Advanced Database Technology and Design phần 10 doc
... 21516 schema example, 221 standard schema design, 23342 subtyping, 219 summary, 24647 technology, 22530, 247 uses, 211 See also Databases 528 Advanced Database Technology and Design Persistent objects, ... tables, 186 Booch method, 10 Bottom-up design, 301 local DBs and, 307 schema conformance, 307 schema improvement, 307 schema merging, 307 518 Advanced Database Tech...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21
... and the fourth the column number. 50 Advanced Database Technology and Design If Sally is processed before Tom, the constraint is never violated, no rule actions are executed, and both Sally and ... subset of A. In a complete and correct conceptual schema, A = C. 54 Advanced Database Technology and Design A B C Required knowledge Conceptual schema Figure 2.9 Complet...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21
... deductive DB and the logical contents of a relational one. 100 Advanced Database Technology and Design • Top-down (backward chaining). The query evaluation procedure starts from a query Q and applies ... Work_age(Peter) 108 Advanced Database Technology and Design [56] Fraternali, P., and S. Paraboschi, A Review of Repairing Techniques for Integrity Maintenance, I...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21
Advanced Database Technology and Design phần 1 ppsx
... to remedy the lock and log file problems [24]. 16 Advanced Database Technology and Design 1 Evolution and Trends of Database Technology Adoración de Miguel, Mario Piattini, and Paloma Martínez 1.1 ... Relational Databases 100 4.3 Query Processing 102 4.3.1 Bottom-Up Query Evaluation 103 4.3.2 Top-Down Query Evaluation 105 4.3.3 Magic Sets 107 4.4 Update Processin...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21
Advanced Database Technology and Design phần 4 potx
... [d04, d10 ] S1 [d05, d10 ] S1 [d09, d10 ] S1 [d06, d10 ] S2 [d02, d04] S2 [d03, d03] S2 [d08, d10 ] S2 [d09, d10 ] S3 [d08, d10 ] S4 [d06, d10 ] S4 [d04, d08 ] S4 [d05, d10 ] Temporal Database ... single interval. 164 Advanced Database Technology and Design • i1 DURING i2 is true if and only if s2 ≤ s1 and e2 ≥ e1 are both true. 9 • i1 STARTS i2 is true if and only if s1 = s...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21
Advanced Database Technology and Design phần 5 pptx
... involved in 232 Advanced Database Technology and Design Conceptual design UML notation Standard design ODL Implementation design OODBMS Figure 7.3 Design process of an object-oriented database schema. For ... the requirements that will feed an MM-DBMS design. We emphasize the structural complexity and 254 Advanced Database Technology and Design 7.2.1 Objects...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21
Advanced Database Technology and Design phần 6 ppt
... when generating and evaluating alterna- tive query plans. Section 9.4 examines query processing and optimization in DDBs. 292 Advanced Database Technology and Design must satisfy, and user access ... query plan for the query. This query plan will consist of subqueries, each 310 Advanced Database Technology and Design Multimedia Database Management Systems 283 Tab...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21
Advanced Database Technology and Design phần 7 pps
... (from servers to clients) is much greater than the bandwidth 336 Advanced Database Technology and Design 11 Secure Database Systems Elena Ferrari and Bhavani Thuraisingham 11.1 Introduction The number ... TeleWeb [9], and Weblicator [10] , the proxy is added to the client part of the sys- tem. In other systems, like TranSend [11] and Digestor [12], the 330 Advanced Databa...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21
Advanced Database Technology and Design phần 8 pdf
... able to handle nonstandard data so far kept in specialized data stores. 406 Advanced Database Technology and Design Application DBMS Figure 12.1 Nonstandard application using a DBMS and file-based ... the problem of design and development of component DBMSs and their appli- cations. Because the type of systems considered here are only in the process of 424 Advanced Databa...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21
Advanced Database Technology and Design phần 9 pdf
... X → Y and W ⊇ Z, then X,W → Y,Z. • R3 (transitivity): If X → Y and Y → Z, then X → Z. • R4 (pseudo-transitivity): If X → Y and Y,W → Z, then X,W → Z. 456 Advanced Database Technology and Design from ... of maintaining and modifying existing software [10] . The goal of reverse engineering is to understand how software operates. This is done by 450 Advanced Database Techn...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21