Making use of python phần 2 doc

Bài 5 - Letters of congratulation & letters of introduction-phần 2 doc

Bài 5 - Letters of congratulation & letters of introduction-phần 2 doc

... dụ: Bài 5 - Letters of congratulation & letters of introduction (Thư chúc mừng & thư giới thiệu)-phần3 RESPONDING TO LETTERS OF CONGRATULATION (TRẢ LỜI THƯ CHÚC MỪNG) Bài giảng ... the part of the community here. With your busy travel schedule, how did you ever find time to drop me a note about this special time in my life? Thanks so much f...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 01:20

13 555 0
Making use of python phần 1 ppsx

Making use of python phần 1 ppsx

... to Be Used 11 9 Write the Code 11 9 Execute the Code 12 1 Summary 12 2 Chapter 6 Modules 12 3 Getting Started 12 4 Using Modules 12 4 Modules 12 4 Packages 13 5 Identify the Modules to Be Used 13 6 vi Contents TEAM ... enhancements over Python 1. 5.2. Python 2.0, released in October 2000, was more of a transition from Python 1. 6. Python 2 .1. 1, released in July 20 01,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

42 335 0
Making use of python phần 2 doc

Making use of python phần 2 doc

... 3*listvar [‘abcd’, 123 , 2. 23, ‘efgh’, ‘abcd’, 123 , 2. 23, ‘efgh’, ‘abcd’, 123 , 2. 23, ‘efgh’] >>> 2* listvar+[‘genuine’] [‘abcd’, 123 , 2. 23, ‘efgh’, ‘abcd’, 123 , 2. 23, ‘efgh’, ‘genuine’] We ... hexadecimal. Some examples of long integers are these: 53 924 561L -0x19 423 L 012L -4 721 84 529 4 529 L 0xDEFABCECBDAECBFBAEl 535133 629 843L -0 524 181 327 35L NOTE Python...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

42 351 0
Making use of python phần 3 doc

Making use of python phần 3 doc

... 38 (100110). >>> ~38 -39 >>> ~ -38 37 Note that bitwise NOT for 38 returns -39 =- (38 +1) and bitwise NOT for -38 returns 37 =- ( -38 +1). >>> 38 &50 34 >>> 38 |25 63 >>> 38 ^50 20 Note ... >>> divmod(10.6 ,3. 4) is rounded off. Complex numbers use only the (3. 0, 0 .39 999999999999991) real component of the quoti...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

42 268 0
Making use of python phần 4 docx

Making use of python phần 4 docx

... learn to do the following: ߜ Use file objects ߜ Use standard input and output methods ߜ Use methods of file objects ߜ Use methods of the os module ߜ Use methods of the os.path module Getting ... interpreter, the output of the preceding code will be: >>>output=main_func( 14, 24) >>>output 144 4 When a call is made to the main_func function with input value...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

42 302 0
Making use of python phần 5 doc

Making use of python phần 5 doc

... affecting the functioning of software and users’ understanding of it. These complexities need to be simplified to make software easy to understand, manage, and use. One of the ways in which these ... os.path.splitdrive(‘c: /Python ) (‘c:’, ‘ /Python ) 152 Chapter 7 TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine! Delegation Delegation is a characteristic of wrapping that uses...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

42 259 0
Making use of python phần 6 docx

Making use of python phần 6 docx

... ‘,’) SwFile.write(libM[1] + ‘,’) ProductOf=raw_input(‘Enter the name of the software vendor: ‘) SwFile.write(ProductOf + ‘,’) Size=raw_input(‘Enter the size of the software (in MB): ‘) SwFile.write(Size ... address location bar of the browser. The standard methods of HTTP 1.1 that are used to specify the type of user request are GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, and CONN...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

42 276 0
Making use of python phần 7 ppt

Making use of python phần 7 ppt

... attribute is used to specify the type of control that will be used to accept input from the user. The NAME attribute. This attribute is used to specify a name for a control. This name is used to identify ... This option is used to exit silently if a connection to the server cannot be established. -u, —user=[user] This option is used to specify the user for login if not the current user. 246...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

42 243 0
Making use of python phần 8 doc

Making use of python phần 8 doc

... 11: 28: 37 2002 Thread no. 1 Wed Jan 09 11: 28: 38 2002 Thread no. 2 Wed Jan 09 11: 28: 39 2002 Thread no. 1 Wed Jan 09 11: 28: 39 2002 Thread no. 2 Wed Jan 09 11: 28: 41 2002 Thread no. 2 Wed Jan 09 11: 28: 43 ... computers. The sockets of the AF_UNIX family are also called Unix sockets and were used originally in Unix BSD, the flavor of Unix that introduced sockets. You use the socke...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

42 221 0
Making use of python phần 9 ppt

Making use of python phần 9 ppt

... components of the user interface of the form. ߜ Identify the Tkinter elements to design the user interface. ߜ Write the code for the user interface. ߜ Execute the code. Identify the Components of the User ... attribute of the uploaded file is used to read data from the uploaded file, and the filename attribute of the uploaded file is used to return the name of the file. ■■ Cookies...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

42 303 0
Making use of python phần 10 docx

Making use of python phần 10 docx

... 110 12 append (a) access mode, 143–44 arguments buffering, 144 default, 102 –5 exception, 204–5 from_what, 148 functions, 102 –5 keyword, 102 , 103 keyword variable, 107 –8 non-keyword variable, 105 –6 passing ... 59–60 bee(), 110 built-in, 15, 112–18 calling, 102 –5 class instantiation, 166 cmp(), 56, 60 colon (:) character, 101 course_fee(), 104 declaration syntax, 101 declar...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

38 333 0
Pillars of Prosperity phần 2 docx

Pillars of Prosperity phần 2 docx

... incidence of “double taxation.” 72 Pillars of Prosperity So far the assessment made by the administration, Congress, and the Fed bodes badly for our economic future. All they offer is more of the ... associated with the drug war. The Economics of a Free Society 35 58 Pillars of Prosperity importance of concepts like time preference, the nature of class conflicts, and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

49 242 0


... are given in 40 Principles of Economics terms of the Modern Library edition of the Wealth of Nations, the Gonner edition of Ricardo’s Principles, and the twentieth edition of Roscher’s System. Another ... goods of second order at his com- mand. In this case, even command of all the goods of third order required for the production of a single good of second 60 Prin...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

32 307 0
an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations phần 2 doc

an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations phần 2 doc

... Scotland, who sees the country now, and who saw it twenty or thirty years ago. The province of Holland, on the other hand, in proportion to the extent 22 3 [ 10 ] of its territory and the number of ... three and a half, four, and four and a half per cent. Since the time of Henry VIII the wealth and revenue of the country 21 9 [ 6 ] have been continual...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

75 618 0
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