Báo cáo khoa học: "Hardness and basic density variation in the juvenile wood of maritime pine" ppt
... decrease in wood density of maritime pine from the pith to the sixth annual ring, followed by an increase of about 20 %. These variations in density are related to those of ... by considering other determinants. In the inner rings below 6 m (classes 1, 2 and 5), the relationships were slightly poorer than in the other positi...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:21
... pore forming cytotoxin • T3SS-1 is present in both clinical and environmental strains and gas the same G+C content as the rest of genome • T3SS-2 is present in most clinical strains and has G+C ... passage from the host. • Vibriophages will subsequently increase in density, ultimately promoting a decline in the outbreak Training on Vibrio methodology • In associati...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 15:24
... proceed in the description of the genetic variation in oak populations and thus in the characterization of the natural variability of forest ecosystems. Data on patterns of ge- netic ... angles of the sec- tors correspond to the sample size). The more the sector radii approach the center, the more representative of the rema...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Evidence for noncooperative metal binding to the a domain of human metallothionein ppt
... reaction within each of the domains. Thus, the goal is to elucidate the meta- llation mechanisms of the individual domains, in the hope, initially, of simplifying the interpretation of the metallation ... resulted in the least strain on the complex, and thus the lowest strain energy. The subsequent metal-binding order of the remaining three metal ions...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Monomeric molten globule intermediate involved in the equilibrium unfolding of tetrameric duck d2-crystallin pdf
... unfolding occurs. The detailed dissociation/unfold- ing mechanism of the protein remains to be determined. In this study, we examined the M r of the protein after equilibration in various denaturing ... further increased. The unfolding curve using the ANS fluorescence probe suggested a multistate process, consistent with the results obtained by protein intrinsic fluorescen...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Cellular response to unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum of plants pptx
... (cyclophilin) survey the status of the proline residues and rearrange them from the cis to the trans form to ensure proper folding of the nascent polypeptide chains. Twenty-nine genes encoding cyclophilin ... fusing the N-terminal domains of AtIre1-1, AtIre1-2 and OsIre1 with the C-terminal domain of yeast IRE1, and were introduced into a yeast DIre1 mutant, treatm...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Computing and Evaluating Syntactic Complexity Features for Automated Scoring of Spontaneous Non-Native Speech" pot
... there are four proficiency levels for human scoring, levels 1 to 4, with higher levels indicating better speaking proficiency. The NN set was randomly partitioned into a training (NN-train) ... number of syntactic complexity features in the ag- gregated file. Therefore we joined files from the same speaker to one file for the training set and the five test sets, resulti...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Contradictions and Justifications: Extensions to the Textual Entailment Task" ppt
... run. Brackets contain the pair of scores assigned to the justification by one of the six human judges; the first number in the pair is the understandability score and the second is the correctness ... accuracy, the percentage of system responses that match the reference answer. Figure 1 shows both the overall accuracy of each of the runs (numbers running al...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Annotating and Recognising Named Entities in Clinical Notes" pot
... both the infor- mation form of the concepts themselves and the contextual information, and it is able to perform prediction without seeing the entire length of the concepts. The machine learning ... showed a boost of 7.39% F-score. This is proof of the hypothesis that using terminology in- formation in the machine learner would increase recall. In this corpus...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Conceptual and Linguistic Laurence Decisions in Generation" docx
... shot the Pope in the head, thereby assassinating Aim in a spectacular way. John shot the Pope in the head. Thereby he assassinated him in a spectacular way. discourse structures in which the ... determination of the order of the information, segmentation into sentences and choice of syntactic construction are all dependent one another, the last three a...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20