Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 8 pot

Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 8 pot

Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 8 pot

... reasons why the new consensus has not taken the in- ternational community more than one step forward in the task of pre- venting the next Asian crisis. First, there is an inconsistency between the policy ... controls. There should be no revival of the G7 push to insert the goal of promoting free capital mobility in the Articles of Agreement of the IMF in the 1990s, or...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

13 336 0
Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 1 pot

Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 1 pot

... by: Bhumika Muchhala October 2007 TEN YEARS AFTER: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis edited by bhumikA muchhAlA TEN YEARS AFTER: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis Asia Program Woodrow Wilson ... neces- sarily lead to financial crisis otherwise, what can explain the relative insulation from the Asian crisis for countries such as China and India?...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

14 418 0
Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 4 pot

Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 4 pot

... to the Indonesian rupiah and the South Korean won between September 1997 and January 19 98. After January 19 98, the rupiah was at the epicenter of the crisis. After the Asian contagion, the crisis ... mention some of the findings that other scholars have made regarding these issues, in particular those findings that either add to or correct the past studies, Ten Ye...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

13 329 0
Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 7 potx

Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 7 potx

... worked as an economist in the World Bank and in the Office of Technology Assessment in the U.S. Congress. The Aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis | 81 | On the other hand, the negative results ... rather little attention to the data provided through “transparency” ex- ercises—even though they would presumably no longer be “misled” by the data (as they supposedly w...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

13 314 0
Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 2 docx

Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 2 docx

... economic founda- tions as well as the ways in which the IMF has reformed itself over the last ten years in response to the Asian financial crisis. The crisis- affected Asian economies have made significant ... crisis. For years to come, the Asian financial crisis of 1997- 98 will symbol- ize for some the catastrophic effects of economic globalization. The cri-...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

13 345 0
Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 3 ppsx

Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 3 ppsx

... from the 1997– 98 Asian Debacle? | 27 | the U.S. Treasury, the IMF, the World Bank and elsewhere cite the Asian financial crisis to criticize the preceding “East Asian Miracle” as flawed. The crisis ... effective surveillance. There was a prolifera- tion of banks between 1 988 and 1997—before 1 988 , there were less than a hundred banks, and by the time of the cr...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

13 332 0
Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 5 ppt

Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 5 ppt

... He—China Ten Years After the Asian Crisis: An Indonesian Insider’s View | 51 | cluding the Indonesian minister of finance, because the patterns seem eerily similar to the events leading up to the Asian ... explore instead the meaning of the changing order in East Asia that, at the minimum, coincided with what we have come to call the Asian financial crisis. The...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

13 381 0
Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 6 docx

Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 6 docx

... out how to keep the Chinese juggernaut from steamrolling over South Korea. In the ten years since the Asian financial crisis, the South Koreans have dealt with the dilemma of the new Sino-centric ... doubts about the future direction of economic policy, potentially discouraging for- eign direct investment. | 63 | asIa and the InternatIonal monetary fund: ten years...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

13 275 0
Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 9 ppt

Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 9 ppt

... of these problems, there were a whole series of proposals for reform of ten years after: the lastIng Impact of the asIan fInancIal crIsIs Mark Weisbrot is co-director of the Center for Economic ... Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan. Ten Years After: The Lasting Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis | 107 | never before, which permanently...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

13 364 0
Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 10 ppt

Ten Years aFTer: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis phần 10 ppt

... and the Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia (CEPEA). TEN YEARS AFTER: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl cRisis edited by bhumikA muchhAlA TEN YEARS AFTER: Revisiting the AsiAn FinAnciAl ... creation of new institutions. | 1 28 | Ten Years After: Revisiting the Asian Financial Crisis Special Report No. 133 – The Avian Flu Challenge...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

20 379 0