Classical Mechanics Joel phần 8 ppt

Classical Mechanics Joel phần 8 ppt

Classical Mechanics Joel phần 8 ppt

... is unchanged, it must be independent of q I ,andq I is an ignorable coordinate. 6 .8. ACTION-ANGLE VARIABLES 187 Exercises 6.1 In Exercise 2.6, we discussed the connection between two Lagrangians, L 1 and ... in the 2n + 1 dimensional extended phase space which includes time as one of its coordinates. 188 CHAPTER 6. HAMILTON’S EQUATIONS A 1-form acts on such a vector by dx j (D f )=f j . Sh...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22

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Classical Mechanics Joel phần 4 ppt

Classical Mechanics Joel phần 4 ppt

... 88 CHAPTER 4. RIGID BODY MOTION and we may conclude from the fact that the ˆe j are linearly independent that ... rather than Euclidean space arise often in applications in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, in ad- dition to the classical problems we will consider such as gyroscopes and tops. 4.1 ... are very well approximated by the assumption that the distances between the atom...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22

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Classical Mechanics Joel phần 10 pptx

Classical Mechanics Joel phần 10 pptx

... 2nd edition, 1969. QA805.L 283 /1976. [7] Jerry B. Marion and Stephen T. Thornton. Classical Dynam- ics. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego, 3rd ed edition, 1 988 . QA845.M 38/ 1 988 . [8] R. A. Matzner ... Math. Methods of Classical Mechanics. Springer- Verlag, New York, 1 984 . QA805.A 681 3. [3] R. Creighton Buck. Advanced Calculus. McGraw-Hill, 1956. [4] Herbert Goldstein. Classi...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22

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Classical Mechanics Joel phần 1 pdf

Classical Mechanics Joel phần 1 pdf

... will need to go beyond classical mechanics, we begin with a few words of justification for investing effort in under- standing classical mechanics. First of all, classical mechanics is still very ... 181 6 .8 Action-AngleVariables 185 7 Perturbation Theory 189 7.1 Integrablesystems 189 7.2 CanonicalPerturbationTheory 194 7.2.1 TimeDependentPerturbationTheory 196 7.3 AdiabaticInv...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22

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Classical Mechanics Joel phần 2 ppsx

Classical Mechanics Joel phần 2 ppsx

... arose in 183 5 in his unification of the language of optics and mechanics. It too had a usefulness far beyond its origin, and the Hamiltonian is now most familiar as the operator in quantum mechanics ... begin to feel the asym- metry of the potential, and the orbits become egg-shaped. 1 -1 x p 1.210 .8 0.6 0.40.2-0.2-0.4 0 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 x U U(x) Figure 1.3. Motion in a cubic...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22

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Classical Mechanics Joel phần 3 potx

Classical Mechanics Joel phần 3 potx

... fields  E(r,t)and  B(r,t),  F = q   E + v c ×  B  . (2. 18) If the motion of a charged particle is described by Lagrangian mechanics with a potential U(r,v, t), Lagrange’s equation says 0= d dt ∂L ∂v i − ∂L ∂r i = ... discussed in Chapter 8, but until then we will assume that the phase space (q, p), or cotangent bundle, is equivalent to the tangent bundle, i.e. the space of (q,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22

25 149 0
Classical Mechanics Joel phần 5 potx

Classical Mechanics Joel phần 5 potx

... generally used in quantum mechanics. Many of the standard classical mechanics texts 10 take the second rotation to be about the x 1 - axis instead of y 1 , but quantum mechanics texts 11 avoid ... add or subtract, and many choices for the Euler angles (φ, ψ) will give the same full rotation. 1 18 CHAPTER 4. RIGID BODY MOTION Then E becomes E = 1 2 I 1 ˙ θ 2 + U  (θ)+ 1 2 I 3 ω 2 3 ,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22

25 171 0
Classical Mechanics Joel phần 6 docx

Classical Mechanics Joel phần 6 docx

... expression in (4.29). [For this and exercise 4 .8, you might want to use a computer algebra program such as mathematica or maple, if one is available.] 4 .8 Find the expression for ω in terms of φ, ... 1 28 CHAPTER 5. SMALL OSCILLATIONS Note that A is a constant symmetric real matrix. The kinetic energy ... messy.] 4.9 A diamond shaped object is shown in top, front, and side views. It is a...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22

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Classical Mechanics Joel phần 7 doc

Classical Mechanics Joel phần 7 doc

... canonical. The Poisson bracket plays such an important role in classical me- chanics, and an even more important role in quantum mechanics, that it is worthwhile to discuss some of its abstract ... R n and totally antisymmetric in its action on the k copies, and is a smooth function of x ∈M.Ata 1 58 CHAPTER 6. HAMILTON’S EQUATIONS where f j are an arbitrary set of functions on phase space...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22

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Classical Mechanics Joel phần 9 doc

Classical Mechanics Joel phần 9 doc

... 2 08 CHAPTER 7. PERTURBATION THEORY Consider the evolution in time, un- der the full hamiltonian, of ... magnetic field. It is interesting to note that in Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization in the old quantum mechanics, used be- fore the Schr¨odinger equation clarified such issues, the quantization of bound ... + 1 ω 2 ξ  η(t)= 1 ω ∂U ∂q cos ωt + 1 ω 2 η  and assume ¯q and ¯p obey Hamiltons equat...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22

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