... C 2 D 3 A = C 3 D 2 = C 4 (|) 2 / 3 a = C 5 /D (3- 5) (3- 6) (3- 7) (3- 8) where C l ,C 2 , ,C 5 are some empirical shape factors. Similarly, for the spherical idealization of a particle, ... be approximated in terms of the mean pore diameter, D, as: V P = nD 3 /6 (3- D 34 Reservoir Formation Damage e \3 o 1 S n t\ . ft . • Brown Brown x" ^ *...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
... densities of the suspensions of fine particles flowing through the cake matrix and porous formation are 282 Reservoir Formation Damage Equation 12 -33 can be rearranged in a linear ... w \ ' I _, filrate (12-99) 286 Reservoir Formation Damage 0.002 jg 0.0015 c co o 0.001 O *7 C T3 O 0.0005 y = 0.0229X - 0.00 03 R 2 = 0.98 73 * Predicted —...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 2 Part 7 ppt
... « ^ ^3 *<* T 5- P to o cr p S, 1 ^ 3 Its §§§ 3 § o 8 3 3 |§ 3 3 - h I-"- R c? <*" 2. 833 cr 3 fD 2 P 3 N ^ ET » O ft) &. 51 f 3 o o o ON V O o O P P CTQ fD Formation ... Marcel Dekker, Inc.). 402 Reservoir Formation Damage 0 .3 T Reservoir Pressure. 280.0 aon Reservoir Temperature, 33 8.0 *K 250 290 30 0 31 0 Temperat...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 1 pdf
... Processes CHAPTER 13 Inorganic Scaling and Geochemical Formation Damage 32 3 Summary, 32 3. Introduction, 32 3. Geochemical Phenomena— Classification, Formulation, Reactions in Porous Media, 32 6. Geochemical ... References, 178. PART III Formation Damage by Participate Processes CHAPTER 10 Single-Phase Formation Damage by Fines Migration and Clay Swellin...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 2 docx
... SPE 38 156 paper, presented at the 1997 SPE European Formation Damage Conference, The Hague, The Neth- erlands, June 2 -3 1997, pp. 1 23- 1 43. Civan, F, Predictability of Formation Damage: ... F., "A Multi-Purpose Formation Damage Model," SPE 31 101 paper, Proceedings of the SPE Formation Damage Symposium, Feb- ruary 14-15, 1996, pp....
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 4 ppsx
... Related to Reservoir Quality, SPE 19407, the SPE Formation Damage Control Symposium held in Lafayette, Louisiana, February 22- 23, 1990, pp. 73- 82. 58 Reservoir Formation Damage O •o O o [INTERCONNECTED ... Petrol. Geol., Vol. 36 (2), 1952, pp. 2 53- 277. 62 Reservoir Formation Damage and the surface area and surface area based diameter, d A , are gi...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 5 potx
... Symposium, March 21- 23, 19 93, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, March 21- 23, 19 93, pp. 231 -248. Liu, X., & Civan, K, " ;Formation Damage and Skin Factors Due to Filter Cake Formation and ... of Formation Damage in Petroleum Reservoirs," paper SPE 2 736 8, Proceedings of the 1994 SPE Formation Damage Control Symposium, Lafayette, Louisiana, February...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 6 docx
... pp. 32 3 -33 8. Amaefule, J. O., Kersey, D. G., Norman, D. L., & Shannon, P. M., "Advances in Formation Damage Assessment and Control Strategies," CIM Paper No. 88 -39 -65, ... F., "Characterization of Formation Damage by Particulate Processes," Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Vol. 31 , No. 3, 1992, pp. 27 -33 . Br...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 7 potx
... "A Multi-Purpose Formation Damage Model," SPE 31 101 paper, Proceedings of the SPE Formation Damage Symposium, Lafayette, LA, February 14-15, 1996, pp. 31 1 -32 6. Civan, F., "Quadrature ... "Compressive Cake Filtration," Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol. 47, 1992, pp. 137 3- 138 1. 136 Reservoir Formation Damage = («£ (7-44) The permeabili...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 8 doc
... November 19 93, pp. 37 - 43. 180 Reservoir Formation Damage Caused by Asphaltene Deposition," SPE 238 10 paper, Proceedings of the SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage ... F., "A Multi-Purpose Formation Damage Model," SPE 31 101 paper, SPE Formation Damage Symposium, Lafayette, Louisiana, February 14-15, 1996, pp. 31 1 -3...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22