báo cáo khoa học: "The efficacy of preopoerative instruction in reducing anxiety following gyneoncological surgery: a case control study" pptx
... or stressor and may produce anxiety in patients. Anxiety occurs in the preoperative phase as the patients antici- pate an unknown event with potent ial pain and changes in body image, as well as increased ... found that anxiety was experi- enced at a rate of 80% and the fear of not being able to get rid of cancer and the fear of impairment of the qual- ity of life we...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:24
... Gastric Cancer 2005, 8:1-5. 25. Yoshioka T, Yamaguchi K, Kubota K, Saginoya T, Yamazaki T, Ido T, Yamaura G, Takahashi H, Fukuda H, Kanamaru R: Evaluation of 18F-FDG PET in patients with advanced, ... resectability and survival in gastric carcinoma. Ann Surg 1978, 188:711-715. 24. Saka M, Mudan SS, Katai H, Sano T, Sasako M, Maruyama K: Pancreaticoduodenectomy for advanced gastric cance...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 03:22
... and analyze the data in the qualitative survey. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript. Competing interests This survey was initiated by FBW, who is a GP in the study area. PF and ... are also obtained from the laboratory. The Capita l Region databases provide infor- mation on the participating practices and corresponding GPs. Randomization Within each study, practices...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The effect of small molecules in modulating the chaperone activity of aB-crystallin against ordered and disordered protein aggregation pdf
... precipitation of a- lactalbumin commenced after 25 min and reached a plateau after 90 min. The amount of DTT-induced aggregation of a- lactalbumin was increased in a concentration-dependent manner ... different target proteins (e.g. whilst Arg-HCl at 250 mm had little effect on the aggregation of insulin or a- synucleinA53T alone, it dramatically increased the aggregation of...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The role of electrostatic interactions in the antitumor activity of dimeric RNases docx
... for critical reading the manuscript and helpful suggestions; and to Dr Valeria Cafaro, Aurora Bracale, Antonella Antignani and Sonia Di Gaetano for preparing some of the RNase variants used in this ... proteins with cytotoxic activ- ity: BS-RNase [10] is a natural dimeric RNase; RNase- AA [21], RNase-AA-G [21], and RNase-AA-GG [22] are dimeric variants engineered from bovine pancreatic...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The role of N-glycosylation in the stability, trafficking and GABA-uptake of GABA-transporter 1 Terminal N-glycans facilitate efficient GABA-uptake activity of the GABA transporter pptx
... evidence that N-glycans, in particular their terminal structures, are involved in regulating the GABA translocation of GAT1, but not in binding of GAT1 to GABA. Transport of GABA by GAT1 across the ... chains of GAT1 in uence the affinity of GAT1 for GABA, concentra- tion dependencies were analyzed on the basis of the Michaelis–Menten equation V ¼ V max GABA ½GABA K m GABA...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20
... semantics provides a computationally attractive means of representing the semantics of natural language. However, the models used in this formalism are static and are usually infinite. Dynamic ... models are incomplete models that include only the information needed for an application and to which information can be added. Dynamic models are basically approximations of larger...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Use of Shared Forests in Tree Adjoining Grammar Parsing" pptx
... guarantees that when we reach a state A by traversing a path 3' from the initial state then on the same string 3' a final state can be reached from the state A. If recover(T1 T ,a) ... derivations in G 3 Linear Indexed Grammars An indexed grammar [Aho, 1968] can be viewed as a cfg in which objects are nonterminals with an as- sociated stack of symbols. In...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "The Role of Information Retrieval in Answering Complex Questions" ppt
... Relevance(c) − λ max s A sim(s, c) This model is the baseline variant of the Maxi- mal Marginal Relevance method for summariza- tion (Goldstein et al., 2000). Each candidate is compared to all ... models to QA (Narayanan and Harabagiu, 2004; Lin and Demner-Fushman, 200 6a) provide a promising direction. While our formulation of answering relation- ship questions as sentence retrieval i...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "The order of prenominal adjectives in natural language generation" doc
... or case- based) ap- proaches to classification work by storing all of the instances in the training data, along with their classes. To classify a new instance, the store of previously seen instances ... effectiveness of a form-based sim- ilarity metric, we encoded each adjective pair ab as a vector of 16 features (the last 8 characters of a and the last 8 characters of b...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 05:20