... the cooperation participants. Let the two manipulators hold the object from the previous example and let 22 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots acting forces on the object, F c1 and F c2 and, by small ... knowledge. It has already been mentioned that for the known right-hand sides of the re- lations (9), (10) and (11), their left-hand sides are uniquely determined. If the cooperative work...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
... nodes and system of forces) and the dimensional part (dimension [position/force]) that is in- versely proportional to the elasticity module of the material and characteristics of the cross-section ... contacts. The ‘non-uniqueness’ appears only in the description of the part of the system between the manipulator tips (grippers) and object. This suggests the 30 Multi-Arm Coopera...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 4 ppt
... tips and object. Numerical values of the parameters of elastic system (Figure 8) are s 1 = s 2 = 0. 05 [m], m = 25 [kg], c p = 20 × 10 3 [N/m], c k = 10 × 10 3 [N/m], d p = 50 0 [N/(m/s)] and d k = ... m 1 = 12 .5 [kg] and m 2 = 12 .5 [kg]. The initial position of the cooperative system prior to the gripping process is determined by the nodes coordinates Y 10 = 0. 150 [m], Y 20 = 0...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 5 pdf
... a (r ia ,r ja ))(˙r ia −˙r ja ) + ρ ij 0 × ω 0 , (89) 80 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots 4 .5 Model of Elastic System Dynamics for the Immobile Unloaded State In this section, all the models of dynamics are derived using Lagrange’s ... direc- tion y z i . The total potential energy of the elastic system is only its deformation 82 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots 73 efficient on-line al...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 6 ppsx
... h(q, ˙q) = τ + J T f c (167) 100 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots 4.11 Model of Cooperative System Dynamics for the Mobile Unloaded State Equations (113) or (1 15) , (167) and (172) define the model of ... contact of the manipulator tips and object in w hich no change of con- tact point on the manipulated object is allowed, whereas the forces and moments 106 Multi-Arm Cooperating R...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 8 doc
... Simulation results for τ 1 1 = 50 [Nm] and τ 1 2 = 50 [Nm] 132 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots part referring to the physical quantity used in modeling and the number indicat- ing the ordinal number of ... F y 1 and moment M 1 in the direction of the displacements Y x 1 , Y y 1 and ϕ 1 of the first contact point. 136 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots 131 Figure 22c. Simulation resul...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 9 ppt
... equations (217) and (218), differential equations should be solved. Using the indexing system defined in (206), (207) and (203) for the structure 158 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots 163 Figure 25. Nominal ... assumed that the positions of contact points 162 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots 159 of matrices and vectors, with the subscript v for the leader (y v = y 1 ) and subscript s...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 10 pps
... y s s0 = col(y s s ,y s 0 ) and the force at the MC of the manipulated object at the end of grip- 168 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots Figure 30. Nominals for manipulated object general motion 184 Multi-Arm Cooperating ... required, the contact forces can be given 174 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots Figure 32. Simulation results for motion (open-loop cooperative system) 186 Multi-Arm...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 11 pptx
... of time for the non-controlled object and of time and state for the controlled object. For the con- 200 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots For a linear system of n x ordinary first-order differential ... torques τ ,andthe 204 Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots 203 – elastic; • in view of their redundanc y – non-redundant, and – redundant; • in view of joint compliance – with non-compliant jo...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20