Design ejb design patterns phần 5 ppsx
... logical JNDI name for the Account: < ;ejb- ref> < ;ejb- ref-name> com.bankapp.AcccountHome < /ejb- ref-name> < ;ejb- ref-type> Session < /ejb- ref-type> <home> com.bankapp.AcccountHome </home> ... servlet, standalone, even in between EJBs). Related Patterns Service Locator (Alur, et al., 2001) Factory (Gamma, et al., 19 95) Client-Side EJB Interacti...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20
... n 30t G J · n 9 ,55 t M rot G 12 · 1800 9 ,55 · t G 2261,8 t 5. M lin CM rot G 4079,7 t C 2261,8 t G 6341 ,5 t G1 ,55 · M lin The influence of the rotating masses is in this case 55 percent of the ... m͞sec 15. The effective brake moment is: M be G η b · M b (Nm) M be G0, 95 · 19 000 G18 050 Nm 16. The effective braking time is: t brake G ω 3 · J total M be CM 1 (sec) t br G 36 · 63 ,55...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:23
... the server. Client EJB Network getAttribute1() getAttribute2() getAttribute4() getAttribute5() getAttribute3() Inter-Tier Data Transfer Patterns 47 Figure 1. 15 EJBObject and EJBLocalObject interfaces. In ... the EJB specification advises against this practice, and with good reason. The remote interface extends javax .ejb. EJBObject inter- face, and the local interface implements the j...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20
Design ejb design patterns phần 7 ppsx
... <antcall target=”generate .ejb. ear.DD”/> </target> <target name=”packageExampleEJB”> <antcall target=”package .ejb > <param name=”package .ejb. ejbname” value=”Example”/> <param ... target=”package .ejb. ear”/> <antcall target=”package.web.war”/> </target> <target name=”package .ejb. jars”> <antcall target=”packageExampleEJB”/> <...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20
Research Issues in Systems Analysis and Design, Databases and Software Development phần 5 ppsx
... 26-37). Mili, H., Mili, F., & Mili, A. (19 95) . Reusing software: Issues and research directions. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 21(6), 52 8- 56 1. OMG. (2006). Meta-object facility (MOF™), ... Engineering, 15( 2), 271-294. Peleg, M., & Dori, D. (1999). Extending the object-process methodology to handle real time systems. Journal of Object Oriented Programming, 11(...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 11:22
Wrox Professional CSS Cascading Style Sheets for Web Design phần 5 ppsx
... absolute; top: 195px; right: 2px; } 193 The University of Florida 07 _58 8338 ch 05. qxd 6/22/ 05 11:24 AM Page 193 Figure 5- 1: The University of Florida home page launched in 19 95 Here’s a bit of ... the utility navigation first. 191 The University of Florida 07 _58 8338 ch 05. qxd 6/22/ 05 11:24 AM Page 191 07 _58 8338 ch 05. qxd 6/22/ 05 11:24 AM Page 204 The Final Outcome So, here...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:22
Interface-Oriented Design phần 5 ppsx
... the services of an interface. Disadvantage—may end up with lots of helper classes. 5. 5 Things to Remember You can design with an emphasis on either inheritance or interfaces: • Interfaces show commonality ... Interface Suppose we have a CustomInputStream we developed by inheriting from InputStream such as in (Figure 5. 5, on the following page. We start our transformation by extracting a...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
Design ejb design patterns phần 2 pot
... possibly less maintainability over time. Related Patterns Command (Gamma, et al., 19 95) Data Transfer HashMap EJB Layer Architectural Patterns 25 ■■ Allow for creating complex graphs of DTOs. ... factories. EJB Team A EJB Team B Application Server Team A's Factory Stateless SB Team B's Factory Stateless SB Car Entity Bean Manufacturer Entity Bean EJB Layer Architectu...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20