advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 10 pptx

advanced sql functions in oracle 10g

advanced sql functions in oracle 10g

... programming perspective to them. This book will allow the Oracle user to use SQL in new and exciting ways. This book contains nine chapters. It begins by reviewing some of the common SQL functions ... statistical functions available in Oracle 10g. Overall, this book explores advanced new features of SQL in Oracle 10g from a programmer’s perspective. The book can be...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 01:08

417 349 0
Advanced SQL Functions in Oracle 10g ppt

Advanced SQL Functions in Oracle 10g ppt

... categorize Oracle s SQL functions into simple SQL functions, numeric functions, statistical functions, string functions, and date functions. In this chapter, we selectively illustrate several functions ... string has leading and trailing spaces ') FROM dual Which gives: TRIM('THISSTRINGHASLEADINGANDTRAILINGSPACES This string has leading and trailing spaces Both th...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 06:20

417 394 0
essential english grammar in use int phần 10 pptx

essential english grammar in use int phần 10 pptx

... 133.4 2 think about 3 thinks about/thinks of 4 think of 5 think of 6 thinking of/thinking about 7 think of 8 thinking about/thinking of 9 thought about 10 think much of ... 9 on business 10 the whole 126.2 1 in cold weather 2 in pencil 3 in love 4 in block letters 5 in the shade 6 in my opinion 7 in cash 126.3 2 on 3 on 4 at 5...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 23:20

55 423 0
advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 1 doc

advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 1 doc

... give: VALUE1 VALUE2 VALUE3 30 60 90 Example 1: Using the SIN function to find the sine of 30 degrees: SELECT SIN(value1*2*3 .14 16/360) FROM trig Gives: SIN(VALUE1*2*3 .14 16/360) .5000 010 6 Example ... hyperbolic functions with examples: Example 1: Using the SINH function to find the hyper - bolic sine of 30 degrees: SELECT SINH(value1*2*3 .14 16/360) FROM trig Gives: SINH(VALUE1*2*...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

42 381 0
advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 2 potx

advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 2 potx

... in analytical functions are most easily explained by way of examples, so let’s begin with the row numbering and ranking functions. The Row-numbering and RankingThe Row-numbering and Ranking Functions There ... 101 John 1 02 Stephanie 104 Christina 108 David 111 Kate 106 Chloe 122 Lindsey 35 Chapter | 2 Chapter 3 The Analytical Functions in Oracle (Analytical Functions I)...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

42 344 0
advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 3 pot

advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 3 pot

... 735 22-Dec-2006 14 :33 2 100 The Analytical Functions in Oracle (Analytical Functions I) Changing the Final OrderingChanging the Final Ordering after Having Added anafter Having Added an Analytical ... employee Which gives: ENAME SAL N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N8 Christina 55000111111 Lindsey 52000111112 Katie 490001122 23 Stephanie 44000122 234 Chloe 440002 233 45 John 39 000 233 456 David...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

42 352 0
advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 4 ppt

advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 4 ppt

... .2786 Kate 49 000 E .3500 .3500 Lindsey 52000 E .37 14 .37 14 John 39000 W .2 143 .2 143 Stephanie 44 000 W . 241 8 . 241 8 Chloe 44 000 W . 241 8 . 241 8 Christina 55000 W .3022 .3022 117 Chapter | 4 SELECT ... Chloe 44 000 Christina 55000 David John Kate 49 000 Lindsey 52000 Stephanie 44 000 The average 48 800 Note that 48 800 = (44 000 + 55000 + 49 000 + 52000 + 44 000)/5,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

42 347 0
advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 5 pps

advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 5 pps

... 24000 Cotton *** Partition sum = 40000 Lumber Pensacola 350 0 350 0 Lumber Pensacola 55 5 55 5 Lumber Mobile 2800 2800 Lumber *** Partition sum = 6 855 Plastic Mobile 32000 32000 Plastic *** Partition sum ... Lumber 29 75 20 05 Pensacola Lumber 350 0 2006 178 The MODEL or SPREADSHEET Predicate in Oracle s SQL Giving: RN COUNT(*) CERTIFIED REGION 11NE 23NW 34N 42YE 51 YW 63Y 77 Al...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

42 295 0
advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 6 ppsx

advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 6 ppsx

... uses REs in a programming language, their use within Oracle will be very similar. The conjunction of string searching, REs, Oracle 10g, and POSIX is that in rewriting the “normal” string functions ... Ct. 2 167 Greenbrier Blvd. 33 Third St. One First Drive 166 4 1/2 Springhill Ave 2003 Geaux Illini Dr. 225 Chapter | 7 1 Alice Rischert, “Inside Oracle Database 10g: Writing Bette...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

42 259 0
advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 7 docx

advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 7 docx

... available in PL /SQL since Oracle 7. In the O7 version of Oracle, TABLEs (aka INDEX-BY TABLEs) were introduced in PL /SQL. The PL /SQL TABLE is much like the idea that pro- grammers have of an array. In ... programming arrays; however, in PL /SQL TABLEs, there is flexibility and a connection to SQL with TYPEing with these array-like structures. The use of PL /SQL TYPEing...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

42 374 0
advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 8 pptx

advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 8 pptx

... mem_type)) Using PL /SQL to Create Functions toUsing PL /SQL to Create Functions to Access ElementsAccess Elements Functions may be created in PL /SQL to manipulate VARRAYs. The functions may be placed in ... ADDRESS_OBJ In the CREATE TABLE command, we defined the column address as referencing address_obj, which is contained in an object table, Address_table. INSERT Values...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

42 379 0
advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 9 pdf

advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 9 pdf

... converting SQL tables into XML for- mats include using the functions XMLAttribute and XMLForest. 5 XML to SQLXML to SQL Creating a SQL structure from an XML document may be done by converting the ... XSL documents. 4 SQL to XMLSQL to XML As of Oracle version 9, Oracle s SQL contained func- tions that allow SQL programmers to generate and accept XML. XML may be generated in...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

42 319 0
advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 10 pptx

advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 10 pptx

... statement using, 167-174 SQL, transforming XML into, 347-355 using aggregate functions in, 111-115 SQL functions, 3-4 SQL statement, execution order of, 65-77 using analytical function in, 77-80 SQL ... function, using in VARRAY, 303-304 tags, 338-340 TAN function, 14 using, 15-16 TANH function, 16 using, 17 TCRO (table that contains row objects), 284 inserting into, 287-288 in...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

39 344 0
Ajax in Oracle JDeveloper phần 10 pps

Ajax in Oracle JDeveloper phần 10 pps

... Navigator as shown in Fig. 10. 10. Fig. 10. 10 Yahoo Ajax Web Search Application The example JDeveloper application web application URL is root/, ... xmlHttpRequest=init(); function init(){ 218 10 Web Search with Ajax Fig. 10. 16 Yahoo Ajax Contextual Web Search The web page gets updated with the Web Service response as...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

23 296 0
Windows XP Headaches-How to Fix Common Problems in a Hurry phần 10 pptx

Windows XP Headaches-How to Fix Common Problems in a Hurry phần 10 pptx

... Editions are affected. Cause Windows Update is a feature that allows Windows XP to check for operating system updates and automatically download them so you can install them. This feature works ... don't like the appearance of Windows XP, or I am having difficulty managing the Start menu. Operating Systems Affected Windows XP Professional and Home Editions are affect...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 13:20

19 402 0