Primary Trauma Care Manual - part 4 pptx
... 1.0–3.0 40 –50 3.0 5.5–8.5 7–10.5 Newborn 3.5 40 –50 3.5 9 11 3 months 6.0 30–50 3.5 10 12 1 year 10 20–30 4. 0 11 14 2 years 12 20–30 4. 5 12 15 3 years 14 20–30 4. 5 13 16 4 years 16 15–25 5.0 14 17 6 ... of oxygen, not lack of an endo-tracheal tube. Remember: patients with trauma of the face and neck are at risk for airway obstruction Primary Trauma Care Primary Trauma...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20
... Primary Trauma Care Chest Trauma Approximately a quarter of deaths due to trauma are attributed to thoracic injury. Immediate deaths ... pulmonary contusion and delay in deterioration of respiratory state Primary Trauma Care Head Trauma Delay in the early assessment of head-injured patients can have devastating consequence in terms of ... neurologic deficit • order others se...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20
... close to family if at all possible Primary Trauma Care Pregnancy The ABCDE priorities of trauma management in pregnant patients is the same as those in non-pregnant patients. Anatomical and physiological ... prevented in resuscitation of the traumatised pregnant woman. Remember left lateral tilt Primary Trauma Care Limb Support: Early Fasciotomy The problem with compartment synd...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20
The Intensive Care Manual - part 8 pptx
... prevention of variceal bleeding. N Engl J Med 1999; 340 : 988. 44 . Zimmerman HM, Curfman KL. Acute gastrointestinal bleeding. AACN Clinical Is- sues 1997;8 :44 9. 45 . DeMarkles MP, Murphy JR. Acute lower gastrointestinal ... 19 94; 121:568. 290 The Intensive Care Manual ch11.qxd 11/7/01 4: 18 PM Page 290 43 . Sarin SK, Lamba GS, Kumar M, et al. Comparison of endoscopic ligation and...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21
Current practice guidelines in primary care - part 4 pptx
... ado- lescents (aged 13– 64 years) in all healthcare settings, c espe- cially persons initiating TB treatment or seeking evalua- tion for STD complaints Routinely screen using “opt-out” ... 2006;3 54: 2368) JAMA 2003;289: 2560 Hypertension 2003 ;42 :1206 AAFP USPSTF 2006 2003 Age ≥ 18 years Strongly recommends screening for high blood pressure. Hypertension 2000;35: 844 NEJM 200...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 2 Part 4 pptx
... Chapter 10: Single-Phase and Special-Purpose Motors 1 0-1 . A 120-V, 1/3-hp 60-Hz, four-pole, split-phase induction motor has the following impedances: 1 R = 1.80 Ω 1 X = 2 .40 Ω M X = 60 ... ) 0. 04 1.058 0. 042 3 A R =Ω=Ω Continuing to solve the equation for conv P , we get 2 0. 042 3 230 40 ,000 0 AA II−+ = 2 543 4.8 945 180 0 AA II−+= 179.9 A A I = and A E...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22
An Introduction to Database Systems 8Ed - C J Date - Solutions Manual Episode 1 Part 4 pptx
... scalar types involved in the suppliers-and-parts database: CREATE TYPE S# AS CHAR(5) FINAL ; CREATE TYPE P# AS CHAR(6) FINAL ; CREATE TYPE J# AS CHAR (4) FINAL ; CREATE TYPE NAME AS CHAR(20) ... All of the following expressions would then be legal: ADDWT ( WT, 14. 7 ) ADDWT ( 14. 7, WT ) ADDWT ( WT, WT ) ADDWT ( 14. 7, 3.0 ) (End quote) Note, however, that──even if the cur...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 01:21
Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 4 pptx
... been able to kill modern drug- resistant bacteria that can cause potentially deadly diseases in humans. Present-day antibiotics have nearly all been isolated from micro-organisms that use them as ... UNIT 4 D The wind farm is connected to the power station by a 33-kilovolt powerline, and a radio link between the two allows operators to monitor and control each wind turbine. The nine 225-kil...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15
Tài liệu Spoken english elementary handbook part 4 pptx
... connections = 12% 4. consonant sound to vowel sound (cv) – 9 connections = 10% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 consonant-consonant (cc) vowel-consonant (vc) vowel-vowel (vv) consonant-vowel (cv) ... starting sentences, we counted 94 different connections between words. The most common connections were: 1. consonant sound to consonant sound (cc) – 46 connections = 48 % (the most...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15
Tài liệu Bullentin for toefl part 4 pptx
... 6000 PO Box 6051 Princeton, NJ 08 54 1-6 000 USA Princeton, NJ 08 54 1-6 051 USA TOEFL TSE PO Box 6151 PO Box 6151 Princeton, NJ 08 54 1-6 151 USA Princeton, NJ 08 54 1-6 151 USA Name of test(s) canceled: Name: Family ... Service PO Box 6151 Princeton, NJ 08 54 1-6 151 USA Checks must be made payable to ETS-TOEFL/TSE. In Canada, add GST/HST (Reg. No. 13 141 446 8 RT) and QST (R...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 22:15