Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 3 pot

Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 3 pot

Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 3 pot

... 98 6-9 91. 30 [2s] [29] [30 ] [31 ] [32 ] [33 ] [34 ] [35 ] [36 ] Chapter 1. Multi-arm robot systems: A survey M. Uchiyama and Y. Kanamori, "Quadratic Programming for Dextrous Dual-Arm ... and Non-Master/Slave Coordinated Control of Two-Arm Robots," Advanced Robotics: The International .Journal of the Robotics So- ciety of Japan, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 36 1 -...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 01:22

15 197 0
Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 4 potx

Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 4 potx

... el -die1 × 0 "o. " 0 e6 I -d6e6 x and A = I 0 [AI] A6 (2.10) 2.4. Illustrative examples 51 3. 51 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.51 -1 5 q Two Arms Holding a Common Object - 3 ... orienta- tion and therefore needs to be separately stated: A(c)VT = J(C)d + H(c)Tw (2 .33 ) (c) T r,(c) T ,,' ~-( c)T'~ where j(c) = diag{&C),j~c),j~e)}, n(c) T = o,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 01:22

15 243 0
Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) part 9 pot

Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) part 9 pot

... inverting the coef- ficient matrix of [~T, ET] T using inverse by partitioning [37 ]: = D-1A (V C - Hm~l - H,,) -D-1AT(AD-1AT)-IA~I (4.49) ~. : (An -1 AT) -1 {An -1 (T C - Urea - Hv) + ff~(~} ... Dauchez, "Symmetric kinematic formulation and non-master slave coordinated control of two-arm robots", Ad- vanced Robotics, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 36 1 -3 83,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 01:22

15 264 0
Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) part 10 pot

Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) part 10 pot

... literature [22, 72, 93, 97, 119, 127, 128, 132 , 1 43] . and modeling of the situation is fairly well understood [28, 46, 65, 67, 71, 131 , 133 , 135 ]. However, for the case of multi-fingered manipulation, ... evolve according to the following equations 6S -& quot ;- M-II(ICf + ~°)-I ( [ -wY ] -f~° [ vx ] vy (5.5) ¢ = + :rsMsus + ToMoUo (5,7) = o (5.8) In particular, if the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 01:22

15 198 0
Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) part 11 potx

Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) part 11 potx

... Con- ference on Robotics and Automation, pages 32 2 8 -3 233 , Minneapolis, MN, 1996. T.H. Speeter. Control of the UTAH/MIT Dextrous Hand: Hard- ware and Software Hierarchy. Journal of Robotic Systems, ... Automation, pages 33 8 3- 3 38 8, San Diego, CA, 1994. [84] B. Mirtich and J. Canny. Easily Computable Optimum Grasps in 2-D and 3- D. In Proceedings 1994 IEEE International...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 01:22

15 321 0
Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) part 13 potx

Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) part 13 potx

... 1994 [ 3- 5 4 0-1 989 6-2 ] Vol. 200: Yoshikawa, T.; Miyazaki, F. (Eds) Exp dmental Robotics Iih The 3rd International Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, October 2 8 -3 0, 19 93 624 pp. 1994 [ 3- 5 4 9-1 990 5-5 ] Vol. ... pp. 19 93 [ 3- 5 4 0-1 9 83 4-2 ] Vol. 188: Naidu, D. Subbaram Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer: Guidance and Control Strategies 192 pp. 19 93 [ 3- 5...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 01:22

6 172 0
Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 1 pdf

Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 1 pdf

... 132 5.2.1 Contact conditions and the release of constraints . . 133 5 .3 Ongoing research issues 134 5 .3. 1 Grasp synthesis 134 5 .3. 2 Grasp stability 135 5 .3. 3 The importance of friction 136 ... brace contact type 63 2.6 Comparison of manipulability ellipsoids 66 2.7 Conclusions 73 References 76 Kinematic control of dual-arm systems 3. 1 3. 2 3. 3 3. 4 3. 5 3. 6 3....

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 01:22

15 266 0
Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 2 pps

Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 2 pps

... topics 21 20 I '""I'll - 1"¸'~' Z 10 e 0 Ref Cur -1 0 r , , , _~x 0 1 2 Time Is] Figure 1.14: Experimental results: "Fry. Z 10 0 -1 0 0 Ref ... inverse, we obtain: where ), = w-lo + vf' (1 .35 ) IT W- = [ K T (I 6- K) T (1 .36 ) The matrix K is the load-sharing matrix. We can prove easily that the non-diagonal el...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 01:22

15 251 0
Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 5 pptx

Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 5 pptx

... mechanical systems theta = [210 -3 10.6 -1 0.78] f il . / / / / / /" i' J'" theta = [215 -3 37 .6 29.42] f , • \ / / /// / t / theta = [ 230 -3 69.6 49.02] theta == [245 -3 42.8 ... ellipsoid. theta = [150 -1 80 -6 0] / 2 h/ S ? 2 g / theta = [24 0 -3 30 15~ .:' \ [ ÷.,i \/ theta = [30 0 -3 90 210] f, t' &...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 01:22

15 260 0
Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 6 doc

Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio & Stefano Chiaverini (Eds) Part 6 doc

... mechanical systems 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0 .5 -1 -1 .5 -2 Shape Discrepancy Metric for Two Dimensional Ellipsoids '1 " " 0.6667 \ " / x ,' " 0 .33 33 ". ... 73 t.5 -0 .5 -1 -1 .5 Rotational Metric for Two Dimensional Ellipsoids w 2.0000 1.4142 ~ ,/ ,," - ~ . " - 1~,4142 / ";' ,, . )( 0. 7...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 01:22

15 141 0
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