Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 8 ppt

Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 8 ppt

Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 8 ppt

... number of texts offer this background (Fletcher, Fletcher, & Wagner, 1 988 ; Hennekens, Buring, & Mayerent, 1 987 ; Sackett, Haynes, Guyatt, & Tugwell, 1991). Rothman•s work (1 986 , 1 988 ) of- fers ... the Nun Study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80 , 80 4 81 3. Daviglus, M. L., Liu, K., Greenland, P., Dyer, A. R., Garside, D. B., Manheim, L., et al. (1...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

70 387 0
Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 2 pps

Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 2 pps

... Bernard, T. M., & Hartman, K. A. (1 989 ). Further explo- rations of common sense representations of common illnesses. Health Psychology, 8, 167… 185 . Lazarus, R. (1 981 ). The stress and coping paradigm. ... Journal of the American Medical Association, 241, 181 8… 182 2. Spanier, G. B. (1976). Measuring dyadic adjustment: New scales for assessing the quality of marriage and s...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

70 323 0
Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 3 potx

Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 3 potx

... adults„United States, 19 98. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 49(39), 88 1 88 4. References 139 United States. Journal of the American Medical Association, 282 , 1530…15 38. Allison, D. B., & ... International Journal of Obesity, 3, 57…73. Havlik, R. J., Hubert, H. B., Fabsitz, R. R., & Feinleib, M. (1 983 ). Weightand hypertension.Annals of Internal Medicine, 98, 85 5...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

70 415 0
Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 4 pdf

Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 4 pdf

... Medicine, 33(7), 80 7 81 3. Reynolds, W. J., Chiu, B., & Inman, R. D. (1 988 ). Plasma substance P levels in “brositis. Journal of Rheumatology, 15(12), 180 2… 180 3. Romano, J. M., & Turner, J. A. (1 985 ). ... R. M. (1 984 ). Interaction between sex and social support in the control of type II diabetes mellitus. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52, 1 087 …1 08...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

70 354 0
Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 5 pdf

Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 5 pdf

... Approaches 281 Telephone Counseling 281 Effects of Psychosocial Interventions on Health Outcome 281 Effects of Psychosocial Interventions on Immune Functioning 282 Prevention Issues 283 Summary 283 FAMILYAND ... Jaccard, J., et al. (1 988 ). Two studies of the long- term follow-up of minimal therapist contact treatments of vascu- lar and tension headache. Journal of Consul...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

70 417 0
Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 6 pdf

Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 6 pdf

... 377 TREATMENT 3 78 Pharmacological and Alternative Treatments 3 78 Nonpharmacological Interventions 379 Medical Utilization 380 Treatment Attributions 381 STIGMA 381 FUTURE DIRECTIONS 383 REFERENCES 384 This ... pain. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 407…416. Dashevsky, B., & Kramer, M. (19 98) . Behavioral treatment of chronic insomnia in psychiatrically ill...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

70 435 0
Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 7 potx

Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 7 potx

... Firestone, P., Shipman, R., & Peters, S. (1 983 ). Recurrent abdominal pain: A psychogenic disorder? Archives of Disease in Childhood, 58, 88 8 89 0. Melzack, R. (1975). McGill Pain Questionnaire: ... CLASSIFICATION OF SPINAL CORD INJURY 415 Levels of Injury and Functional Goals 416 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF SPINAL CORD INJURY 417 Age 4 18 Gender 4 18 Ethnicity 4 18 Educational and Occu...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

70 420 0
Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 9 pdf

Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 9 pdf

... Macnaughton, R. J. (19 98) . Images of health. Lancet, 351, 82 3 82 5. Edwards, J. R. (1996). An examination of competing versions of the person-environment “t approach to stress. Academy of Man- agement ... other 580 Occupational Health Psychology California…SanFrancisco & Irvine, University of Hawaii, University of Houston, University of Nottingham, Oklahoma State Univ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

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Handbook of Economic Forecasting part 8 ppt

Handbook of Economic Forecasting part 8 ppt

... ratio of the posterior variance of the “own” lag coefficient in first equation to that of the “other” lag coefficient in second equa- tion is identical to the ratio of the posterior variance of the ... (equation-by-equation, of course) estimator of b, and the marginal density for  is again of the inverted Wishart form. Symmetric treatment of all equations is also feature of...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 18:20

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