LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 4 doc

LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 4 doc

LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 4 doc

... Sci 1999 ;40 :203–213. Wavefront Technology and LASIK Applications 151 tablished three groups of central cornea power (K) ( 47 .2 D, 47 .2 48 .7 D, 48 .7D) and inferior–superior corneal power asymmetry (I-S ... corneal power receives 1 point and the other eye receives 0 points. K Ͻ 47 .2 D, 47 .2 48 .7 D, or 48 .7 D is assigned 0, 1, or 2 points, re- spectively. I-S value Ͻ1 .4 D,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:22

52 369 0
LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 1 docx

LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 1 docx

... keratomileusis. Advances in instru- mentation, and in research and understanding of the eye and wound healing, and constant surgical innovation, will surely keep the field changing and improving as the years ... Americans have had LASIK procedures, and predictions es- timate that 1.2 million Americans will undergo LASIK in the year 2001 (2). Some decry LASIK as a shift fro...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:22

52 307 0
LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 2 doc

LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 2 doc

... LASIK 53 include the Moria LSK-1, the SCMD Turbokeratome by New United Development Cor- poration, and the Med-Logics Manual. The automated sliding microkeratomes (SKBM, B.B I-T-I, Allergan, and ... microkeratomes are available in automated and manual forms. The automated mi- crokeratomes include the Carriazo-Barraquer and M-2 made by Moria and the Bausch and Lomb Surgical/ Chir...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:22

52 369 0
LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 9 doc

LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 9 doc

... 1998; 24: 166–1 74. 5. MC Knorz, B Jendritza. Topographically-guided LASIK to treat corneal irregularities. Ophthal- mology 2000;107:1138–1 143 .z LASIK and TopoLink for Irregular Astigmatism 42 9

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:22

52 303 0
LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 3 pps

LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 3 pps

... (Fig. 8. 14) . In the near future, software and hardware devel- opments, including wavefront-guided ablation, will permit more precise planning and treat- ment of a range of pre-existing and surgically ... design” (Tomey TMS, TechnoMed C-Scan, and Keratron) and “distant design” (EyeSys Corneal Analysis Sys- tem-2000, Humphrey Atlas, Alcon EyeMap EH-290, and Dicon CT-200). The near...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:22

52 448 0
LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 5 ppsx

LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 5 ppsx

... contact lens in- duced corneal warpage. Ophthalmology 1990;97:7 34 744 . 24. DTC Lin. Corneal topographic analysis after excimer photorefractive keratectomy. Ophthal- mology 19 94; 101: 143 2– 143 9. 25. SE ... LASIK/ PRK Outcomes Perry S. Binder, MD 85 8-7 5 6 -4 46 2; email: Analysis Sakarya et al. commented that Azar and Yeh’s drift...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:22

52 391 0
LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 6 ppt

LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 6 ppt

... 69% ( 34) , 55.7% (35), 79% (36), 91% (37), 84% and 100% (42 ), and 75% and 53.8% (29) at 6 months; and 77.7% and 84% (32), 85% (38), and 88% and 94. 7% (39) at 1 year, with an overall mean of 34. 53%. b. ... emmetropia was 56% (41 ) and 52.5% and 39% (26) at 3 months postoperatively; 67% (33), 26% ( 34) , 27% (35), 72% (36), 67% (37), 20% and 43 .75% (42 ), and 50% a...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:22

52 357 0
LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 8 ppsx

LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 8 ppsx

... Staphylococcus aureus (42 ,43 ,45 ), Streptococcus viridans (44 ), Mycobacterium chelonae (46 ), Nocardia asteroides (47 ), Streptococcus pneumoniae, (48 ) and culture negative interface abscess (49 ). When faced ... Ophthalmology 1998;105:1839–1 847 ; discussion 1 847 –1 848 . 42 . NA Chaudhry, WE Smiddy. Displacement of corneal cap during vitrectomy in a post -LASIK eye. Retina 1998;18:...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:22

52 271 0
LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 10 pps

LASIK Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 10 pps

... 88 Irradiance, 42 definition, 39 Irregular astigmatism, 5, 389, 41 4 41 9 TopoLink, 42 1 42 6 after PKP and RK, 42 1 42 2 Irregular flaps, 193, 44 2 44 4 Irrigating cannulae, 86, 87 Isolated epithelial nest, 46 4 46 5 KCI, ... 32 Burkholderia pickettii, 47 9 Buttonhole, 43 9 44 2 intraoperative management, 44 1 management, 44 3 postoperative management, 44 1 prevention, 44 1 44...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:22

52 459 0
Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 7 pptx

Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques, and Complications - part 7 pptx

... (45 ), and more postoperative corticosteroids are used than regular LASIK to avoid the risk of graft rejection (45 ,47 ). Predictability of 45 % within 0.5 D (48 ), 63–73% within 1.0 D (45 ,48 ), and ... within 2.0 D of target refraction (45 ) and efficacy of 36–55% within 20 /40 UCVA (45 ,48 ) have been reported. Observations of 55–60% gain (45 ,47 ) and 9–12% loss (47 ,48 ) of m...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:21

52 299 0