... function of the fraction c and the distance x, in the case where The relative force difference of Eq. (4.26) increases non-linearly with c increasing and decreases quasi-linearly when x increases. ... calculating the interaction force between the coil and the magnet of Fig. 4. 38 (a) is by expressing the magnetic-electromagnetic energy in a different fashion, namely: where R is t...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
... these unknown reactions, the free end deflection and slope can be found and expressed in the known manner: The equations of the three global compliances entering Eqs. (2.166) are quite complex and ... determined with respect to the free end. Example 2. 18 Find the bending-related compliances connected to the midpoint of a microcantilever of length l and of constant cross-sect...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Mechanics of Microelectromechanical Systems - N.Lobontiu and E.Garcia Part 7 pot
... will be analyzed next that studies the free displacement in terms of the defining geometry. 172 Chapter 3 where is the out -of- the-plane stiffness of one curved spring. The six out -of- the-plane compliances ... respectively. Equation (4 .8) indicates that the deflection at point 1 depends linearly on the temperature increase and non-linearly on the geometric parameters defining the ha...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Mechanics of Microelectromechanical Systems - N.Lobontiu and E.Garcia Part 10 potx
... the compliances above define any of the flexure microhinges that have been analyzed in Chapter 2. The inertia force and moment are: The unknown acceleration a can be determined when either the ... enable achieving the level of torque needed when Answer: Problem 4 .8 A microcantilever of given dimensions and is used as an electrostatic actuator. Find the gap between the microcantile...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Mechanics of Microelectromechanical Systems - N.Lobontiu and E.Garcia Part 11 potx
... The large-displacement theory is non- linear, and effects of different loads do combine and affect each other and, together, they affect the deformed state of a MEMS component. In many instances, ... 4 and is rewritten here for convenience: 304 Chapter 5 The sine and cosine terms appear in Eq. (5.109) because of the inclination of the force with respect to the local referenc...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Mechanics of Microelectromechanical Systems - N.Lobontiu and E.Garcia Part 1 docx
... more generic case where the area is variable, to: where it has been taken into account that the elementary volume can be expressed in terms of the cross-sectional area A and the elementary length ... stiffnesses or compliances, namely: two direct (linear and rotary) and one crossed, define the elastic response at the free end of a cantilever. More details on the spring characterizat...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Mechanics of Microelectromechanical Systems - N.Lobontiu and E.Garcia Part 3 doc
... indeterminate, the reactions and need to be first determined, by using the corresponding boundary conditions: which can be expressed as: The bending moment is: The unknown reactions are: The horizontal ... microbridges 67 in the oscillating mode – when the modal frequencies are actually monitored and determined. They can operate in a contact mode or in a non-contact mode (when a pre-desig...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Mechanics of Microelectromechanical Systems - N.Lobontiu and E.Garcia Part 4 doc
... set of experimental measurements, for instance the deflection at a point placed at a distance from the free end, is needed. In this case, the deflection at the experimental point of detection is: Equations ... microcantilever to the performance of a right elliptically-filleted one when and is the friction force between the microcantilever tip and the investigated three- dimensional...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Mechanics of Microelectromechanical Systems - N.Lobontiu and E.Garcia Part 6 doc
... the springs. A serpentine spring is formed of one or several series-connected units, as the one shown in Fig. 3.24, where also indicated are the defining geometric parameters of the unit. When ... (the stiffness defining the elastic properties of the U-spring when the body translates about a direction perpendicular to the main one and is contained in the plane of the microdevice) a...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Mechanics of Microelectromechanical Systems - N.Lobontiu and E.Garcia Part 9 docx
... the analytic model developed herein, as well as an independent finite element simulation. Solution: The Ansys software has been used to run the finite element analysis, with two-dimensional elements ... materials also extends in the modeling domain where the magneto-elastic equations replicate the electro- elastic ones describing the piezoelectric effect. In essence, the equations that descri...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20