Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 1 pptx
... Finite ElementandFiniteDifferenceMethods 10 .6.1MathematicalFormulation 10 .6.2DiscussionoftheCode 10 .6.3NumericalResults 10 .7VibrationModesofanEllipticMembrane 10 .7.1AnalyticalFormulation 10 .7.2ComputerFormulation 11 BendingAnalysisofBeamsofGeneralCrossSection 11 .1Introduction 11 .1. 1AnalyticalFormulation 11 .1. 2ProgramtoAnalyzeBeamsofGeneralCrossSection 11 .1. 3ProgramOutp...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
... X=x-xd (1) ; 10 8: 10 9: if id==0 % y(x) 11 0: v=yd (1) +s1*X+m1/2*X.*X+ 11 1: powermat(x,xd,3)*C/6; 11 2: elseif id= =1 % y’(x) 11 3: v=s1+m1*X+powermat(x,xd,2)*C/2; 11 4: elseif id==2 % y’’(x) 11 5: v=m1+powermat(x,xd ,1) *C; 11 6: ... N=length(kn) -1; m=round(abs(t (1) )); 11 5: if -t (1) ==m, t=linspace (1, nd ,1+ N*m)’; end 11 6: z=[]; zp=[]; zplot=[]; 11 7: for j =1: N 11...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
... spans 43: Width =1; E =1; a=0.5^2; Npts =10 0; 44: h1=0.5; k1 =1; x1=linspace(0 ,1, Npts); 45: h2 =1. 5; k2 =1; x2=linspace (1, 2,Npts); 46: h3=2.5; k3 =1; x3=linspace(2,3,Npts); 47: y1=(x1-h1).^2/a+k1; y2=(x2-h2).^2/a+k2; 48: ... least 11 1: % square points used for the eta and xi 11 2: % directions 11 3: % nfuns - vector [meta,mxi] giving the number of 11 4: % approximating functions...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 2 ppt
... function of the variable xdata. 11 1: % The function has the form: 11 2: % 11 3: % y(x) = sum (1= >ntop) ( a(j)*x^(j -1) ) / 11 4: % ( 1 + sum (1= >nbot) ( b(j)*x^(j)) ) 11 5: % 11 6: % xdata,ydata - input ... tlim=[0 ,10 0]; nt=400; 10 8: end 10 9: n=size(m ,1) ; t=linspace(tlim (1) ,tlim(2),nt); 11 0: if nargin< ;10 , y0=zeros(n ,1) ; v0=y0; end 11 1: 11 2: % Determine...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 4 doc
... idface= [1 2 365463; 17 : 13 970000; 18 : 17 820000; 19 : 28930000; 20: 7 9 12 10 11 12 9 8; 21: 410 1260000; 22: 4 511 100000; 23: 5 612 110 000]; 24: polhdplt(x,y,z,idface, [1, 1 ,1] ); 25: [v,rc,vrr,irr]=polhedrn(x,y,z,idface) 26: 27: %============================================= 28: 29: function ... 0.95 1 1.05 1. 1 1. 15 -1. 5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 x axis y axis Fo...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 5 ppsx
... the Cable Midpoint 0 5 10 15 20 25 10 16 10 14 10 12 10 10 10 −8 10 −6 10 −4 10 −2 10 0 time asymmetry error Growing Loss of Symmetry in Vertical Deflection Figure 8 .13 : Growing Loss of Symmetry ... omegax*jaxial/jtrans 10 6: % 10 7: % zdot - the time derivative of z 10 8: % 10 9: % User m functions called: none 11 0: % 11 1: 11 2: z=z(:); r=z (1: 3); len=norm...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 7 ppsx
... values 11 6: % rho - vector of mass per unit volume 11 7: % values 11 8: inode= [1 1 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 11 9: 8 9 10 11 10 11 10 11 13 ]; 12 0: jnode=[3 4 3 4 4 6 6 7 7 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 10 ... 10 12 1: 11 12 12 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 ]; 12 2: elast=3e7*ones (1, 28); 12 3: area=ones (1, 28); rho=ones (1, 28); 12 4: 12 5: % Any points constrained...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 9 pps
... bet=-kapa*c(nft)/ (1+ kapa); 16 6: sig=(-ti (1) +ti(2)-2*i*ti(3))/2; 16 7: 16 8: % Generate a and b coefficients using the 16 9: % Fourier coefficients of N+i*T. 17 0: a=zeros(np +1, 1); b=zeros(np+3 ,1) ; j= (1: np)’; 17 1: ... a(j +1) =c(nft +1- j); a (1) =alp; 17 2: a(2)=bet+c(nft); a(3)=sig+c(nft -1) ; 17 3: j=(3:np+2)’; b(j +1) =(j -1) .*a(j -1) -conj(c(j -1) ); 17 4: b (1)...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB phần 10 pdf
... pd=max(ovrsiz/2*(pmax-pmin)); 31: if length(pmin)==2 32: range=pm( [1, 1,2,2])+pd*[ -1, 1, -1, 1]; 33: else 34: range=pm( [1 1 2 2 3 3])+pd*[ -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1]; 35: end Function curve2d 1: function [z,zplot,zp]=curve2d(xd,yd,kn,t) 2: ... c=[3*c(: ,1) ,2*c(:,2),c(:,3)]; 10 8: sright=ppval(mkpp(b,c),xd(end)); 10 9: [b,c]=unmkpp(spline(xd,[endc(2);yd;sright])); 11 0: 11 1: case 4 11 2...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21
advanced mathematics and mechanics applications using matlab - howard b. wilson
... Finite ElementandFiniteDifferenceMethods 10 .6.1MathematicalFormulation 10 .6.2DiscussionoftheCode 10 .6.3NumericalResults 10 .7VibrationModesofanEllipticMembrane 10 .7.1AnalyticalFormulation 10 .7.2ComputerFormulation 11 BendingAnalysisofBeamsofGeneralCrossSection 11 .1Introduction 11 .1. 1AnalyticalFormulation 11 .1. 2ProgramtoAnalyzeBeamsofGeneralCrossSection 11 .1. 3ProgramOutp...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 09:57