Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 2 ppt

Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 2 ppt

Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 2 ppt

... are several techniques for the same data mining problem type. Some techniques have specific requirements on the form of data. 2. 8.1 Outcome and cluster-based methods Data mining techniques can be ... (“Inactive”) and 1 (“Active”). Recently, the interest in and awareness of the role of metadata in success- ful enterprise knowledge, data management, and business intel...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

34 385 0
Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 8 ppt

Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 8 ppt

... the command histories of eight UNIX computer users at Purdue over the course of up to two years. D .2. 2 Customer preference and recommendation data Entree Chicago recommendation data This data ... reuse) as well as executed effi- ciently on large data sets.  Compare the different data mining approaches with respect to their input requirements.  Compare different (logical)...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

34 284 0
Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 10 pptx

Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 10 pptx

... Group, 20 Portals enterprise information (EIPs), 21 4 objects, 20 2 Portals and search, 20 2 defined, 20 2 Microsoft enabling technology cross- reference, 21 0– 12 system requirements, 20 2 Prediction, ... Steel, 29 5 We’re Entertainment, 29 2 World Economic Development, 29 1 Knowledge stores, 1 82 83 Knowledge worker, 21 5 L Leadership, 1 92 93, 197 Left outer join, 138...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

30 323 0
Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 1 pdf

Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 1 pdf

... activities: the desire to summarize experience in some numeric or symbolic form so as to describe it better and preserve both meaning and experience. As soon as we describe and preserve experience ... a model developed by Treacy and Wiersma, 1 operational excellence, customer excel- lence, and product excellence distinguish businesses (see Figure 1 .2) . Since data mining can t...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

34 293 1
Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 3 potx

Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 3 potx

... this knowledge has led to the development of the discipline of knowledge management. Data- derived knowledge, sometimes called explicit knowledge, and knowledge contained in people’s heads, sometimes ... decision tree 54 2. 11 Performance measurement Given a real-time or near-real-time data access requirement, this situa- tion requires the data mining deployment environment...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

34 396 0
Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 4 pdf

Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 4 pdf

... throughout the enterprise and organizing these data for decision making and knowledge extraction. So, the repository is the host for information delivery, business intelligence, and knowledge discovery. ... makes it pretty clear where the extreme values are since they deviate visually from the mass of points on the diagram. There are theoretical methods to determine whether...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

34 327 0
Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 5 pdf

Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 5 pdf

... in the data set) 3. The response (there are 9,934 responses in the data set: 8,075 for the e- commerce conference [55 percent]; 1,467 for the Java con- ference [10 percent], and 3 92 for the Windows ... Figure 5.34, select the Conference table from the available tables. Click Next. Once you select the Conference database, the associated tables and views will become available....

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

34 366 0
Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 6 pdf

Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 6 pdf

... successful enterprise outcomes Experience Capture Experience Capture Knowledge Organization Knowledge Organization Knowledge Retrieval Knowledge Retrieval Data Data Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Data Mining Data Mining Verification/Validation Verification/Validation information information Enterprise Goals, Objectives Enterprise Goals, Objectives Succes...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

34 277 0
Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 7 potx

Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 7 potx

... Reports Knowledge Development tools Knowledge Development tools Knowledge Discovery Knowledge Management Knowledge Dissemination Knowledge Discovery Knowledge Management Knowledge Dissemination Integrated ... Benefits (customer and market reaction) Bottom Line Benefits Intermediate Benefits and Effects Exchange for best practices research and ideas Exchange for bes...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

34 304 0
Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 9 doc

Microsoft Data Mining integrated business intelligence for e commerc and knowledge phần 9 doc

... Providers 26 9 Appendix E Executive Technologies Search Express document imaging 20 5-933-5494 Exocom Integrateed e -business strategy and technology implementation ... 49 -24 02- 901 Cypress Integrated document and Knowedge server 24 8-8 52- 0066 D2K Incorporated D2K-Tapestry 2. 0 408-451 -20 10 D2K...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

34 507 0