Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 7 potx

Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 7 potx

Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 7 potx

... /,(*./*,- 1 ) (19 -36 ) (19 - 37 ) Thus, they calculate the harmonic average permeability of the damaged portion of the core by: K(t\- Xf { dx K(t) -T 0 n^t (19 -38 ) Substituting Eqs. 19 -33 , 34 , and 36 ... Study," SPE Paper 38 180, Proceedings of the 19 97 SPE European Formation Damage Conference held in the Hague, The Netherlands, June 2 -3, 19 97,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22

25 199 0
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 7 potx

Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 7 potx

... "Compressive Cake Filtration," Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol. 47, 1992, pp. 1 37 3- 138 1. 136 Reservoir Formation Damage = («£ (7- 44) The permeability and inertial flow coefficient for porous materials ... York, 1 972 , pp. 191-1 97. Smiles, D. E., & Kirby, J. M., "Compressive Cake Filtration—A Com- ment," Chem. Eng. ScL, Vol. 48, No....

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22

25 230 0
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 11 ppt

Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 11 ppt

... two-phase, 438 Model assisted analysis experimental data, 2 13, 251, 34 4, 4 43 Index 73 7 plugging-nonplugging, 87 Parity equations, 566 pe-pH charts, 34 3, 36 7 pH-buffer solutions, 71 4 Permeability ... assisted analysis, 2 13 Experimental set-up, formation damage testing, 459, 564 Expert system, formation damage, 70 2 Evaluation, formation, 1 03 Evalu...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:21

10 316 0
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 5 potx

Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 5 potx

... Induced Formation Damage, " /. of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1/2, February 19 97, pp. 1 23- 1 37 . Civan, F., "A Generalized Model for Formation Damage ... the Formation Damage Models," SPE 2 37 87 paper, Proceedings of the SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control, February 26- 27, 1992, Lafayette, Lo...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22

25 345 0
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 10 potx

Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 10 potx

... page 218) 216 Reservoir Formation Damage 35 30 20 10 A TSS =38 43mg/.« (SLOPE= 0 .38 9 '/min INTERCEPT = -5 .36 ) a TSS - 579 0 mg/0 (SLOPE = 0. 139 6'/min INTERCEPT* -3. 09) 50 TIME ... to 2000 840 to 2000 420 to 840 420 to 840 250 to 2 97 250 to 2 97 177 to 210 104 to 124 Effective Pore Size d s (urn) 218f 218 97 97 42 42 30 18 Glass Bead Diameter...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22

25 246 0
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 2 Part 5 potx

Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 2 Part 5 potx

... Al cr Br so 4 - 2 C0 3 ~ 2 HCO 3 H 4 Si0 4 ° pH TDS Tartarate Malonate Succinate Glycolate Formate Acetate Propianate Butyrate Oxalate JMU #7 234 58650 28 47 6 63 962 2.41 78 0 10 .3 0.5 106400 835 2 83 0 240 2.2 6. 83 170 8 37 ND ND 24.6 ND 23. 3 30 4 22 5 .7 ND JMU #7 231 60 430 30 37 7 53 412 2.18 812 0.16 0.6 110000 892 246 0 240 4 .3 7. 23 175 932 ND ND 26.2...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22

25 159 0
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 2 Part 7 ppt

Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 2 Part 7 ppt

... g/g-mol Component Saturates Aromatics Resins Asphaltenes Viscosity mPa»s . 12.8 4.2 - - Viscosity @59°C d 4.2 . - - - 0.1 230 wt.% 48.5 33 .5 13. 2 4.8 OilW2" Density kg/m 3 854.9 842.4 - 8 13. 1 - Density @61°C d 8 13. 1 816.4 819.6 822.9 829 .3 Viscosity mPa*s . 4.60 - 2 .35 - Viscosity @61°C d 2 .35 2.49 2.62 2 .76 3. 04 0.2 2 03 wt.% 55 .3 31.1 9.6 4.0 Oil W3 C Density k...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22

25 239 0
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 1 pps

Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 1 pps

... 12055 234 56 3, 190.5 3, 191.5 3, 192 .7 3, 194.0 3, 195 .7 3, 1 97. 9 3, 199.4 3, 201.0 3, 2 03. 3 3, 205.8 3, 2 07. 1 3, 208.4 3, 209.9 3, 212 .7 3, 216 .7 3, 219.2 49.0 20.4 3. 2 1.4 0 .7 81.5 23. 4 2.8 1.5 0 .7 106.0 ... 12199 234 65 2 ,38 7. 6 2 ,38 8.4 2 ,39 0.1 2 ,39 2 .7 2 ,39 4 .7 2 ,39 5.2 184.0 21 .3 1.6 0.9 2.4 246.0 21 .7 1.2 1.1 1.9 69.0 23. 6...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22

25 153 0
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 2 pptx

Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 2 pptx

... Budmark 2 Morgan Coal Depth ft 2, 170 3, 158 -3, 176 2 ,38 5-2 ,39 5 2,615-2, 630 2 ,39 2.1 2,6 27 2 ,39 3.5 3, 198 .7 2 ,39 1.1 2,1 63 2 ,39 0 2 ,38 8 2,611 3, 200.6 2 ,38 8 .3 2 ,39 2.8 2 ,39 3 To determine Compatibility ... Coal 12199 234 65 Dale 1 McCreery 12055 234 56 Zeigler 2 Mack 12055 2 37 50 Boyd 9 Sanders 1208102628 Depth ft 2 ,39 3.5 2 ,38 8 .3 2 ,39 1.1 2 ,39 0...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22

25 189 0
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 3 ppt

Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 3 ppt

... constant (16-11) (16-12) (16- 13) 556 Reservoir Formation Damage ,2 = ( 17 -3) b. Average random error A x = 0 .79 790^ c. Probable error P= 0. 674 50, ( 17- 4) ( 17- 5) Hence, the measured value ... Reservoir Formation Damage 2Ax (16 -36 ) The central difference formula is obtained as, by substituting Eqs. 16 -33 and 34 for b { ,b 2 at x = x f =0 into E...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22

25 182 0