From Nuremberg to The Hague - The Future of International Criminal Justice Part 1 pps
... London from April to June 2002, organ- ised around the theme From Nuremberg to The Hague: The Future of International Criminal Justice . The five lectures here published trace the historical and ... war crimes, from the machine-gunning of the survivors of sunken ships to the torture of prison- ers -of- war. For this there already existed legal prov...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
... then defined as ‘violations of the laws and customs of war’. The simplic- ity of this definition masks the complexity of the detail of what actually constitutes a violation of the laws and customs ... were raised at the sentencing stage included the fact that he took no steps to prevent the participation of the tea factory employees or the use of its vehicl...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
... by going to another country’. 42 These instruments were adopted in the absence of any international criminal court. They confirm the commitment of the international community to crimi- nalise ... with the crime of apartheid may be tried ‘by a competent tribunal of any state party to the Convention which may acquire jurisdiction of the person of the accused...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
From Nuremberg to The Hague - The Future of International Criminal Justice Part 2 doc
... considered to be an outline of the future foreign policy of Hitler’s Germany. A British Foreign Of ce analysis of the content of the book, writ- The Nuremberg trials: international law in the making 17 18 NA ... guest -of- honour at a dinner for the Tribunal judges, compelled his companions to raise their glasses in a macabre toast to the defendants:‘May...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
From Nuremberg to The Hague - The Future of International Criminal Justice Part 4 pptx
... the Judgment of the Tokyo Tribunal summarising count one of the indictment, at p. 48,4 21 of the original transcripts, repro- duced in The Tokyo War Crimes Trial: The Complete Transcripts of the ... at the national level in national courts: these might be the national courts of the perpetrator, the national courts where the acts took place, the national co...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
From Nuremberg to The Hague - The Future of International Criminal Justice Part 6 doc
... 97 54 Law of 16 June 19 93 Concerning Punishment of Grave Breaches of the International Geneva Conventions of 12 August 19 49 and of Protocols I and II of 8 June 19 77 Additional Thereto,as amended by the ... namely, that the loss of immunity arose not under customary international law, but rather from the coming into force in late 19 88 of the 19 84 Con...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
From Nuremberg to The Hague - The Future of International Criminal Justice Part 7 pot
... Drugs, 11 a long line of treaties dealt with the suppression of crimes of international The drafting of the Rome Statute 11 9 9 Report of the International Law Co mmission on the Question of International ... further away from, not closer to, an international criminal court. Indeed, it is not too much to say that the devel- opment of international...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
From Nuremberg to The Hague - The Future of International Criminal Justice Part 8 potx
... separate international criminal justice system. The drafting of the Rome Statute is the history of the move from the first to the second model. The ILC’s procedural model The ILC’s approach was to create ... independent investigatory role to the Prosecutor, prior to the referral of a case and independ- ently of the consent of the states concern...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
From Nuremberg to The Hague - The Future of International Criminal Justice Part 9 pptx
... appointment of women to the International Criminal Court be taken seriously by all states parties to the Rome Statute. The under-represen- tation of women on the Court threatens to undermine the legitimacy ... range of gender-based or sex-based crimes, provides certain protections to victims of these crimes, and calls for the inclusion of women in the diffe...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
From Nuremberg to The Hague - The Future of International Criminal Justice Part 10 pptx
... (eds.), The Law of War Crimes: National and International Approaches (Kluwer Law International, London and The Hague, 19 97), p. 1 at p. 29. 26 See the Preamble to the Statute of the International Criminal Court. UK ... vision of the future of the inter- national legal system. At the Rome Conference in 19 98, the US worked closely with the UK throug...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21