Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15
... D.C., USA and President, e International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) Foreword Osamu Suzuki and Kanako Watanabe Drugs and Poisons in Humans A Handbook of Practical Analysis With ... measure- ment of xenobiotics and metabolites in biological matrices. Drugs and Poisons in Humans. A Handbook of Practical Analysis will be a...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20
Aircraft Design: Synthesis and Analysis - part 1 doc
... DC- 9 -1 0, a 77,000 lb, 80 passenger airplane grew into a DC- 9-2 0, then the -3 0, -4 0, -5 0, -8 0 then on to the MD-80 and MD-90 series. The MD-90 weighs as much as 17 2,000 lbs and can carry 15 0 ... McGraw-Hill. Raymer, D., Aircraft Design-A Conceptual Approach, AIAA, 19 92. Roskam, J., Aircraft Design, Published by the author as an 8 volume set, 19 8 5 -1 9...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Aircraft Design: Synthesis and Analysis - part 2 pptx
... the aircraft. 1990 55 25 0.0 22 1 368.3 485 20 1 .2 783 24 9.4 1991 51 23 1.8 21 2 353.3 469 194.6 760 24 2.0 19 92 55 25 0.0 23 9 398.3 484 20 0.8 806 25 6.7 1993 57 25 9.1 24 5 408.3 487 20 2.1 814 25 9 .2 * ... 3 82 158.5 561 178.7 1986 36 163.6 125 20 8.3 431 178.8 622 198.1 1987 42 190.9 151 25 1.7 459 190.5 681 21 6.9 1988 48 21 8 .2 180 300.0 475 197.1 726...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Aircraft Design: Synthesis and Analysis - part 3 ppt
... nose and tailcone shapes. Two-Class 717 configuration with 8 first-class seats with 36 " pitch and 98 coach seats with 32 " pitch. Single-class 717 configuration with 117 seats at 32 " ... component at zero-lift and a lift-dependent component but includes only the increments due to Mach number (C L and Re are assumed to be constant.) Zero-lift drag is the drag at M...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Aircraft Design: Synthesis and Analysis - part 4 potx
... popular airfoils of the time: +- y = (t/0.2) * (.2969*x 0.5 - .126*x - .3537*x 2 + .2 843 *x 3 - .1015*x 4 ) The camberline of 4- digit sections was defined as a parabola from the leading edge ... the trailing edge. NACA 4- Digit Series: 4 4 1 2 max camber position max thickness in % chord of max camber in % of chord in 1/10 of c After the 4- digit sections came th...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Aircraft Design: Synthesis and Analysis - part 5 pdf
... deflection of 0 deg and 20 deg. Airplane S wf / Sref Flap Type Flap Chord Ratio Sweep (deg) DC-3S 0 .57 5 Split 0.174 10 DC-4 0 .56 0 Single Slot 0. 257 0 DC-6 0 .58 9 Double Slot 0.266 0 DC-7C 0.630 Double ... designed for efficient high-speed flight is often quite different from one designed solely for take- off and landing. Take-off and landing distances are strongly influenced...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Aircraft Design: Synthesis and Analysis - part 6 pot
... "good-flying" and difficult-to-fly aircraft. New aircraft designs can be simulated to determine whether they are acceptable. Such real-time, pilot-in-the- loop simulations are expensive and ... gear attached to turbo-prop nacelles, the value is usually much larger. Airplane ytrack / fuse dia. (approx) 73 7-2 00 1.39 74 7-2 00 1 .67 75 7-2 00 1.85 76 7-3 00 1 .67...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Aircraft Design: Synthesis and Analysis - part 7 pps
... 1580 Citation-X, Global-Hawk General Electric CF700 4500 0.65 37& quot; 54" 76 7 Falcon, Sabreliner CF/TF-34 9200 0.35 49" 103" 1 670 Challenger 601/RJ,A-10 IHI (Japan) F-3 370 0 0 .70 22" ... 6300 0.81 36" 70 " 1100 Aero Vodochody L-139 ALF502/5 07 670 0 -7 800 0.4 3-0 .41 50" 65" 1350 Ch 600, Bae-146, AvroRJ Allison
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Aircraft Design: Synthesis and Analysis - part 8 docx
... a fully-stressed beam. A derivation is given here. Wing Weight Breakdown DC- 8- 5 5 DC-1 0-1 0 STOL Study Wing Bending Material 13,115 21 ,83 0 5, 983 Wing Spars, Webs, Stiffeners 2,301 2 ,82 2 1,136 Bending, ... 24,652 7,119 Ribs 1,463 2,333 82 5 Wing Box Weight 22,7 18 33,623 10, 387 Total Wing Weight 33,604 49,2 98 20 ,86 1 Bending / Total . 387 .443 . 287 Box / Total .676 . 6...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Aircraft Design: Synthesis and Analysis - part 9 pot
... version, the DC-1 0-1 0. The corresponding Â/seat stat-mile is shown in the table of Fig. 12. Although the DC-l 0-1 0 and B747 benefit in Â/seat-mile from technology improvement, a significant part of ... area and structure capable of much greater range than the DC-1 0-1 0. The overwater DC-l 0-3 0 with a range comparable to the B747 would show about the same Â/seat-mile as t...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Aircraft Design: Synthesis and Analysis - part 10 doc
... 99.4 99.7 100 .2 100 .5 100 .7 101 .0 101 .3 101 .6 100 .0 1968 102 .0 102 .3 102 .8 103 .1 103 .4 104 .0 104 .5 104 .8 105 .1 105 .7 106 .1 106 .4 104 .2 1969 106 .7 107 .1 108 .0 108 .7 109 .0 109 .7 110. 2 110. 7 111.2 ... -2 0 0 bar 2.08858 3 1 -2 0 0 inHg 70.727 0 1 -2 0 0 mmHg 2.7845 0 1 -2 0 0 torr 2.7845 0 1 -2 0 0 inH2O 5.2024 0 1 -2 0 0...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21