... C. Evans, Partial Diff. Equations, American Math. Society, 1998. 5. C. Vargas an d M. Zuluaga, On a Nonlinear Dirichlet Problem Type at Resonance and Bifurcation, Partial Differential Equations, ... Elliptic Equations on an Unbounded Domain Hoang Quoc Toan Fa culty of Math., Mech. and Inform. Vietnam National University, 334 Nguyen Trai, Hanoi, Vietnam Received Ma y 12, 2004...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 05:20
... (2.4) On a Probability Metric Based on Trotter Operator 25 present section can be called the characteristic operator (or Trotter s opera- tor). We recall some definitions and properties of the Trotter ... 2006 Abstract. The main purpose of this paper is to present a probability metric based on well-known Trotter s operator. Some estimations related to the rate...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo toán học: "On a Class of Constant Weight Codes" pptx
... follows that the polynomial P (X)=(X + x)(X + x)(X + y)(X + y) On a Class of Constant Weight Codes Mihai Caragiu Institute of Mathematics Bucharest and Department of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State ... of all the rows of the remaining matrix can be seen (by replacing each occurrence of a −1 with 0) as a nonlinear code of length n =4t −1havingaconstantweight[n/2] = 2...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo toán học: "On a Strange Recursion of Golomb" ppsx
... sequences. Although only known tech- niques [G] are used, these are sophisticated, and the problem serves as a useful study of these techniques, and the algebraic analysis gives partial information about ... have all n non-terminal symbols, we give a combinatorial interpretation for the transformation L (r) w . After the application of L (r) w to A, the last step is the placement of...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo toán học: "On a Strange Recursion of Golomb" pptx
... Department of Mathematics University of Toronto University of Toronto Toronto, Canada M5S 1A1 Toronto, Canada M5S 1A1 barbeau@math.utoronto.ca tanny@math.utoronto.ca Submitted: January 4, 1996; Accepted: ... February 1, 1996. “There are patterns I must follow just as I must breathe each breath” (Paul Simon, Patterns, 1964) Abstract In an unpublished note, Golomb proposed a family of...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo toán học: "On a conjecture concerning dyadic oriented matroids" pptx
... subdeterminants are in {±2 k : k ∈ Z}. An oriented matriod is dyadic if it has a totally dyadic represen- tation A. A dyadic oriented matriod is dyadic of order k if it has a totally dyadic representation A ... totally dyadic representation A. A dyadic oriented matriod is dyadic of order k if it has a totally dyadic representation A with full row rank a...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo toán học: "On the Stanley-Wilf conjecture for the number of permutations avoiding a given pattern" ppt
... a given pattern Richard Arratia Department of Mathematics University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-1113 email: rarratia@math.usc.edu Submitted: July 27, 1999; Accepted: August 25, ... 1999. Abstract. Consider, for a permutation σ ∈S k ,thenumberF(n, σ) of permuta- tions in S n which avoid σ as a subpattern. The conjecture of Stanley and Wilf is that for...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:22
Báo cáo toán học: "On a Multiplicative Partition Function" pps
... York-London- Sydney, 1974. [6] A. Oppenheim, On an arithmetic function, J. London Math. Soc. 1 (1926), 205- 211. [7] M. V. Subbarao and A. Verma, Some remarks on a product expansion: an unex- plored partition function, ... reading of the manuscript and for correcting a crucial mistake in the proof of Theorem 2. References [1] P.T.Bateman,Privatecommunication. [2] D. Bowman, Private co...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:22
Báo cáo toán học: "Towards a Katona type proof for the 2-intersecting Erd˝s-Ko-Rado theorem o" docx
... transitive. Katona needed an additional fact, which is often called Katona s Lemma. As a reminder, we recall Katona s Lemma in an algebraic disguise (cf. [19, Ex. 13.28 (a) ]): Lemma 1 Consider the ... Towards a Katona type proof for the 2-intersecting Erd˝os-Ko-Rado theorem Ralph Howard ∗ Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208, USA...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:22
Báo cáo toán học: "On a theorem of Erd˝s, Rubin, and Taylor on o choosability of complete bipartite graphs" pptx
... ,|E|, assign to w i,j the list L(w i,j )=e j . the electronic journal of combinatorics 9 (2002), #N9 2 On a theorem of Erd˝os, Rubin, and Taylor on choosability of complete bipartite graphs Alexandr ... t-coloring of a hypergraph H is panchromatic if each of the t colors is used on every edge of G. Thus, an ordinary 2-coloring is panchromatic. Some results...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:23
Báo cáo toán học: "On a combinatorial problem of Asmus Schmidt" pps
... Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications (VII SPOA) (Granada, 1991), J. Comput. Appl. Math. 49:1–3 (1993), 243–249. [6] A. L. Schmidt, “Legendre transforms and Ap´ery’s sequences”, J. Austral. Math. ... On a combinatorial problem of Asmus Schmidt W. Zudilin ∗ Department of Mechanics and Mathematics Moscow Lomonosov State University Vorobiovy Gory, GSP-2, Moscow 119992 RUSSIA URL:...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo toán học: " On a Partition Function of Richard Stanley" pptx
... dealing with partitions whose parts are all some given N.Welet¯π be that partition made up of the parts of π that are <N. In light of (11) we see that if N is a part of π an even number of ... questions. 2 The Main Theorem We begin with some preliminaries about partitions and their conjugates. For a given partition π with parts each N,wedenotebyf i (π) the number of...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:22
Báo cáo toán học: " On a Balanced Property of Derangements" pptx
... number of descents, and [4] for some results on the number of excedances. Finally, a- derangements are a special case of a class of permutations, namely the set of all derangements of length n is a ... Z(w) q D n (1) q = D(n) q . ✸ 3.3 a- derangements Let us call a permutation p an a- derangement if each cycle of p is longer than a. So a permutation is a 0-...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21
Báo cáo toán học: "On a class of hyperplanes of the symplectic and Hermitian dual polar spaces" doc
... 5 1A4 5, 5 1A5 0 Abstract Let ∆ be a symplectic dual polar space DW (2n−1, K) or a Hermitian dual polar space DH(2n − 1, K, θ), n ≥ 2. We define a class of hyperplanes of ∆ arising from its Grassmann-embedding ... lemma, we collect some the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R1 11 On a class of hyperplanes of the symplectic and Hermi...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:21
Báo cáo toán học: "On a Rado Type Problem for Homogeneous Second Order Linear Recurrences" docx
... Moreover, a recent result by Alekseev and Tsimerman [1] a rmatively settled Rado s conjecture that for any r 3 there is a homogeneous linear equation that is not r-regular. We say that a linear equation ... H. Harborth and S. Maasberg. All Rado numbers for a( x + y) = bz, Disc. Math. 197/198:397 –407, 1999. [6] B. M. Landman and A. Robertson, Ramsey theory on integers,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22