Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 2 pps

Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 2 pps

Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 2 pps

... 40, 22 2 22 5. Zachariae, R., & Bjerring, P. (1990). The effect of hypnotically induced analgesia on ”are reaction of the cutaneous histamine prick test. Archives of Dermatological Research, 28 2, ... cardiovascular reactivity. Health Psychology, 14, 21 0 21 6. Lepore, S. J. (1998). Problems and prospects for the social support- reactivity hypothesis. Annals of Behavioral Medi...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

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Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 3 potx

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... PERRI 121 CLASSIFICATION OF OBESITY 121 “Ideal Weight” 122 Body Mass Index 122 The WHO Classification System 122 Measurement of Abdominal Fat 123 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF OBESITY 123 CONSEQUENCES OF OBESITY ... Category) 25 .0 25 .0 29 .9 Ն30.0 (Overweight or (Overweight) (Obese) Obese) Gender, Race/Ethnicity % % % Women White 23 .1 22 .4 45.5 African American 29 .1 37.4 66.5 Mexic...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

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Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 4 pdf

Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 4 pdf

... epidemiologic study of the elderly survey. Diabetes Care, 22 , 56…64. Blake, G. H. (19 92) . Control of type II diabetes: Reaping the rewards of exercise and weight loss. Postgraduate Medicine, 92, 129 …137. Bloomgarden, ... mellitus. Diabetes Educator, 23 (2) , 157…165. Bradley, C. (1979). Life events and the control of diabetes mellitus. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 23 ,...

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Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 5 pdf

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... Treatment 26 9 BEHAVIORAL RISK FACTORS 27 0 Smoking 27 0 Alcohol 27 0 Diet 27 0 Sun Exposure 27 0 Socioeconomic Status 27 1 Personality 27 1 Summary 27 1 PSYCHOSOCIAL EFFECTS OF CANCER 27 1 Prevalence of Psychiatric ... Psychiatric Disorders 27 1 Depression 27 2 Anxiety 27 2 Suicide 27 3 Delirium 27 3 Body Image Problems 27 3 Sexual Functioning Difficulties 27 3 Psychologi...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

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Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 6 pdf

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... death ϭ 1. 62, P < 0.03; • no CI reported. Source: Reprinted with permission from Rozanski et al. (1999). Circulation, 99, 21 92 22 17. Hypertension 353 TABLE 15 .2 Studies of the Impact of Psychosocial ... evaluation of mechanisms. Archives of Internal Medicine, 157, 22 13 22 23. Blumenthal, J. A., & Wei, J. (1993). Psychobehavioral treatment in cardiac rehabilitation. Car...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

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Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 7 potx

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... and Contractures 422 Urinary Tract Infections 422 Depression 422 Anxiety 423 ADJUSTMENT FOLLOWING SPINAL CORD INJURY 423 Enduring Characteristics and Individual Differences 424 Social and Interpersonal ... Leung, P. (1980). Effects of assertion training on ac- ceptance of disability by physically disabled university students. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 27 , 20 9 21 2. Na...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

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... effects of disease. Because of their treatments, many are at increased risk of de- veloping secondary tumors. For example, within 25 years of diagnosis of childhood cancer in Britain, about 4% of ... Collins, J. L. (1998). Co-occurrence of high-risk behaviors among adolescents in the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health, 22 , 20 9 21 3. Brown, D. (20 00, December 6)....

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Handbook of psychology 9000 phần 9 pdf

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... disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 325 (4), 22 6 23 0. Stephen, E. H., & Chandra, A. (1997). Updated projections of infer- tility in the United States: 1995 20 25. Fertility and Sterilization, 70, ... Images of health. Lancet, 351, 823 … 825 . Edwards, J. R. (1996). An examination of competing versions of the person-environment “t approach to stress. Academy of Man- ag...

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