... Interfaces 10 9 3 .1 Introduction 10 9 3.2 Low Level Interfaces 11 1 3.2 .1 10 Digital Signals Ill 3.2 .1. 1 Robot Controller Software 11 6 3.2 .1. 2 PLC Software 11 8 3.2 .1. 3 PC Software 12 0 3.2.2 ... Industrial Robot 2 1. 3 Using Robotics to Learn 9 1. 3 .1 Constitution of the Robot Nicola 12 1. 3.2 Nicola Software 13 1. 3.2 .1 PLC Software 13 1. 3.2.2 Soft...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:21
... 200 11 2 693 50 043 26 13 7 19 847 13 67 on of Robotics [23 2004 352 200 12 1 300 266 10 0 12 1 500 53 10 0 28 400 2007 1 349 400 14 5 10 0 325 900 15 1 400 15 1 400 35 900 In 19 90, ... VB92 12 1 VB92 12 2 QO.O 1 Q0 .1 1 Q0.2 1 Q0.0 1 Q0 .1 1 Q0.2 1 NETWORK 5 LDB= VB 91, 200 LPS AB= VB92, 12 0 S QO.O, 1 LRD AB= VB92, 12 1 S Q...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:21
Industrial Robots Programming - J. Norberto Pires Part 3 pps
... ri3 = (-C1S23C4 + 818 4)85 + C1C23C5 1* 21 = ( (-8 1S23C4 - CiS4)C5 - 810 2385)05 + (81S23S4 - CiC4)86 r22 = (( 818 23C4 + CiS4)C5 + 810 2385)85 + ( 818 2384 - CiC4)C5 r23 = (-8 1S23C4 - 018 4)85 + S1C23C5 ... 0 1 and TP : ^11 ^12 ^13 Px ^ 21 ^22 ^23 Py 13 1 13 2 I33 Pz 0 0 0 1 with, 1* 11 = ((S1S4 - CiS23C4)C5 - CiC23S5)C6 + (C1S23S4 + Si...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:21
Industrial Robots Programming - J. Norberto Pires Part 4 potx
... -ci G 6J - •Jll J2 1 J3 1 J4 1 J5 1 .J6 1 -a2S2 J1 2 Jl3 J2 2 J2 3 J3 2 J3 3 J4 2 J4 3 J5 2 J5 3 hi ^63 -( d4823+a3023) -( d4823+a3023) ^4^2 3-^ 3823 Sl -ci G Ji4 hs he J2 4 J2 5 he J3 4 J3 5 ... +( 018 2384 + 810 4)65 +( (-0 18 2304 + 818 4)85 + 010 2305)95 -0 1( 82 +03) + SiO23e4 +( 818 2384 -0 10 4)65 -( ( 818 23O4 + 018 4)...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:21
Industrial Robots Programming - J. Norberto Pires Part 5 docx
... expressed as %=\Jn;^,^ {-& apos;V^.yf-, -( 'Pi^i JPc^)x'fi^i (2 .12 0) Using (2 .11 9) in (2 .12 0) gives ^NiJni-i^{R.^^»ni^l +-& apos;PcxiFi-iPi^lxjR.^fi^i (2 .12 1) Figure 2. 21 Forces and torques ... 'ni='Ni+ijR.'+'tii+,+'Pcx'Fi+'Pi^,Xi^|R.'+'fi+, (2 .12 2) (2 .12 3) Robot Manipulators and Control Systems 89 _ 309Q-3...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:21
Industrial Robots Programming - J. Norberto Pires Part 6 pot
... 2000. [56] JR3 Force/Torque Sensor Users Manual, JR3 Inc. Woodland, California, 20 01. [57] JR3 PCI Web Site, http://robotics.dem.uc.pt /norberto/ jr3pci/, 20 01. 10 0 Industrial Robots Programming ... Adapted_voltage = {1, 1. 1 ,1. 2, 1. 4, 1. 6,2,2.2, }; Matrix Numeric Adapted_wire__feed = {2, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3, 3.2, }; Matrix Numeric Adapted_velocity = {10 , 12 ,...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:21
Industrial Robots Programming - J. Norberto Pires Part 7 ppt
... Status-Code.^1F " ;1 VB1 01 1 Pl 1 -C| 31 QBO- QB 1- IBO- IBl- EN IN EN IN EN IN EN IN MOV_B ENO OUT MOV_B ENO OUT MOV_B ENO OUT MOV_B ENO OUT NJ A -VB102 NJ A -VB103 NJ ... R R VB 91, VB92, dO, 1 dl, 1 d2, 1 d3, 1 d4, 1 200 1 b) Figure 3.5 Equation to activate action ''Pick PT using the SIEMENS programming s...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:21
Industrial Robots Programming - J. Norberto Pires Part 8 doc
... + 1) ) which translates to. command str 5000 X Y -y PDA SCRIPTS Access] Cartesian I Joint Cam | petCAMPIC I Num.Obj.: 6 91. 40_32.00 17 1.59_54.84 12 G.43_ 91. 64 69.4 0J1 9.00 17 8.95 _13 6 ,14 ... (Figure 3. 21) . 14 8 Industrial Robots Programming ^t} PDA SCRIPTS E]®^ 1 Init ] Script ] Joint j Cam | 10 ) PLC |J IP/Port: 11 72 ,16 .0,89 |2004 fi^fflorSIBS?! Pr...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:21
Industrial Robots Programming - J. Norberto Pires Part 9 potx
... finishes. B-Ca^ 1 ID_done = 1? J OK VmK 1 Check Robot State 1 fi&ady 1 Command 1 Robot J 1 i -j Busy Compose Answer Conn6< Wat ror connection : on port. tion n</uist 1 Check ... Interfaces 15 9 '»?S4Misc TIInlB joini. Lor Joint 1 Joint 2 Joint 3 Joint 4 Joint 5 Joint 6 lUUI 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Write Read • 1 • ^ Positio...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:21
Industrial Robots Programming - J. Norberto Pires Part 10 potx
... pl:=CRobT(\Tool:=trj_tool\WObj:=trj_wobj); MoveJ p 1 ,v 10 0,fine,trj_tool\WObj :=trj_wobj; decision! : =12 3; WHILE TRUE DO TEST decisionl CASE 90: MoveJ home,v200,fine,tool0; decisionl: =12 3; CASE 91: ... afclfeiSBl H n IH wjVModH jLat^i jL»o.;rr" J^ mid Pi *?5S Ki>' I h2»«O1,MG1 0-^ .00000 ^3. _J §N*fi ^.f&apos ;J? ! ORIHO; TOLAnjOSNAP fOTfUCK...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:21