Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 5 ppsx

Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 5 ppsx

Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 5 ppsx

... in the user statistics table IMPORT_DATABASE_STATS The purpose of the import_database_stats procedure is to retrieve statistics for all objects in the database from the user statistics table(s) ... R IGHTS R ESERVED . ROBO B OOKS M ONOGRAPH D ATA W AREHOUSING AND O RACLE 8 I P AGE 55  statid - The (optional) identifier to associate with these statistics within stattab. ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

13 244 0
Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 1 ppsx

Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 1 ppsx

... Schema Structures For Data Warehousing 11 Oracle and Data Warehousing 15 Hour 2: 15 Oracle7 Features 15 Objectives: 15 Oracle7 Data Warehouse related Features 15 Oracle8 Features 19 Objectives: ... 2 Data Systems Architectures 2 Data Warehouse Concepts 7 Objectives: 7 Data Warehouse Terminology 8 Data Warehouse Storage Structures 10 Data Warehouse Aggr...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

13 344 1
Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 3 ppsx

Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 3 ppsx

... use in data warehouses 6. Discuss advanced resource management through plans and groups. 7. Discuss the use of row level security and data warehousing Oracle8 i SQL Enhancements for Data Warehouses ... P AGE 20 5. Discuss new indexing options 6. Discuss new Oracle8 internals options 7. Discuss RMAN and its benefits in Oracle8 for data warehousing Partitioned Tables and Ind...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

13 216 0
Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 6 ppsx

Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 6 ppsx

... AND O RACLE 8 I P AGE 62 Stabilizing Execution Plans in a Data Warehouse in Oracle8 i In versions of Oracle prior to Oracle8 i the only way to stablize an execution plan was to ensure ... later versions of Oracle7 and in Oracle8 and Oracle8 i, snapshots can be made updatable. As was stated above, the new materialized view is actually a special form of “same database” sn...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

13 311 0
Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 2 pps

Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 2 pps

... P AGE 15 Oracle and Data Warehousing Hour 2: Oracle7 Features Objectives: The objectives for this section on Oracle7 features are to: 1. Identify to the student the Oracle7 data warehouse ... grounding in data warehouse terminology 2. Provide the student with an understanding of data warehouse storage structures 3. Provide the student with an understanding of d...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

13 189 0
Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 4 pot

Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 4 pot

... index-table setup. Oracle8 i and Tuning of Data Warehouses using Small Test Databases In previous releases of Oracle in order to properly tune a database or data warehouse you had to have data that ... larger than they are in your test database. The Oracle provided package DBMS_STATS provides the mechanism by which statistics are manipulated in the Oracle8 i database. This p...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

13 265 0
Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 7 pdf

Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 7 pdf

... dbms_olap.compute_avg( 25, 5 ,5, 5) from dual DBMS_OLAP.COMPUTE_AVG( 25, 5 ,5, 5) 15 SQL> select dbms_olap.compute_avg( 25, 5 ,5, 1) from dual DBMS_OLAP.COMPUTE_AVG( 25, 5 ,5, 1) 21.6666667 ... dbms_olap.compute_avg2( 25, 5 ,5, 1) from dual DBMS_OLAP.COMPUTE_AVG2( 25, 5 ,5, 1) 5 SQL> select dbms_olap.compute_avg2( 25, 5,0,0) from dual DBMS_OLAP.COMPUTE_AVG2( 2...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

13 395 0
Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 8 pot

Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 8 pot

... O RACLE 8 I P AGE 84 Managing CPU Utilization for Data Warehouses in Oracle8 i In data warehouses diverse groups of users may look at the data warehouse to find information important to their ... earlier releases of Oracle you could use profiles to restrict specific types of resources but this was unwieldy and produced unpredictable results. New in Oracle8 i is the con...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

13 208 0
Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 9 pptx

Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 9 pptx

... W AREHOUSING AND O RACLE 8 I P AGE 103 Restricting Access by Rows in an Oracle8 i Data Warehouse New to Oracle8 i is the concept of row level access restriction. For years DBAs have requested ... user or group membership. Oracle has finally given DBAs the functionality of conditional grants in the form of row level security. In a data warehouse there may be data tha...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

13 189 0
Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 10 docx

Rampant TechPress Oracle Data Warehouse Management PHẦN 10 docx

... of data warehouses Loading Techniques In Oracle7 , Oracle8 and Oracle8 i the standard way to load a data warehouse involves multiple steps. The steps involved are usually: 1. Extract data ... Overview of Oracle Express Server The Oracle Express system is divided into four main areas, the Oracle Express Server, the Oracle Express Analyzer, the Oracle Express Admini...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

12 241 0
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