... (nondevelopment) environments will be administered, and test suites will be run. EJB Development Process 177 you’re administering. Likewise, it will need to make a certain minimal set of assumptions about ... be designed carefully enough to contain objects in all the right states, and all of the necessary aggre- gation hierarchies, associations, and so on, to support all of the functionality...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20
... as_specified reference 16384 valid as_specified high_debug 3 276 6 valid as_specified high_bound 3 276 7 invalid above_bounds above_bounds 3 276 8 Although the automatic-test-case-generation ability ... from the US, it would probably have been designated an appetizer rather than an entrée. 5.2 Making the Specification and Implementation Comprehensible 177 or no data on LTM to help the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 17:20
Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 7 ppsx
... ⇒ ∂Y r ∂A ∂Y i ∂ω − ∂Y r ∂ω ∂Y i ∂A > 0 (5 .70 ) If eq. (5 .70 ) is satisfied, the oscillation is stable. Similarly, ∂Y r ∂A ∂Y r ∂ω + ∂Y i ∂A ∂Y i ∂ω = 0 ⇒ δω = 0 (5 .71 ) If the eq. (5 .71 ) is satisfied, the frequency ... left-hand side of the first of eq. (5 .71 ), the smaller the sensitivity of the oscillation frequency to an amplitude perturbation. Equations (5 .70 ) and (5 .71 ) can be...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20