Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 1 pdf

Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 1 pdf

Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 1 pdf

... 95 95 96 97 10 1 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 9 11 0 11 0 11 2 Contents Preface xlll 1 Basic concepts and defdtions Preamble 1. 1 Units and dimensions 1. 1 .1 Fundamental dimensions ... 716 0 = 0 .11 51 kgm-3 P p =-= RT 287.3 x 216 .5 e=($&) 314 = 1. 19 P 1. 44 x kgm-ls-l 17 1 1. 19 = - 1 0-5 = Consider a dimension that,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

61 687 5
Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 2 pptx

Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 2 pptx

... 325Nm-'. Therefore + 1 = 1. 4 21 po - 42670 p 10 1325 Therefore 1 5 1 - M2 = 0 .10 6 5 M' = 0.530 M = 0.728 1 + - M2 = (1. 4 21) 2'7 = 1. 106 The speed of sound ... equation of state for a perfect gas is P/(m = R Substituting forplp in Eqn (1. 11) yields Eqn (1. 13) and (1. 14), namely ~p - cv = R, cP = - R...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

57 576 1
Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 3 pot

Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 3 pot

... 8 = 1. Then Eqn (3.49) becomes 1 2 PT -PO =-pU2 (1 - [2+B]’) (3.50) 1 2 = pU2(3+4B+BZ) At the bottom p = p~ when 8 = -n/2 and sin O = - 1 : (3. 51) 1 2 PB -PO = ... the line along the x-axis as $ = 0 12 8 Aerodynamics for Engineering Students Doublet axis Fig. 3.20 Streamlines due to a doublet - 2c - -x- Fig. 3. 2...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

62 461 0
Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 4 doc

Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 4 doc

... C C c x/ =-( i -cose) (i-cos~) =-( cos~-cose) 2 2 2 and k from Eqn (4. 51) : +,( (1 -; ) COS4Il - (1 where ’t (4.54) Fig. 4 .16 17 6 Aerodynamics for Engineering Students and ... 64panels -1 .00 -2 0 -1 5 -1 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Angle of attack,degrees Fig. 4.26 Variation of lift and moment coefficients with angle of atta...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

66 484 0
Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 5 pot

Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 5 pot

... Table 5 .1 7~/8 0.382 68 0.923 88 0.923 88 0.382 68 0.923 88 ~14 0.707 11 0.707 11 -0 .707 11 -0 .707 11 0.707 11 3 ~18 0.923 88 -0 .382 68 -0 .38268 0.923 88 0.38268 7 512 1 .ooo 00 - 1 .ooo ... 0.22079 A1 + 0.89202 A3 + 1. 2 51 00 A5 + 0.66688 A7 0. 011 637 = 0.663 19 A1 f0.98957 A3 - 1. 315 95A5 - 1. 64234 A7 0.0 216 65 =...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

67 556 1
Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 6 potx

Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 6 potx

... rule - the application of linearized theories of subsonic flow Consider the equation (6 .1 18) in the subsonic two-dimensional form: (1 -Mk )-+ -= O @4 a24 (Eqn(6 .11 8)) ax2 ay2 For a ... Rankine- Hugoniot relations Eqn (6.42): -= or rearranged For air -/ = 1. 4 and p2 6M: P1 5+M? -= - Reversed to give the ratio in terms of the exit Mach numbe...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

61 326 0
Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 7 docx

Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 7 docx

... 0 .1 0 .16 0.2 0 .12 0.3 0.08 0.5 0.0 0.7 -0 .08 0.8 -0 .12 0.9 -0 .16 1. 0 -0 .20 e 11 . 31& quot; 9.09" 6.84" 4.57" 0.0 -4 .57" -6 .84" -9 .09" -1 1. 31& quot; ... 0.225 0 .16 3 0 .10 4 0.0008 -0 .08 31 -0 .11 66 -0 .14 74 -0 .17 54 WP)li7l 0.228 0 .18 3 0 .13 8 0.092 0 -0 .098 -0 .13 8 -0...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

61 487 0
Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 8 pps

Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 8 pps

... A/Ae = 1 + 1. 178~ where suffix i denotes the value at the entry section. Also A, U, = A U, A 48 u Iu - e - A - 1 + 1. 178~ Then -= due -4 8 x 1. 178 (1 + 1. 178~ )-& apos; ... 0.5 - 0.4 - 0.3 - - - U - 0 0 .1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1. 0 0.9 0.8 0.7 - 0.6 0.5 - 0.4 - 0.3 - -...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

67 369 0
Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 9 ppt

Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 9 ppt

... - 2e - 2d - f b = 2 - d - 2e - f c=l-e Substituting these in Eqn (9 .15 ) gives T= c~ 4-2 -2 d-f 2-d-2e-f I-e d e f n p VKV = CpnZD4f [(z)d(L)e (-3 f] D2n pD2n2 (9 .16 ) ... [(L)"(T)-b(ML-3)c(L2T -1 ) d(ML-'T-2)e(LT -1 ~ ] Separating this into the three fundamental equations gives (M) I=c+e (L) 1 =a-3c+2d-e+f (T) 2=b...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

51 499 0
Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 10 docx

Aerodynamics for engineering students - part 10 docx

... 9750 10 000 10 250 10 500 10 750 11 000 11 500 12 000 12 500 13 000 13 500 14 000 14 500 15 000 15 500 16 000 16 500 17 000 17 500 18 000 18 500 19 000 19 500 ... 0.50 kT 0 .11 8 0 .11 5 0 .11 2 0 .10 9 0 .10 6 0 .10 3 kQ 0. 015 7 0. 015 4 0. 015 0 0. 014 5 0. 013 9 0. 013 2 548 Aerodynamics for Engineering Students Suitable values for i...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

61 628 4