... knowledge. It has already been mentioned that for the known right-hand sides of the re- lations (9), (10) and (11), their left-hand sides are uniquely determined. If the cooperative work is solved ... the cooperation participants. Let the two manipulators hold the object from the previous example and let 22 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots acting forces on the object, F c1 and F c2 and...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
... nodes and system of forces) and the dimensional part (dimension [position/force]) that is in- versely proportional to the elasticity module of the material and characteristics of the cross-section ... contacts. The ‘non-uniqueness’ appears only in the description of the part of the system between the manipulator tips (grippers) and object. This suggests the 30 Multi-Arm Coopera...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 4 ppt
... rigid body and the motion at defor- mation. In the case of pure translation, we ha ve d dt ∂L ∂ ˙ Y 2 = d dt ∂L ∂ ˙y 2 = m ¨ Y 10 + m ¨y 2 = f 20 ( ¨ Y 10 ) + f 2 ( ¨y 2 )| ¨ Y 20 = ¨ Y 10 , ∂L ∂Y i = ∂L ∂y i , ∂L ∂Y i = ¯ f i0 (Y 0 ) ... ˙q 2 = ˙ Y 3 = ˙ Y 30 +˙y 3 =˙y 3 | Y 30 =const , ¨q 1 = ¨ Y 1 = ¨ Y 10 +¨y 1 =¨y 1 | Y 10 =const , ¨q 2 = ¨ Y 3 = ¨ Y 30 +¨y 3 =¨y 3 | Y 30 =co...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 5 pdf
... direc- tion y z i . The total potential energy of the elastic system is only its deformation 82 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots 73 efficient on-line algorithms for connecting such finite elements and ... stiffness matrix; y 0 and F e0 are the vectors of displacements and forces at the manipulated object MC, whereas y c and F ec are the expanded vectors of displace- ments and forces...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 6 ppsx
... contact of the manipulator tips and object in w hich no change of con- tact point on the manipulated object is allowed, whereas the forces and moments 106 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots 93 or, in ... R (6m−6)×1 of the follo wers and the MC of the manipulated object y 0 ∈ R 6×1 . Let the state quantity vector z = col(q, y 0 ) ∈ R 6m+6 and its derivativ es be prescribed. 102 Multi-...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 8 doc
... Simulation results for τ 1 1 = 50 [Nm] and τ 1 2 =−50 [Nm] 132 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots part referring to the physical quantity used in modeling and the number indicat- ing the ordinal number of the ... F y 1 and moment M 1 in the direction of the displacements Y x 1 , Y y 1 and ϕ 1 of the first contact point. 136 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots 131 Figure 22c. Simulation re...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 9 ppt
... Y 0 c , Y 0 0 , velocities ˙ Y 0 c , 164 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots can be calculated as a function of non-selected vectors of the followers’ displace- ments and known vector. Let the displacement ... assumed that the positions of contact points 162 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots 159 of matrices and vectors, with the subscript v for the leader (y v = y 1 ) and subscript s for th...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 10 pps
... stabilized first and then Steps 10, 11 and 12 replaced by Steps 10a, 11a and 12a. Step 10a. By introducing the coordinates, velocities, and accelerations of the nodes, deter- mined in Step 4, and the ... y s s0 = col(y s s ,y s 0 ) and the force at the MC of the manipulated object at the end of grip- 168 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots Figure 30. Nominals for manipulated object g...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 11 pptx
... of time for the non-controlled object and of time and state for the controlled object. For the con- 200 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots For a linear system of n x ordinary first-order differential ... torques τ ,andthe 204 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots 203 – elastic; • in view of their redundanc y – non-redundant, and – redundant; • in view of joint compliance – with non-compliant jo...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20