Báo cáo toán học: "Gorenstein polytopes obtained from bipartite graphs" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "Gorenstein polytopes obtained from bipartite graphs" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "Gorenstein polytopes obtained from bipartite graphs" pdf

... matching polytopes are Gorenstein. Beck et al. also gave a m ethod to construct an infinite family of Goren- stein polytopes. In this paper, we introdu ce a new class of polytopes obtained from graphs ... = mn − m − n. the electronic journal of combinatorics 17 (2010), #R8 11 Gorenstein polytopes obtained from bipartite graphs Makoto Tagami Graduate School of Science Tohoku Un...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:20

12 201 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Cubic Partial Cubes from Simplicial Arrangements" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "Cubic Partial Cubes from Simplicial Arrangements" pdf

... Partial Cubes from Line Arrangements We begin by recalling [19] the construction of a partial cube from a hyperplane arrangement in R d . Our construction of cubic partial cubes from simplicial ... most but not all of which are strictly convex, even for the graphs C A coming from pseudoline arrangements A. To do so, from a simplicial arrangement that includes the line at infinity, be...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21

14 201 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Regular spanning subgraphs of bipartite graphs of high minimum degree" docx

Báo cáo toán học: "Regular spanning subgraphs of bipartite graphs of high minimum degree" docx

... a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an f -factor in a bipartite graph: Proposition 2 Let F be a bipartite graph with bipartition {A, B}, and f(x) ≥ 0 an integer valued function ... us consider a simple method for edge removal from G: given 0 < p < 1 discard p(1 −γ)n incident edges for every vertex in A l ∪B l , and no edge from G| A e ∪B e . Of course, we nee...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:22

7 246 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Some properties of unitary Cayley graphs" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "Some properties of unitary Cayley graphs" pdf

... λ  min . Remember that X n is bipartite for even n. The appearence of λ min and −λ min in this case reflects the well known fact [3] that the nonzero eigenvalues of bipartite graphs occur in pairs ... term only once, then we arrive at the sequence S and see that ˜ S and ˜ T coincide apart possibly from the order of their elements. 2. By (1.) the length of the sequence ˜ S equals the num...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:22

12 347 0
Báo cáo toán học: "nduced trees in triangle-free graphs" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "nduced trees in triangle-free graphs" pdf

... 2 b vertices. Indeed, if M i was obtained from M i+1 by a branching step, then each vertex of M i has at least two successors in M i+1 . If M i was obtained from M i+2 by a double-step, then ... going from i to i−2. To obtain M i−2 , we define another auxiliary bipartite graph, which we again call H to save letters. The bottom color class B is L i−2 , and the top color class A is...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:23

9 240 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Distinguishing Chromatic Numbers of Bipartite Graphs" pps

Báo cáo toán học: "Distinguishing Chromatic Numbers of Bipartite Graphs" pps

... The distinguishing chromatic number of K n,n − M We denote by K n,n − M the graph obtained from the complete bipartite graph K n,n by deleting the edges of a perfect matching. This graph arises ... characterizing those connected bipartite graphs for which χ D = 2∆ −2. In particular, does every such graph contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to K ∆−1,∆−1 ? Our focus has been on bipa...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:21

15 216 0
Báo cáo toán học: "New symmetric designs from regular Hadamard matrices" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "New symmetric designs from regular Hadamard matrices" pdf

... P ∈M,W⊗P denotes the matrix obtained by replacing every entry σ in W by the matrix σP. In Section 2 (Lemma 2.1), we will prove the following modification of a result from [6]: Let M be a set of ... k, λ) over a (multiplicatively writ- ten) group G is a matrix W =[ω ij ] of order v with entries from the set G ∪{0}such that (i) each row and each column of W contain exactly k non-zero entri...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:22

8 216 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Reconstructing integer sets from their representation functions" pot

Báo cáo toán học: "Reconstructing integer sets from their representation functions" pot

... N, the length of the tth row of this diagram (counting the rows from the bottom) is then N t =#{n: r A,B (n) ≥ t}. Wenoticethat from a well-known result of Pollard [P75] it follows that N 1 + ... enough) do not exist. The result of Chen and Wang shows, however, that such sets do exist and can be obtained by a very minor modification of Dombi’s original construction. the electronic journa...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:22

6 228 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning Semantic Categories from Clickthrough Logs" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning Semantic Categories from Clickthrough Logs" pdf

... Supervised Learning of Semantic Knowledge from Query Logs. IJC- NLP, pages 358–365. M. Pas¸ca and B. V. Durme. 2007. What You Seek is What You Get: Extraction of Class Attributes from Query Logs. IJCAI-07, ... process of label propa- gation using a seed term “singapore” to learn the Travel domain. This is a bipartite graph whose left-hand side nodes are terms and right-hand side nodes a...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 01:20

4 316 0