Critical Care Focus 9: The Gut - part 3 doc
... Med 2000;28: 233 4–7. 12 Zaloga GP, Roberts PR. Bedside placement of enteral feeding tubes in the intensive care unit. Crit Care Med 1998;26:987–8. 13 Hernandez-Socorro CR, Marin J, Ruiz-Santana S, ... shock were consecutively enrolled (nϭ25) and received either an enteral formula supplemented with 22 g/l partially CRITICAL CARE FOCUS: THE GUT 25 AB P<0 . 01 P<0 . 001 2...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22
... In these patients the question is not so much whether they will survive their laparostomies, but whether they will survive their multiple organ failure. In survivors, at the same time as the ... Catheter-related morbidity in patients on home parenteral nutrition: implications for small bowel transplantation. Ann Roy Coll Surg Engl 1994;76(6) :38 4–6. CRITICAL CARE FOCUS: THE GUT...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22
... administration of L-arginine improves the intestinal barrier function after mesenteric ischaemia. Gut 1996; 39 :9 4–8. CRITICAL CARE FOCUS: THE GUT 6: Medical management of non-variceal upper gastrointestinal ... Shock, trauma, or sepsis-induced gut injury can result in the generation of cytokines and other pro-inflammatory mediators in the gut 14 and the mesenteric ly...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22
Critical Care Focus 9: The Gut - part 10 doc
... 13 germ-free mice 35 , 36 Glasgow score, acute pancreatitis 72 3 Gram negative organisms acid resistance 30 , 31 gut colonisation 29 30 , 39 immunological effects 37 selective gut decontamination 38 –9 guar, ... 8 breath test, 13 C-octanoic acid 6–7 Candida 30 , 31 pancreatic abscesses 76 translocation across gut 31 , 32 13 C-octanoic acid breath test 6–7 caspase-1...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22
Critical Care Focus 9: The Gut - part 1 potx
... available: H F Galley (ed) Critical Care Focus 1: Renal Failure, 1999. H F Galley (ed) Critical Care Focus 2: Respiratory Failure, 1999. H F Galley (ed) Critical Care Focus 3: Neurological Injury, ... Galley (ed) Critical Care Focus 4: Endocrine Disturbance, 2000. H F Galley (ed) Critical Care Focus 5: Antibiotic Resistance and Infection Control, 2001. H F Galle...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22
Critical Care Focus 9: The Gut - part 2 pdf
... emptying There are two options for managing the problem of the impaired gastric emptying in critically ill patients: the first is to use pro-kinetic agents and the second is to put the feed further ... preventing a build-up of bacterial populations in the proximal segments of the CRITICAL CARE FOCUS: THE GUT 3 Slow gastric emptying There are lots of reasons why gastri...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22
Critical Care Focus 9: The Gut - part 5 ppt
... mean lymph-to-serum ratio of 53 4 for IL-1.There was phenotypical evidence of T-lymphocyte activation in both lymph and peripheral blood with increased lymph-to-peripheral blood ratios. These results ... of the participation of gut- associated lymphatic tissue in the pathogenesis of the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, suggesting that T-cell activation and cytokine production occu...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22
Critical Care Focus 9: The Gut - part 7 ppsx
... Contributory factors to these criteria include the severity of the first bleed, whether re-bleeding occurs, and the age and co-morbidity of the patient. Table 6.2 Ulcer appearance at endoscopy and re-bleeding ... a CRITICAL CARE FOCUS: THE GUT 58 using standardized questionnaires in two phases one year apart. A total of 4 185 cases of acute upper GI haemorrhage over the ag...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22
Critical Care Focus 9: The Gut - part 8 pps
... 1994 ;33 1:717–27. 15 Freeman ML, Cass OW, Peine CJ, Onstad GR. The non-bleeding visible vessel versus the sentinel clot: natural history and risk of rebleeding. Gastrointest Endosc 19 93; 39 :3 59–66. 16 ... Med 1999 ;34 0:751–6. 26 Sherman LM, Shenoy SS, Cerra FB. Selective intra-arterial vasopressin: clinical efficacy and complications. Ann Surg 1979;1 89:2 98 30 2. CRITICAL CARE...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22
Critical Care Focus 9: The Gut - part 9 ppsx
... isolated mild hyperbilirubinaemia is a non-specific sign. 84 CRITICAL CARE FOCUS: THE GUT 79 reduced in the treated group (12и2% versus 30 3% , pϽ0и01), and there was a trend towards decreased mortality. ... receive imipenem or no antibiotic. 72 The incidence of pancreatic infection was significantly CRITICAL CARE FOCUS: THE GUT 84 30 Benz S, Schnabel R,Weber H, et al...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22