Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 2 ppt
... na 19: 20 : r0=da(1); r1=da (2) ; nfaces=na(1); nlat=na (2) ; 21 : t=linspace(0 ,2* pi,nlat)’; 22 : xz=[r0+r1*cos(t),r1*sin(t)]; 23 : z1=xz(: ,2) ; z1=z1(:,ones(1,nfaces+1)); 24 : th=linspace(0 ,2* pi,nfaces+1); 25 : ... y1=xz(:,1)*sin(th); 26 : y2=x1; z2=y1; x2=z1; y3=x2; z3=y2; x3=z2; 27 : 28 : % Create a frustum of a pyramid. Data for the 29 : % frustum is stored in df and nf 3...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
... y=[z,-cos(th)]; 120 : hold off, close 121 : if trac 122 : axis([-1,1,-1,1]), axis square, axis off, hold on 123 : end 124 : for j=1:nt 125 : X=x(j,:); Y=y(j,:); 126 : plot(X,Y,’k-’,X (2) ,Y (2) ,’ko’,’markersize’, 12) 127 : ... Finite ElementandFiniteDifferenceMethods 10.6.1MathematicalFormulation 10.6.2DiscussionoftheCode 10.6.3NumericalResults 10.7VibrationModesofanEllipticMembrane...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
... through 27 0 degrees about the z-axis. 18: 19: n1=9; t1=-pi:pi/n1:0; n2=6; t2=0:pi/n2:pi; 20 : Zd=[0,exp(i*t1),1 /2+ i+exp(i*t2) /2, 0]; 21 : xd=real(Zd)+4; zd=imag(Zd); 22 : th=[-pi /2, pi]; nth=31; 23 : kn=[1 ,2, n1 +2, n1+3,n1+n2+3,n1+n2+4]; 24 : 25 : 26 : % ... a(n+1 ,2) =1; b(n +2) =endv (2) ; 157: a(n +2, :)=[((x(n)-x’). ^2) /2, 1,x(n)-x(1)]; 158: elseif endv(1)==5 159: a(n+1,1:...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 8 pptx
... 24 8: ’, OMEGA = ’,num2str(eigs(j),4),boa]) 24 9: %colormap([ 127 /25 5 1 21 2 /25 5]) 25 0: colormap([1 1 0]) 25 1: drawnow, shg 25 2: end 25 3: pause(1); 25 4: end 25 5: end 25 6: 25 7: %================================================== 25 8: 25 9: function ... 7.9976e+000 | 2 1.0101e-0 02 7. 527 3e+000 | 3 2. 020 2e-0 02 7.0848e+000 | 4 3.0303e-0 02 6.6688e+000 | 5 4.04...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 4 doc
... polhedrn 12: 13: x= [2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0]-1; 14: y=[0 4 4 2 3 3 0 4 4 2 3 3]; 15: z=[0 0 4 1 1 2 0 0 4 1 1 2] ; 16: idface=[1 2 365463; 17: 13970000; 18: 17 820 000; 19: 28 930000; 20 : 7 9 12 10 ... integrand and limits are: 32: % 33: % f = x. ^2+ y ^2+ z ^2 34: % a2 = sqrt(4-y ^2- z ^2) 35: % a1 = -a2 36: % b2 = sqrt(4-z ^2) 37: % b1 = -b2 38: % c = [ -2, 2]...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 5 ppsx
... [t2,x2]=mckde2i(m,c,k,t0,dsp,vel,tfin,h2,i2); 62: end 63: tcp2=toc/j2; tr2=tcp2/tcpmr; 64: 65: I2=5; H2=h/I2; tic; 66: for j=1:J2 67: [T2,X2]=mckde2i(m,c,k,t0,dsp,vel,tfin,H2,I2); 68: end 69: Tcp2=toc/J2; ... nvar=length(x0); 21 3: jrow=1; jstep=0; h2=h /2; h 12= h*h/ 12; 21 4: 21 5: % Form the inverse of the effective stiffness 21 6: % matrix for later use. 21 7: 21 8: m 12= m-h 12* k...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 7 ppsx
... 56 .25 76 75.60 32 68 .21 42 275: 24 .4949 43.7155 38.1598 57.6538 76.9699 69. 723 0 27 6: 25 .7051 44.9577 39.60 32 59.0409 78.3305 71 .22 05 27 7: 26 .9074 21 .21 17 41.0308 60.4194 52. 624 1 72. 7065 27 8: 28 .1 024 ... 70.0699 62. 0485 27 1: 19.5546 38.6843 32. 1897 52. 0077 71.4639 63.6114 27 2: 20 .8070 39.9 526 33.7166 53.43 52 72. 8506 65.1593 27 3: 22 .0470 41 .21 35...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 9 pps
... stresses using an approximate rational 20 : % function mapping function for the square 21 : [tr,ta,z,c,C]= 22 : torstres(’mapsqr’,zeta,ntrms,4*1 024 ); 23 : 24 : % Results from the exact solution 25 : n=1 :2: 13; 26 : ... solution 25 : n=1 :2: 13; 26 : tmexact=1-8/pi ^2* sum(1./(n. ^2. *cosh(n*pi /2) )); 27 : err=abs(ta(1) /2- tmexact)*100/tmexact; 28 : stfexct=16/3-1 024 /pi^5*s...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 10 pdf
... graph 19: % 20 : % User m functions called: cubrange 21 : % 22 : 23 : % close 24 : if nargin<5 25 : xlabl=’real axis’; ylabl=’imaginary axis’; © 20 03 by CRC Press LLC 608 ADVANCED MATH AND MECHANICS APPLICATIONS ... -2. 0000 550: 1.5139 1.5 320 -0.73 82] ; 551: 5 52: %================================================= © 20 03 by CRC Press LLC 6 12 ADVANCED MATH AND M...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
advanced mathematics and mechanics applications using matlab - howard b. wilson
... Finite ElementandFiniteDifferenceMethods 10.6.1MathematicalFormulation 10.6.2DiscussionoftheCode 10.6.3NumericalResults 10.7VibrationModesofanEllipticMembrane 10.7.1AnalyticalFormulation 10.7.2ComputerFormulation 11BendingAnalysisofBeamsofGeneralCrossSection 11.1Introduction 11.1.1AnalyticalFormulation 11.1.2ProgramtoAnalyzeBeamsofGeneralCrossSection 11.1.3ProgramOutputandCode 12Applicationso...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 09:57