... participated in the analysis of the results and drafted the manuscript. AV participated in the analysis of the results and helped to draft the manu- script. AP designed the study, participated in the analysis of ... Access Research Phylogenetic evidence for the distinction of Saaremaa and Dobrava hantaviruses Tarja Sironen, Antti Vaheri and Alexand...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
... that f(t) is strictly increasing in [1, +∞). 9 Sharp bounds for Seiffert mean in terms of root mean square Yu-Ming Chu ∗1 , Shou-Wei Hou 2 and Zhong-Hua Shen 2 1∗ Department of Mathematics, Huzhou ... below). For information about publishing your research in Journal of Inequalities and Applications go to http://www.journalofinequalitiesandapplications.com/authors/i...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo toán học: " Some results for the q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials" doc
... q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers, and polynomials. 2. q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials related to the Bosonic and the Fermionic p-adic integral on ℤ p In this section, we provide some basic formulas ... functions of the q-Bernoulli, q-Eule r numbers, and polynomials. We shall provide some basic formulas for the q-Bernoulli and q- Euler polynomials...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Spectral asymptotics for the "soft" selfadjoint extension of a symmetric elliptic differential operator " ppt
... class="bi x0 y1 w1 h 3" alt =""
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Threshold Functions for the Bipartite Tur´n Property a" potx
... =0|z=n 2 p)≤P(X=0|z≤n 2 p)≤3P(X=0)→0 by the theorem, where the last inequality above follows due to the observation that P(A|B) ≤ P(A)/P(B) and the fact that the central limit theorem [or the approxi- mate and ... if the exact form of (7) is used for , then = o(1) i à 2 / i t = o(n 1/5 ), so that even the extended Janson inequality will not lead to an improvement in the re...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo toán học: "New Bounds for Codes Identifying Vertices in Graphs" pdf
... appear. [2]G.D.Cohen,I.Honkala,S.LitsynandA.Lobstein:Covering Codes, Elsevier, 1997. [3] M.G.Karpovsky,K.ChakrabartyandL.B.Levitin: Onanewclassofcodes for identifying vertices in graphs, IEEE Trans. Inform. Th., vol. 44, ... vertex of degree zero. Since, by symmetry, one element in C 2 produces two vertices with degree zero or New Bounds for Codes Identifying Vertices...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Improved bounds for the number of forests and acyclic orientations in the square lattice" doc
... several counting problems on the square lattice L n . There the authors gave the following bounds for the asymp- totics of f(n), the number of forests of L n ,and (n), the number of acyclic orienta- tions ... y>0andz t y =1. the electronic journal of combinatorics 10 (2003), #R4 15 Improved bounds for the number of forests and acyclic...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 07:21
Báo cáo toán học: "Improved bounds on the length of maximal abelian square-free word" pot
... particular, it contains exactly one occurrence of the greatest letter it contains, since between two the electronic journal of combinatorics 11 (2004), #R17 3 Improved bounds on the length of maximal abelian square-free ... m. Further, if there is a pair of (k − 1)’s in w m , one must be on the left half of s m and hence before the m in h m+1 ,and the othe...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Lower Bound for the Size of Maximal Nontraceable Graphs." pot
... in the next section, to prove that a MNT graph of order n ≥ 10 has at least 3n−2 2 edges. The first one concerns the lower bound for the number of edges of MNH graphs. It is the combination of ... is not complete, then some internal vertex of Q has a neighbour in G − V (Q). the electronic journal of combinatorics 12 (2005), #R32 2 Lower Bound for the Size...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21
Báo cáo toán học: "Lower bounds for the football pool problem for 7 and 8 matches" pdf
... with n = 7 and s = 27 and get 8k 5 + 15k 6 + 22k 7 + 29 i 8 k i ≤ 58. (8) Multiplication with 3/22 and rounding off yields Lemma 3. the electronic journal of combinatorics 14 (20 07) , #R 27 4 5 ... we show k 3 (7) ≥ 156 and k 3 (8) ≥ 402 improving on the best previously known bounds k 3 (7) ≥ 153 and k 3 (8) ≥ 3 98. The proofs are founded on a recent technique...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:22
Báo cáo toán học: "Lower Bounds for the Size of Random Maximal H-Free Graphs" pdf
... key ingredient of our proof. Given the informal discussion above, the proof of Theorem 1.1 looks very roughly as follows. At the first part of the proof we consider the graph G(n, ρ) for a relatively ... claim holds for d − 1. We prove the claim for d. Let S = (G 1 , G 2 , . . . , G d ) be the sequence of the labels of the nodes u i , i ∈ [d], along the path...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:21
Báo cáo toán hoc:"Generating functions for the number of permutations with limited displacement." ppsx
... be the permutation corresponding to the transposed of B. We start with A 0,0 . Let A x,z be the matrix we have after k − 1 steps. Let the first row of A x,z be row number r and the first column of ... first column of A x,z be column number s of the original A 0,0 . Let the number of erased columns j such that j < p r be t k and the number the electronic...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Lower Bounds for q-ary Codes with Large Covering Radius" ppsx
... (i) and (iv) P 3 ∩ P 4 = {x} with x ∈ Z 6 . Let R denote a set the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R133 5 Lower Bounds for q-ary Codes with Large Covering Radius Wolfga ng Haas Immanuel ... the case k = 5. For k > 5 the computational effort became too la r ge for a systematical treatment. Here we got only a few sporadic new bounds: six bounds for k...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Lower bounds for identifying codes in some infinite grids" potx
... electronic journal of combinatorics 17 (2010), #R122 6 References [1] Ir`ene Charon, Iiro Honkala, Olivier Hudry, and Antoine Lobstein. General bounds for identifying codes in some in nite regular graphs. ... of density in certain in nite graphs which are locally finite. We present new lower bounds for densities of codes for some sm all values of r in both the squa...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22
Báo cáo toán học: "Lower Bounds for the Average Genus of a CF-graph" doc
... such a polygon do not change genus of such a surface. Operation 1: Aaa − ∼ A, Operation 2: AabBab ∼ AcBc, Operation 3: AB ∼ {(Aa), (a − B)}, A A a a A B a b b a A B c c A B A Bc c Figure 4: Operation ... attaching ears serially or by bar -amalgamation of a cactus to G N The authors of [5] discussed a Kuratowski type theorem for average genus of graph...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:23