... 'Hawaii' end Kết luận Trong ba phần của loạt bài này, chúng tôi đã giải thích cách sử dụng các hàm CASE trong SQL Server với nhiều giả thuyết khác nhau. Trong phần tiếp theo, chúng ta sẽ ... ('Eastern','Alaskan') Kết quả của hàm thể hiện trong hình sau AverageSalary TimeZone 124000.00 Alaskan 188666.6666 Eastern from emp group...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:15
... Windows PowerShell và SQL Server 2005 SMO – Phần 3 Ngu ồn : quantrimang.com The MA K Phần I và Phần II của loạt bài này đã chỉ dẫn các thiết lập PowerShell và SMO, các cmdlet WMI đơn giản. Phần 3 ... System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $SqlConnection.ConnectionString = " ;Server= $SQLSERVER;Database=$DATABASE;Integrated Security=True" $Sql...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 02:16
Praise for C# 2.0: Practical Guide for Programmers 2005 phần 3 docx
... 255); Console.WriteLine("|{0:#.00}|{1:0.00}|{2,5:0.00}| {3, -5:0.00}|", . 23, . 23, . 23, . 23) ; } } Output: |$1. 23| ($1. 23) | |1 23| -01 23| |1. 23| 1. 230 0| |1. 230 000E+000|1. 23| |1 23. 00 %|1. 23| |FF|000FF| FF|FF | |. 23| 0. 23| 0. 23| 0. 23 | 3. 1.4 Declaring ... signed 0 -32 768 32 767 ushort 16-bit unsigned 0 0 65 535 int 32 -bit signed 0 -21474 836 48 21474 836...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
Accelerated VB 2005 phần 1 doc
... you CHAPTER 2 ■ VB 2005 AND THE CLR18 8 01- 6CH02.qxd 2 /15 /07 9:24 PM Page 18 13 CHAPTER 2 ■ VB 2005 AND THE CLR // Source File 'C:\Apress \Accelerated VB 2005\ Projects\Hello World\EntryPoint .vb& apos; //000002: ... way. But for code that’s called 8 01- 6CH02.qxd 2 /15 /07 9:24 PM Page 13 8 01- 6CH 01. qxd 2 /15 /07 9 :17 PM Page 10 8 01- 6FM.qxd 3/5/07 4:25 AM...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
Accelerated VB 2005 phần 2 doc
... you can define new, custom “attributes” that are easily CHAPTER 2 ■ VB 20 05 AND THE CLR 22 801-6CH 02. qxd 2/ 15/07 9 :24 PM Page 22 You can put multiple variable declarations of different types ... Table 2- 1 describes some of the available command-line switches that you can use with gacutil.exe: CHAPTER 2 ■ VB 20 05 AND THE CLR20 801-6CH 02. qxd 2/ 15/07 9 :24 PM Page...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
Accelerated VB 2005 phần 3 docx
... read-write, read-only, or write-only access to your properties. Beginning with Visual Basic 2005 (VB 2005) , Get and Set accessors can have different accessibility levels, provided that the Set ... class through a public property. CHAPTER 5 ■ METHODS, PROPERTIES, AND FIELDS 93 801-6CH05.qxd 3/ 2/07 8:19 AM Page 93 methods, to access the data. The flexibility of things that you can do i...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
Accelerated VB 2005 phần 4 ppsx
... B() ca.SomeMethod(123 .45 6) cb.SomeMethod(123 .45 6) End Sub End Class The previous code displays the following results when run: A.SomeMethod received 123 B.SomeMethod received 123 .45 6 In this example, ... cpx3) Console.WriteLine("cpx4 == {0}", cpx4) Console.WriteLine("cpx5 == {0}", cpx5) End Sub End Class Here are the results of running the previous code: cpx1 == (1,...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
Accelerated VB 2005 phần 5 docx
... C: \Accelerated VB 20 05\ Projects\Exceptions\Exception4 .vb: line 18 End of inner exception stack trace at Exceptions.Entrypoint.Main() in C: \Accelerated VB 20 05\ Projects\Exceptions\Exception4 .vb: line ... exception type of VB when you trans- late exceptions. The output from the previous code is as follows: CHAPTER 9 ■ EXCEPTION HANDLING 158 801-6CH09.qxd 3/3/07 3:02 AM P...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
Accelerated VB 2005 phần 6 pot
... 999.888.777 .66 6. A better search for the IP address would look like the following: Imports System Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions CHAPTER 10 ■ WORKING WITH STRINGS204 801-6CH10.qxd 3/3/07 ... & _ vbCrLf & "# OR " & vbCrLf & _ "|2[0-4]\d # Starts with a 2, after a number from 0-4" & _ vbCrLf & " # and then any digit" & vbCrLf ....
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
Accelerated VB 2005 phần 7 doc
... the primary constraint may list the special words CHAPTER 13 ■ GENERICS 270 801-6CH13.qxd 2/28/ 07 3:34 AM Page 270 In VB, all name declarations are declared and are valid within a specific scope. ... delegate in the chain explicitly displays the following: InstanceResults: 6 .75 InstanceResults: 7. 47 StaticResult: 4.5 Output: 18 .72 Open-Instance Delegates All of the delegate examp...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
Accelerated VB 2005 phần 8 ppt
... created the closed types properly. CHAPTER 13 ■ GENERICS 286 80 1-6CH13.qxd 2/ 28/ 07 3:34 AM Page 286 80 1-6CH13.qxd 2/ 28/ 07 3:34 AM Page 288 LocalDataStoreSlot object instance. You can access this ... topic of threading in VB and the .NET runtime. Along with threading comes the important topic of synchronization. CHAPTER 13 ■ GENERICS 287 80 1-6CH13.qxd 2/ 28/ 07 3:34 AM Page 287...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
Accelerated VB 2005 phần 9 doc
... side effect of the VB language not supporting deterministic destruction. The VB compiler doesn’t call IDisposable.Dispose() on your object automatically when it goes out of scope. VB, as we’ve mentioned ... equality operators thoroughly. VB is one language that has taken a while to support operator overloading, and it now only supports equality operators fully in VB 2005. The best a...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
Accelerated VB 2005 phần 10 pps
... with, 102 classes and, 54–57 example of bad, 107 108 implementations and, 109 interfaces and, 121 as is-a relationship, 104 member hiding and, 104 107 overridden methods and, 92 overview of, 101 pitfalls ... Basic 2005 for Developers. http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vbrun/ms788235.aspx Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition. http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express /vb/...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005 From Novice to Professional PHẦN 3 docx
... and by analyzing how to get a list of products that belong to a certain category. Tables are joined in SQL using the JOIN clause. Joining one table with another table results in the columns ... Joining Data Tables Because the data is stored in several tables, you’ll frequently run into situations in which not all the information you want is in one table. Take a look at the f...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:20
Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences and Challenges 2005 phần 3 docx
... 33 ,700,000 42 1990 32 ,000,000 40 1989 28,847,800 37 1988 27,8 23, 200 36 1987 27,007,100 35 1986 26,189 ,30 0 34 1985 25 ,39 1,800 33 1984 24,420,600 31 19 83 23, 385,600 30 1982 22,571,600 ... 1999 48 ,30 0,000 59 1998 46, 530 ,000 57 1997 45,200,000 55 1996 44,200,000 54 1995 42,000,000 51 1994 39 ,900,000 49 19 93 37 ,500,000 46 1...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20