭ 0.2 in Figure 6. 4. Spreadsheet 6. 6 enumerates some of the points on the various opportunity sets in Figure 6. 4. Negative correlation between a...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

77 1,5K 0
essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 1 pps

essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 1 pps

... low-earnings periods of life? One way is to “store” your wealth in financial assets. In high-earnings periods, you can invest your savings in fi- nancial assets such as stocks and bonds. In low-earnings ... logical step at this point is to consider other risky asset classes, such as stock, bonds, or real estate. This is an asset allocation decision. Second, in most cases the asset...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

78 308 1
essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 2 doc

essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 2 doc

... fees and commissions. While all investment companies pool the assets of individual investors, they also need to divide claims to those assets among those investors. Investors buy shares in investment ... liabilities Shares outstanding 100 Part ONE Elements of Investments investment companies Financial intermediaries that invest the funds of individual investors in securities or ot...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

77 337 0
essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 7 pot

essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 7 pot

... and profit to a straddle at expiration S T Payoff Payoff Payoff and profit Payoff Profit X A: Call B: Put C: Straddle S T S T Profit Profit Payoff P + C Ϫ (P + C ) Payoff X X ϪC X X X P X P C P Bodie−Kane−Marcus: ... at expiration S T S T S T Payoff Payoff Payoff and profit Payoff Profit X X X X X X – (S 0 + P) A: Stock B: Put C: Protective put Bodie−Kane−Marcus: Essen...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

77 571 0
essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 8 pps

essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 8 pps

... asset already held in inventory. Long hedgers take long positions in futures contracts to offset gains or losses in the purchase price of a good. • The spot-futures parity relationship states ... Parity Relationship So far, we have focused on the pricing of call options. In many important cases, put prices can be derived simply from the prices of calls. This is because prices o...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

77 409 0
essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 9 ppt

essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 9 ppt

... the essentials of savings/investment plans and adapt them to environments in which investors confront both inflation and taxes. As a first step in the process, we set up a spreadsheet for a simple ... of past stock prices and trading volume, hoping to find patterns they can exploit to make a profit. In this section, we examine several specific charting strategies. 66 0 Part SIX A...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

77 412 0
essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 10 potx

essentials of investments with s p bind in card phần 10 potx

... measure, 68 6 PROBLEM SETS Questions 1–3 appeared in past CFA examinations. 1. A plan sponsor with a portfolio manager who invests in small-capitalization, high-growth stocks should have the plan ... developing economies in an emerging opportunities fund. Vanguard, consistent with its indexing philosophy, offers separate index funds for Europe, the Pacific Basin, and emerging marke...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

80 566 0
essentials of investments with s p bind in card doc

essentials of investments with s p bind in card doc

... first look at the types of decisions that confront investors as they assemble a portfolio of Bodie−Kane−Marcus: Essentials of Investments, Fifth Edition I. Elements of Investments 1. Investments: ... Elements of Investments 1. Investments: Background and Issues © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003 Related Websites This site provides a list of lin...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 21:20

775 344 0
NET Domain-Driven Design with C#P roblem – Design – Solution phần 3 docx

NET Domain-Driven Design with C#P roblem – Design – Solution phần 3 docx

... abstract class: using System; using SmartCA.Presentation.Views; using SmartCA.Model.Projects; using SmartCA.Application; using System.Windows.Data; using SmartCA.Infrastructure.UI; using System.ComponentModel; using ... Class The ProjectService class is responsible for retrieving and saving Project instances, as well as retrieving MarketSegment instances: using System; using System.C...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22

43 323 0