Google SketchUp Cookbook phần 8 pps
... import. Figure 10-36 Figure 10-37 Figure 10- 38 Figure 10-39 284 | Chapter 11: Presentation: Showing off Your Model Walking Through Your Model11 .8 Problem You want “real-world” views of your ... section plane (Figure 11-49). Save this view as the second scene .8. Figure 11- 48 Figure 11-49 Walking Through Your Model | 285 The first task is to place a camera that simulates a 2. p...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
Google SketchUp Cookbook phần 3 ppsx
... 3-27 After following the same steps as before, the underside looks really impressive (Figure 3- 28) ! Figure 3- 28 68 | Chapter 3: Intersection Edges: Cutting and Trimming Intersecting with Both Intact ... 3-24). Figure 3-21 Figure 3-22 Figure 3-23 Figure 3-24 88 | Chapter 4: Advanced Intersect and Follow Me Techniques Use the Edit Group method to make the round 8. object: Select th...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
Google SketchUp Cookbook phần 4 pps
... (Figure 5 -80 ). Figure 5 -80 Erase the vertical walls (Figure 5 -81 ) .8. Figure 5 -81 To cut a round shape into the flap, draw the hori-9. zontal arc face indicated in Figure 5 -82 . Figure 5 -82 Creating ... cross-section (Figure 5 -88 ). Figure 5 -88 Use the Follow Me and Intersect technique to create the roof (Figure 5 -89 ). This technique is detailed in Recipe 4.4. Figure 5 -...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
Google SketchUp Cookbook phần 10 pps
... 38 40 Oset tool, 38 On Edge inference, 109 one-way window, 207 Opacity slider, 205–2 08 open paths, 29 Outliner, 134, 185 –192 creating nested components, 189 –192 group names, 133 groups, 188 locking ... Earth, 331–334 getting images into, 195–1 98 Google Earth modeling templates, 332 Grafti, 2 28 Hacienda, 287 Hameenlinna Castle, 287 Hexagon Table Alternative, 88 Hosta, 179...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
The VHDL Cookbook phần 8 pps
... work.dp32_types.all; entity signext _8_ 32 is generic (Tpd : Time := unit_delay); port (a : in bit _8; b : out bus_bit_32 bus; en : in bit); end signext _8_ 32; architecture behaviour of signext _8_ 32 is begin b_driver: ... downto 0) <= a after Tpd; if a(7) = '1' then b(31 downto 8) <= X"FFFF_FF" after Tpd; else b(31 downto 8) <= X"0000_00" after Tpd...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20
Google SketchUp Cookbook phần 1 doc
... and Groups for Different Design Scenarios 280 11.7 Studying Shadow Movements 283 11 .8 Walking Through Your Model 284 11.9 Creating Animated Sections 287 11.10 Creating Staged Sectioning Animation ... crowded. Figure 1-7 Try 8 6” (Architectural format for 8 feet and 6 9. inches). You can enter this dimension most easily as 8. 5’. This still looks too crowded (Figure 1 -8) . Figure 1...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
Google SketchUp Cookbook phần 2 potx
... side, as in Figure 2 -81 . Figure 2 -81 Using Push/Pull with Ctrl/Option again, double-2. click the other side of the box to pull out an identi- cal box (Figure 2 -82 ). Figure 2 -82 24 | Chapter 1: ... copies of the chair, use 4/ spacing (Figure 1- 68) . The 8/ spacing shown Figure 1-69 can be used for a more crowded lecture. Figure 1-67 Figure 1- 68 Figure 1-69 Keeping Original Obj...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
Google SketchUp Cookbook phần 5 ppt
... 6-56. Note When you use the Get Current View tool to import terrain from Google Earth into SketchUp, the terrain is imported into SketchUp as a locked group. This is to prevent the terrain from being ... shows the folder My SketchUp Com- ponents with three subfolders for Appliances, Cabin- etry, and Furniture. The Furniture folder itself has three subfolders. These folders contain...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
Google SketchUp Cookbook phần 6 pptx
... finished. Figure 8- 33 Figure 8- 34 Figure 8- 35 Find the new material in the In Model folder and 5. use that material to paint some of the faces (Figure 8- 36). Figure 8- 36 180 | Chapter 7: ... at a point between two tiles (Figure 8- 58) . Figure 8- 58 206 | Chapter 8: Painting, Materials, and Textures Drag the Opacity slider to the left (Figure 8- 39). 4. The material thu...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20
Google SketchUp Cookbook phần 7 pdf
... mode is described in Recipe 9.1. Figure 8- 88 To see the unpainted model, switch from Shaded with Textures mode to Shaded mode (Figure 8- 89). Figure 8- 89 ... material. The background color of this image is defined to be transparent. Figure 8- 81 Figure 8- 82 Figure 8- 83 Discussion Images with alpha transparency have transparent backgrounds. Most graphics ... my 3D Warehouse coll...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20